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I feel ignored by my brother

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I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Never thirsty! » Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:25 pm

I just came home from a sold out 21 pilots show at the LC and I spent the entire night standing and cold I was there along with my brother a friend of his and his girlfriend anyway anyone who lives in Ohio knows how cold it can get even on summer nights I didn't have time to get my hoodie. After a few minutes the temperature started to drop and it was cold and my brother was trying to keep his girlfriend warm while I was standing beside him trembling and shaking from being so cold. I asked him if he could try to keep me warm because I was a lot colder than she was he said no and I'm sick because I spent over five hours standing outside in cold weather with no way of keeping warm except using my brother's shoulder to help me balance which only warmed up my hand. He's done this many times before and it feels like his gf is more important to him than me I don't even want to think about what he'd do if she were there and I was bleeding to death if it seems selfish the way I'm asking you to pray for him to give me more attention I already tried asking him to do something with me alone and his response is always "me and my girlfriend were going to go and... on Saturday. I feel insible to him when she's around and he even has ignored me when I told him I needed something because he was so focused on his gf and my sister being gone made that a lot worse because my mom's always working so I don't really have human contact outside of school I feel like if he had a choice between spending a day with me alone or a day with her alone he'd choose her he hasn't spent any time with me alone just me and him doing something together ever since she came in my a long time ago my mom asked me where I would want to live if something happened to her I said with my brother but right now I'd rather be a homeless orphan it would feel better than being stuck with him not giving me any attention. If that were the case I know I'd be malnourished and dehydrated because I couldn't take care of myself and not because my physcal and emotional needs weren't being met by a my guardian. I think it's bad that I'd rather risk death by starvation and dehydration than live with him if he still had his gf.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:54 am

Praying, though I'm not sure that praying that your brother will spend more time with you is what you need. Maybe you need to pray that your relationship is resolved and you two are closer, because then spending time together will naturally follow. If he is completely absorbed with his girlfriend, then spending time alone with you wouldn't be enjoyable for either of you. Anyways, I'll be praying that you and your brother get closer and he'll learn to be able to be there for you as well. I know what it's like to be out of sync with your siblings.

e: To reiterate what everyone else said, and realizing that what I said wasn't exactly how I wanted to put it. There is more to life than your relationship with your brother. He is inevitably going to have his relationships, and I would assume that you have yours. If not, you should get to know people. As siblings, you should be able to hang out and enjoy each other's company, yeah. But I don't think it's fair to ask him to devote his life to you. Just because he has other things going on in his life doesn't mean he's ignoring you. I have a job, recreational activities I like to do by myself/with friends, and come chat at CAA all the time, but my sister and I still spend time together and love each other, even though the majority of my time is spent away from her. Likewise, I have another sister in college. She's six states away, I haven't seen her since December, and she's usually too busy in classes or studying to even talk to me. But I know she still loves me, and our relationship doesn't have any issues. I'm not jealous of college because it gets more time with my sister than I do.

Think about the things you're saying, like that you think he would let you die because he's too busy with his girlfriend, or that you'd rather die of hunger and thirst than live with him. You're sounding a bit uncaring yourself. Those are pretty hurtful things to say, and if he heard you say that, I don't think it would be a "Oh, I don't care enough about my younger sibling, I really need to rearrange my schedule to spend time with them and make them feel loved", like you seem to desire. I think it would be more of a hurt, disappointed, and slightly exasperated, "What would make them think such a thing? Do I really have to give up all aspects of my life to prove that I love them?" Of course, I'm no expert in older-siblingness, so it's just speculation on my part. But my point is, maybe you need to look at the way you're treating your brother, rather than the other way around. I think you might be blowing this out of proportion and convincing yourself things are a lot worse than they are, when really you're just having a hard time accepting that as much as your brother loves you, there's more to his life than just you. Anyways, still praying that you get this resolved on your side, at least.
Last edited by ClaecElric4God on Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Xeno » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:14 am

I seriously debated whether I should respond to this or not. On the one hand, I don't know what kind of family values you've been raised to hold, but on the other hand I also feel like you need to wake up and smell the garbage can that is reality. So here we go.
Never thirsty! wrote:I just came home from a sold out 21 pilots show at the LC and I spent the entire night standing and cold I was there along with my brother a friend of his and his girlfriend anyway anyone who lives in Ohio knows how cold it can get even on summer nights I didn't have time to get my hoodie. After a few minutes the temperature started to drop and it was cold and my brother was trying to keep his girlfriend warm while I was standing beside him trembling and shaking from being so cold. I asked him if he could try to keep me warm because I was a lot colder than she was he said no and I'm sick because I spent over five hours standing outside in cold weather with no way of keeping warm except using my brother's shoulder to help me balance which only warmed up my hand.

Never assume your own personal situation is worse than someone else's. It very well may be, but you don't know that for sure. You have no way of knowing that you were in fact colder than she was, and if he were to have stopped keeping her warm, she probably would have then become colder than you. You should have planned ahead and dressed for the occasion. You can blame no one other than yourself for getting sick.

He's done this many times before and it feels like his gf is more important to him than me

Umm, well she is his girlfriend and you're his brother. Different dynamic. She is going to be more important to him in many aspects than you will. That's how relationships between people work.

I don't even want to think about what he'd do if she were there and I was bleeding to death

Where did this even come from? This is completely out of left-field and has nothing to do with what you were just talking about. You honestly think that if you were dying that your brother would just stand there and ignore you if his girlfriend were there? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Such thoughts are entirely illogical.

if it seems selfish the way I'm asking you to pray for him to give me more attention I already tried asking him to do something with me alone and his response is always "me and my girlfriend were going to go and... on Saturday. I feel insible to him when she's around and he even has ignored me when I told him I needed something because he was so focused on his gf and my sister being gone made that a lot worse because my mom's always working so I don't really have human contact outside of school

Well it sounds like you need to try to get out and meet some people and expand your social circle to be beyond just your family. That way when you can't so things with your brother or mom you can go do things with your friends, or you can maybe find someone you're interested in and develop a relationship of your own.

I feel like if he had a choice between spending a day with me alone or a day with her alone he'd choose her he hasn't spent any time with me alone just me and him doing something together ever since she came in

Again, this is how relationships work man. People who are dating want and choose to be around each other. Usually a lot. Sometimes they even start living together, and then have kids. This is not unusual. To be honest, I'm not in a relationship with anyone and I barely spend, or ever spent, time alone with my brother.

my a long time ago my mom asked me where I would want to live if something happened to her I said with my brother but right now I'd rather be a homeless orphan it would feel better than being stuck with him not giving me any attention. If that were the case I know I'd be malnourished and dehydrated because I couldn't take care of myself and not because my physcal and emotional needs weren't being met by a my guardian. I think it's bad that I'd rather risk death by starvation and dehydration than live with him if he still had his gf.

Once again, this doesn't make any sense. What does the malnutrition and dehydration have to do with anything? You seem really torn up that your siblings are growing up and that you aren't, but life dictates that things change. You can either go along with it or get left behind. It's your choice to either deal with how things are going and adapt, or get lost in the crushing waves of change as they move your loved ones ahead leaving you standing on the shoreline.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Never thirsty! » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:30 pm

1What does the scenerio of me bleeding to death have to do with that? I was saying I felt so ignored by him he probably wouldn't pay attention to me long enough to save my life.

2. What do malnutrition and dehydration have to do with this? He might be focused on his gf to the point that I don't have water or food. If I was on the street without food or waterit would feel better I'm not being ignored I'm just not able to take care of myself.

3. I didn't know I was going to the concert until 10 minutes until I had to leave so I had to shower extremely fast (that took three minutes) change clothes(two minutes), and eat dinner(five minutes and I didn't finish my food) seconds in 10 minutes and my hoodie was in the basment drying after I washed it and I couldn't go downstairs and be back upstairs in 30 seconds. 45 seconds to grab my hoodie and my house key which I took out of my hoodie pocket and it was still in the basement
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby K. Ayato » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:45 pm

I would seriously question the relationship between you and your brother. You can't possibly expect him to put his own life on hold just to make sure everything is all right with you. And think about his girlfriend for a moment. I don't know how long they've been going out together, but how do you think she'd feel when she's looking forward to a romantic date with your brother, just the two of them, only to find out she has to share him with you because your brother can't bear to leave you alone to figure out life yourself. Personally, I wouldn't put up with such behavior in a guy for long if he can't live his own life because he has to make sure his younger sibling has to be able to have his/her own.

Here's another thing. What if your brother decides to get married? Maybe not to the girl he's currently dating, but sometime in the future? Are you demanding he have a spare bedroom so you can live with him? Are you expecting to work extra hard to feed not just him and his wife, but you as well?

Your brother obviously has his own life to live. Newsflash: It won't always involve you, but he'll always be your brother. Let him go.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby goldenspines » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:48 pm

I suggest you start learning how to fend for yourself in life. Soon you'll be legally an adult and have to make your own decisions. You cannot rely on your brother or anyone else to care for you forever. You are not a child anymore.

I'll be praying things work out for you.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Never thirsty! » Wed May 01, 2013 11:56 am

It's not even about me being cold or anything else it's just that when his gf is around I feel invisible because of his gf he's so wrapped up in her that I feel like he looks at me and sees a transparent object as like he wanted me to go with him but didn't even act like I was there I couldn't even thank him for letting me come with him. That and it's not my fault I'm around when she's around I can't drive because of my condition so he gives me a ride when I need one to church or youth group school club anything none of those are in biking or walking distance. When he agrees to pick me up he agrees for his date to possibly be interuptef. When he agrees to pick me up and when he does I have no idea if his gf'll be there so if I've no way of knowing that how do I know I'm interupting one of their dates?
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Xeno » Wed May 01, 2013 12:59 pm

Holy septuple post batman.

Again, you're acting like it's your brother's responsibility to care for you when it isn't. He has a girlfriend and she is more important to him now. Stop expecting him to drop her to do things with and for you because it is not going to happen. You're lucky he's being kind enough to give you rides places, that sounds like he's being a pretty good brother. And if he is interrupting one of his dates to pick you up, you shouldn't expect to suddenly be involved in it.

Maybe you should ask to talk to him about this instead of talking to a bunch of internet folks about it.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby goldenspines » Wed May 01, 2013 4:00 pm

Wow, that was weird. I deleted your extra six duplicated posts, Never thirsty. o.O Guessing your internet went weird. But try to be careful in the future.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby AndrewinIce » Wed May 01, 2013 9:39 pm

As a big brother myself, I have to say he sounds like he's being a jerk. I can understand where your coming from completely. I also know how nice it is just to tell some people. My best advice is that you talk to him. Explain the situation calmly. Explain how you feel. If he's a good brother, he'll try to be better.
Remember that he does love you, and he loves his GF also. Remember that you are important to him, whether he remembers it right now or not.
Praying for you...
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Xeno » Wed May 01, 2013 9:45 pm

AndrewinIce wrote:As a big brother myself, I have to say he sounds like he's being a jerk. I can understand where your coming from completely. I also know how nice it is just to tell some people. My best advice is that you talk to him. Explain the situation calmly. Explain how you feel. If he's a good brother, he'll try to be better.
Remember that he does love you, and he loves his GF also. Remember that you are important to him, whether he remembers it right now or not.
Praying for you...

Excuse me, but how is he being a jerk by living his own life while still obviously making some concessions for Never Thirsty!? It's not his brother's responsibility to make how own life revolve around NT, and to expect that is ridiculous. Maybe that's what you did with your younger sibling(s), but it's hardly normal or encouraged.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Ally-Ann » Thu May 02, 2013 9:00 am

I'm just pretty much going to reiterate what everyone else has already said...

Never thirsty! wrote:I just came home from a sold out 21 pilots show at the LC and I spent the entire night standing and cold I was there along with my brother a friend of his and his girlfriend anyway anyone who lives in Ohio knows how cold it can get even on summer nights I didn't have time to get my hoodie.

Getting a jacket really quickly from a closet or bedroom takes, like, maybe 5 seconds. I think you probably had plenty of time to grab a hoodie.

After a few minutes the temperature started to drop and it was cold and my brother was trying to keep his girlfriend warm while I was standing beside him trembling and shaking from being so cold. I asked him if he could try to keep me warm because I was a lot colder than she was he said no and I'm sick because I spent over five hours standing outside in cold weather with no way of keeping warm except using my brother's shoulder to help me balance which only warmed up my hand.

1. It was your own fault that you didn't grab the hoodie.

2. This sounds really selfish. You don't know how cold she was, and she's your brother's girlfriend. You and her are not equals when it comes to who your brother decides to take care of first. I'm not saying she's better than you, I'm saying that in a good relationship between a man and a woman, the woman's well-being is often the main priority to the man. That's the way things work. Bring a hoodie next time.

it feels like his gf is more important to him than me I don't even want to think about what he'd do if she were there and I was bleeding to death

... Okay, seriously? Right now, she kind of is more important to him. You sound like you want him to love his girlfriend and you completely equally in the same way, when in reality, that's not the way love works. There are several different types of love, and the love he has for his girlfriend is not the same as the love he has for you. If it was the same, that would be weird and disturbing. He loves you, but right now his main concern is with his girlfriend.

Also, what on earth is with the bleeding to death comment? So, because he was consumed with keeping his girlfriend warm, you think that's enough proof that he would let you bleed to death just because his girlfriend's with him? As Xeno already stated, this is illogical, and quite frankly, something that a ten-year-old would say because he's not the center of attention. I hope you never EVER say that to your brother's face, because if you did, that would be a terribly selfish insult that could really hurt him.

if it seems selfish the way I'm asking you to pray for him to give me more attention I already tried asking him to do something with me alone and his response is always "me and my girlfriend were going to go and... on Saturday.

I don't know about praying for him to give you more attention, but echoing what someone else already stated, I'll pray for your relationship to get better between you and him. Him giving you attention whenever you want it or whenever his girlfriend is around won't fix the problem.

he hasn't spent any time with me alone just me and him doing something together ever since she came in

Get over it. Are you suggesting that you wish she had never come into his life, to make him happy and? I understand what it's like to feel like your brother is ignoring you all the time for someone else, as my own brother does the exact same thing, but you know how to fix that? You get a hobby, or make some friends at church or youth group, plan a day to go out have fun, and live your life while your brother lives his. Your brother won't always be there to drop everything he's doing to go and cater to your every whim when you want him to. He's growing up, and part of growing up is getting a life, and sometimes getting a girlfriend, maybe marrying, and maybe having kids, and he may not want you to live with him if all those life-events happen eventually. I know I wouldn't want my siblings (Or even my parents) living with me and my husband if I were ever to get married and have a family. But I'm getting waaay ahead of myself here.

but right now I'd rather be a homeless orphan it would feel better than being stuck with him not giving me any attention.

Your brother loves his girlfriend and is concerned about her well-being. Life sucks, doesn't it?

If that were the case I know I'd be malnourished and dehydrated because I couldn't take care of myself and not because my physcal and emotional needs weren't being met by a my guardian. I think it's bad that I'd rather risk death by starvation and dehydration than live with him if he still had his gf.

Get a job. I've met plenty of people with severe physical and emotional disorders who actually worked to earn their own money, and were therefore able to pay for their own food and health. You mean to tell me that if you were to live with your brother and his possible-girlfrind/wife when you're an adult, you wouldn't work and would expect to leech off of your brother for free? If your brother ever complied with that, it would prove that he really is an amazing brother, and you're really just being pathetically selfish. I'm sorry if I'm sounding mean and uncaring, but I-- along with several other people-- have been in your place, and we've made it just fine without whining or complaining to anyone that we "weren't getting enough attention".

Yes, it hurts emotionally, but maybe, when your brother has some alone time, talk to him about the way you feel; but please, don't go and blow it by starting off with something like, "You've been ignoring me!" If for some reason he doesn't want to spend alone time with you, then let it go, accept it, and move on. He doesn't owe you anything, and he has the right to live his life the way he wants to without feeling tied down. He loves you, I'm sure, but he has his own life to live.

There are going to be times in your life where you will feel utterly alone, but that's part of growing up. You stop your whining, you learn to cope with it, and in the process, you mature (hopefully). And keep in mind that there will never be a time when the world revolves around you, and you just have to deal with it.

Nevertheless, I'll still pray for your relationship with him. I'm not so heartless that I wouldn't pray for you. Though it probably sounds like I'm a heartless jerk, huh? Sorry...
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby K. Ayato » Thu May 02, 2013 9:13 am

You should be grateful that your brother is AT LEAST going out of his way to give you a ride from point A to point B. Also be grateful that it appears his girlfriend is okay with that. It's obviously not all you want from him, but be thankful you at least have an older brother who cares enough to provide transportation.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby WhisperLove » Thu May 02, 2013 1:28 pm

I'll be praying that you and your brother get closer, but at the same time know that he won't ALWAYS be there for you because he also has a life too. I also think you should talk to him about how you feel and try to strengthen your bond with him. If you have a strong bond no matter where he is or what he's doing you still know that you are there for each other and can count on one another for things. Remember that you also have to become independent and stand on your own two feet and can't expect him to baby you. I'm an older sibling myself and even though I don't always hang out or talk to my little brother it doesn't mean that I don't care about him. Hope this helps :)

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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby AndrewinIce » Thu May 02, 2013 9:30 pm

Ally-Ann wrote:I'm just pretty much going to reiterate what everyone else has already said...

Never thirsty! wrote:I just came home from a sold out 21 pilots show at the LC and I spent the entire night standing and cold I was there along with my brother a friend of his and his girlfriend anyway anyone who lives in Ohio knows how cold it can get even on summer nights I didn't have time to get my hoodie.

Getting a jacket really quickly from a closet or bedroom takes, like, maybe 5 seconds. I think you probably had plenty of time to grab a hoodie.

After a few minutes the temperature started to drop and it was cold and my brother was trying to keep his girlfriend warm while I was standing beside him trembling and shaking from being so cold. I asked him if he could try to keep me warm because I was a lot colder than she was he said no and I'm sick because I spent over five hours standing outside in cold weather with no way of keeping warm except using my brother's shoulder to help me balance which only warmed up my hand.

1. It was your own fault that you didn't grab the hoodie.

2. This sounds really selfish. You don't know how cold she was, and she's your brother's girlfriend. You and her are not equals when it comes to who your brother decides to take care of first. I'm not saying she's better than you, I'm saying that in a good relationship between a man and a woman, the woman's well-being is often the main priority to the man. That's the way things work. Bring a hoodie next time.

it feels like his gf is more important to him than me I don't even want to think about what he'd do if she were there and I was bleeding to death

... Okay, seriously? Right now, she kind of is more important to him. You sound like you want him to love his girlfriend and you completely equally in the same way, when in reality, that's not the way love works. There are several different types of love, and the love he has for his girlfriend is not the same as the love he has for you. If it was the same, that would be weird and disturbing. He loves you, but right now his main concern is with his girlfriend.

Also, what on earth is with the bleeding to death comment? So, because he was consumed with keeping his girlfriend warm, you think that's enough proof that he would let you bleed to death just because his girlfriend's with him? As Xeno already stated, this is illogical, and quite frankly, something that a ten-year-old would say because he's not the center of attention. I hope you never EVER say that to your brother's face, because if you did, that would be a terribly selfish insult that could really hurt him.

if it seems selfish the way I'm asking you to pray for him to give me more attention I already tried asking him to do something with me alone and his response is always "me and my girlfriend were going to go and... on Saturday.

I don't know about praying for him to give you more attention, but echoing what someone else already stated, I'll pray for your relationship to get better between you and him. Him giving you attention whenever you want it or whenever his girlfriend is around won't fix the problem.

he hasn't spent any time with me alone just me and him doing something together ever since she came in

Get over it. Are you suggesting that you wish she had never come into his life, to make him happy and? I understand what it's like to feel like your brother is ignoring you all the time for someone else, as my own brother does the exact same thing, but you know how to fix that? You get a hobby, or make some friends at church or youth group, plan a day to go out have fun, and live your life while your brother lives his. Your brother won't always be there to drop everything he's doing to go and cater to your every whim when you want him to. He's growing up, and part of growing up is getting a life, and sometimes getting a girlfriend, maybe marrying, and maybe having kids, and he may not want you to live with him if all those life-events happen eventually. I know I wouldn't want my siblings (Or even my parents) living with me and my husband if I were ever to get married and have a family. But I'm getting waaay ahead of myself here.

but right now I'd rather be a homeless orphan it would feel better than being stuck with him not giving me any attention.

Your brother loves his girlfriend and is concerned about her well-being. Life sucks, doesn't it?

If that were the case I know I'd be malnourished and dehydrated because I couldn't take care of myself and not because my physcal and emotional needs weren't being met by a my guardian. I think it's bad that I'd rather risk death by starvation and dehydration than live with him if he still had his gf.

Get a job. I've met plenty of people with severe physical and emotional disorders who actually worked to earn their own money, and were therefore able to pay for their own food and health. You mean to tell me that if you were to live with your brother and his possible-girlfrind/wife when you're an adult, you wouldn't work and would expect to leech off of your brother for free? If your brother ever complied with that, it would prove that he really is an amazing brother, and you're really just being pathetically selfish. I'm sorry if I'm sounding mean and uncaring, but I-- along with several other people-- have been in your place, and we've made it just fine without whining or complaining to anyone that we "weren't getting enough attention".

Yes, it hurts emotionally, but maybe, when your brother has some alone time, talk to him about the way you feel; but please, don't go and blow it by starting off with something like, "You've been ignoring me!" If for some reason he doesn't want to spend alone time with you, then let it go, accept it, and move on. He doesn't owe you anything, and he has the right to live his life the way he wants to without feeling tied down. He loves you, I'm sure, but he has his own life to live.

There are going to be times in your life where you will feel utterly alone, but that's part of growing up. You stop your whining, you learn to cope with it, and in the process, you mature (hopefully). And keep in mind that there will never be a time when the world revolves around you, and you just have to deal with it.

Nevertheless, I'll still pray for your relationship with him. I'm not so heartless that I wouldn't pray for you. Though it probably sounds like I'm a heartless jerk, huh? Sorry...

You could have just saved everyone the time of the reading your long message and summed up with the following;
1; Your an idiot
2; Get over it
3: I'm a **** bag

Xeno wrote:
AndrewinIce wrote:As a big brother myself, I have to say he sounds like he's being a jerk. I can understand where your coming from completely. I also know how nice it is just to tell some people. My best advice is that you talk to him. Explain the situation calmly. Explain how you feel. If he's a good brother, he'll try to be better.
Remember that he does love you, and he loves his GF also. Remember that you are important to him, whether he remembers it right now or not.
Praying for you...

Excuse me, but how is he being a jerk by living his own life while still obviously making some concessions for Never Thirsty!? It's not his brother's responsibility to make how own life revolve around NT, and to expect that is ridiculous. Maybe that's what you did with your younger sibling(s), but it's hardly normal or encouraged.

Making a family member feel invisible? Yeah, there's nothing he needs to work on. :eyeroll:
Where did I say 'It's a brother's responsibility to make his own life revolve around NT"? Oh wait, right...I didn't. :hits_self
:eyebrow: And also, who made you the person who decides what was 'normal' or 'encouraged'...

She feels abounded because he's focused on his GF. Why is it that she just needs to 'move on' and 'deal with it'? This is a relationship that has been building for (most likely) more years than he has known his GF. What she's saying is that she misses him and wants to spend quality time with him. Why is that so bad? Why can't the brother set aside a day do something with her?
Am I saying that he should dump the GF? No.
I'm just saying that he's a douche-bags if he can't spend some time with his sis. That's my opinion, as a young brother of 20 years and an older one of 13.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby goldenspines » Thu May 02, 2013 10:00 pm

Wait, Never Thirsty is a girl? I am so confused...

Anyways, AndrewinIce, regardless of what you think of another person's opinion, it gives you no excuse to curse on the board (even starred out, the intent is still there) nor show disrespect towards a fellow member. You want to pick a fight with someone on the board? Either do it via PM or step away from the computer and go walk it off before you make a post publicly. [/mod note]

This thread is not for putting down other people, it's for trying to help out Never Thirsty. This may mean agreeing with her/him or it may be disagreeing with her/him, but regardless, everyone here is putting an effort towards helping her/him with the current issue she/he is facing. No one is calling him/her an idiot, but people certainly do have different ideas on what would be the best for the situation. Does Never Thirsty have to follow all this advice or else DOOM or whatever? Of course not, but it gives her/him something to consider in her/his situation.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Xeno » Fri May 03, 2013 1:45 am

AndrewinIce wrote:You could have just saved everyone the time of the reading your long message and summed up with the following;
1; Your an idiot
2; Get over it
3: I'm a **** bag

Well I'm certainly not going to argue with number 3 because you certainly are.

AndrewinIce wrote:Making a family member feel invisible? Yeah, there's nothing he needs to work on. :eyeroll:
Where did I say 'It's a brother's responsibility to make his own life revolve around NT"? Oh wait, right...I didn't. :hits_self
:eyebrow: And also, who made you the person who decides what was 'normal' or 'encouraged'...

Your message implied it, and I made myself that person.

AndrewinIce wrote:She feels abounded because he's focused on his GF. Why is it that she just needs to 'move on' and 'deal with it'? This is a relationship that has been building for (most likely) more years than he has known his GF. What she's saying is that she misses him and wants to spend quality time with him. Why is that so bad? Why can't the brother set aside a day do something with her?
Am I saying that he should dump the GF? No.
I'm just saying that he's a douche-bags if he can't spend some time with his sis. That's my opinion, as a young brother of 20 years and an older one of 13.

Well congratulations on having siblings? Know who else has siblings? A lot of people. I've been an older brother longer than you have, so if you want to play the experience game then I've got you beat. The point we are all making is that NT is complaining that his brother isn't spending as much time with him as NT wants. This is a selfish complaint and NT does need to get over it and stop living like his brother's life revolves around him.

Sorry your attempted smack down of everyone/coddling of NT failed, but it did and everyone stands in opposition to your opinion.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Ally-Ann » Fri May 03, 2013 6:46 am

Andrewinice wrote: You could have just saved everyone the time of the reading your long message and summed up with the following;
1; Your an idiot
2; Get over it
3: I'm a **** bag


First of all, I gave advice to NT. Not everyone had to read it, as it was for him to read. You made the decision to read it.

1. Oh? I'm an idiot? Tell me, oh great, Knowledgeable One; how many idiots do you know that excel in French and Mandarin Chinese? How many idiots do you know who have the intentions of taking a philosophy course before college, and a fourth language? How many idiots do you know that have straight A's? Oh, right. You don't. I'm not an idiot, thank you. If you wish for me to send you a list of other talents and accomplishments that I've achieved that prove that I'm not an idiot, please PM me.

2. Get over what? I'm not the one who's bent out of shape about not getting enough attention, nor am I the one throwing juvenile insults at people I don't agree with.

3. Believe me, I know you are.

You're swearing at me and calling me an idiot just because I don't agree with you? You have quite a bit of maturing that needs to happen if you're getting mad over my reply that was intended for NT. Honestly, before you argue with someone again, please, take a debate course; name-calling when you're mad at someone who doesn't agree with you is something that a 12-year-old does, and it ruins your reputation.

I told NT that I would pray that his relationship would get stronger between his brother, but that's not the same as praying for NT to simply get more attention whenever he pleases. His brother probably spent loads of alone time with him throughout his life, and now that his brother is in a good relationship with a girlfriend, he's whining and griping that he's not getting enough attention. Me not praying for him to get more attention when he wants doesn't make me what you implied, and it certainly doesn't make me an idiot. If you wish to try to insult me some more, PM me. This prayer thread is turning into an argument thread.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby anlptgtsg » Fri May 03, 2013 7:44 am

Praying for God's will. You can't always expect someone will be there because no one can't. And he probably don't know how cold you are and stuff. You really don't know what he is thinking.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby WhisperLove » Fri May 03, 2013 12:27 pm

Um...I've only been here for a few days but this is a prayer room, instead of arguing with each other shouldn't we be trying to help this person? Everyone has their own opinion and whichever choice this person wants to follow then so be it. Let's not belittle each other. :)

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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Sheenar » Fri May 03, 2013 12:42 pm

Where did my post go? I replied earlier today and now it is not there. Weird.

Anyway, I agree with WhisperLove. Sniping at each other gets us nowhere.

NT, I will pray about your situation. I pray that you come to rest in who you are in Christ.
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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby mechana2015 » Fri May 03, 2013 1:07 pm

Please return thread to responses to OP. Further addressing of other posters will not be tolerated and will result in further moderation of this thread.

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Re: I feel ignored by my brother

Postby Selfless » Fri May 10, 2013 9:49 am


Ontopic; praying.
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