Not sure if any of you have played the previous Animal Crossing games or not, but I've been pretty stoked about the new installment that releases today. It's already available on the eShop for 3DS for 35 American States Bucks, though you can pick up a physical cartridge at your favorite, not not-so-favorite, retailer when they open today for the same price.
There was also a limited edition 3DS XL released for the game, I pre-ordered one of these since I didn't already have a system. If you're lucky you might be able to snag one at a GameStop, Best Buy, EB Games, etc. It is a white XL system with AC items stamped all over it. I think it's p rad looking myself, but what do I know about good looking things.
If you're not familiar with the AC series, you're basically a small child who had been indebted to a tanooki and lives in a town full of anthropomorphic animals. The point of the games have been to pretty much just have fun and there has never been much emphasis on needing to complete anything in a set period of time. In New Leaf you are now given the role of mayor of the town and have some new abilities as such, but overall it remains a chilled out life simulator.
Anyway, is anyone else going to be playing this? If so I'll post my friend code upon retrieval of my system and we can start having some laid-back mayor fun.