sh51 (post: 1467005) wrote:God said that there be animals on earth, so the chicken appeared with all the others animals and then laid eggs. So the chicken came first! ^_^
Midori (post: 1467011) wrote:Erm, that's not how this game works.
So, Do you prefer pistachio ice cream, or red bean ice cream?
TopazRaven (post: 1466989) wrote:What came first, the chicken or the egg?
MomentOfInertia (post: 1466970) wrote:What is love?
Sapphire225 (post: 1466992) wrote:How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
TheMewster (post: 1467333) wrote:What did God create:animals or eggs?
Diamond Dragon (post: 1467359) wrote:Do you know the Vocaloids? The Vocaloids? The Vocaloids? Do you know the Vocaloids? they live in Tokyo! *sung to do you know the muffin man*
Regina Ignom. (post: 1470769) wrote:How does one achieve enlightenment, O great guru?
Sapphire225 (post: 1470780) wrote:How long does it take to travel for Paris to Berlin?
bobmonkeys (post: 1471240) wrote:Who am I?
Neane (post: 1528871) wrote:What is the meaning of all existence?
SincerelyAnomymous (post: 1529033) wrote:To be or not to be?
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