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John the Baptist, a movie Clip.

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John the Baptist, a movie Clip.

Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:51 pm

Ok, a little background!
In the Jesus and bible movies, John the baptist tends to be portrayed as a wild man. I crazy prophet. I don't know why.
Maybe because of these bible verses :
Matthew 3:1"Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea" Matt3:3 “The voice of one crying in the wilderness"
Matt 3:4 "Now John himself had a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey."
Luke 7:33 "For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, 'He has a demon!'"
There could be other references or reasons on why movies tend to like to build his character as a wild man, however, that's not really my point here, but at least you can go with the flow when watching his act. xD

It's been a while since I've seen an acting of John I found entertaining, but I liked this! And, I liked His hair. :3

Here is some scripture that the scene is loosely based off of. There were other scriptures pulled in I think, but this is at least the main point of the scenes.

Link :
Read below....

Matthew 3
New American Standard Bible
The Preaching of John the Baptist

1Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, 2“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

3For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said,

4Now John himself had a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. 5Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea and all the district around the Jordan; 6and they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins.

7But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8“Therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance; 9and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham. 10“The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

11“As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12“His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
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Re: John the Baptist, a movie Clip.

Postby K. Ayato » Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:45 pm

And what's the point in sharing this? I don't see how it's a testimonial at all, let alone belonging in this forum.
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