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Research report and family.

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Research report and family.

Postby samurai10 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:26 pm

I. Am. So. Annoyed. :rant:

My mom KNOWS I have never done a research report before. My mom KNOWS I have absolutely no idea what the heck I'm doing. :hits_self And yet she's still bugging me and bugging me and BUGGING ME to finish it soon. And by soon I mean like today kind of soon.

She's calling me twice a day and talking to me about it at night. I'm nearly at the end of my fuse. If she brings it up tonight I might snap. I really might. This is really frustrating, and really maddening. :bang:

Please pray that I may have the patience to deal with my mother. And please pray that I may finish it soon so she'll stop nagging me to death about it. :?:

Thanks in advance, guys. Really appreciate it.
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby TopazRaven » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:33 pm

I'll be praying for you! Though I'm really going to suggest you try calmly talking to your mother about this the next time she brings it up or whenever you get a chance to talk. Even if you think she knows these things already, give her a reminder. Let her know how much she is stressing you over this and that if she wants you to finish this report then you need some space. It's worth a try at least.
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby MrKrillz0r » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Praying! And I would suggest what Topaz said, and I'd like to add that you should pray about this matter too, even if it seems like it might be "too small" to pray about. God cares for you and He wants the best for you, so ask Him for help! :)
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby samurai10 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:53 am

I just snapped at my dad.

My mom has gotten my whole family on my case. I've just blockaded myself in my room, because I swear, if anyone comes in here asking what I'm doing, I'm going to scream.
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby Atria35 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:07 am

^ I... actually think that's a reasonale response if she's gotten the entire family on it. Have you sat down with your dad and explained that, while you appreciate your mom's efforts at helping you get this done (yes, this might come out in sarcasm and I wouldn't blame you), all this is hindering you rather than helping you?
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby Xeno » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:09 am

Have you tried to get your mother or father to help you with getting the paper done? If you aren't familiar with how to do these kinds of things then perhaps they can help. Instead of flipping out at them/her because of pressure being applied to you, why not just try to see if they can assist in getting this thing done?
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:03 pm

It might be time to sit down and talk with your mother about boundaries. Granted, that might not go over well, and I would wait until this paper thing is over, but ultimately your grades are your responsibility. As your mother invades your boundaries and nags at you, she is not training you to become self-sufficient; she is trying (consciously or unconsciously) to make you dependent on her for motivation. Explain to her that your paper is your responsibility, and whether you finish it or not, you'll have to deal with the consequences.

Granted, that's all nice in theory but a lot of people with a poor sense of boundaries, as your mother appears to have, react poorly when others try to create healthy boundaries. But trust me, my mother was pretty bad too (once when I was in college she called me at 6 in the morning to tell me I needed to study more). There were a lot of fights but eventually I demonstrated to her that I was responsible for my own life and she didn't need to butt in to get me to do what I would normally do.

First, though, I'd say get the paper done, and I agree that asking your parents to help rather than nag would be a good idea (but don't phrase it that way, because that wouldn't help the situation). After it blows over, sit down and have a calm conversation with your parents about boundaries.
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby NovaCammy » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:44 am

Praying for it, as a student it kinda makes me mad that for my case my sister will
be like a police too me eventhough i'm glad she know when to talk about the job & when not.
And i hope you will find someone that can help you in the paper, because i know is hard to do
some research
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Re: Research report and family.

Postby samurai10 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:36 pm

*takes deep breath*

Okay, well, my sister helped me to get it out. I'm not finished with it yet, but I finished the part that my mom wanted done so badly. I like working with my sisters more than my parents because my dad has no clue what he's doing and my mom makes me feel inferiorly stupid.

Bringing up the subject of having talks with my mom.... *cringes* My sisters had the same problems with my mom in highschool that I'm going through. They both finished highschool a year early just so they could get away from my mom as a teacher. My oldest sister just went to an out of state school so she wouldn't have to deal with my mom. My middle sister had a talk with my mom about this stuff and my mom blew up. Literally. I have never heard her scream that loud before.

The point is, I'm just really scared of talking to my mom, especially about things like this. Boundaries. My oldest sister never had the talk, my middle sister did, and it blew up in her face....

So yeah. Thanks for the prayers.
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