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<.< >.> The mysterious Nami.

If you're new to CAA, we invite you to tell us about yourself here. This is the place to post your own bio or read up on other members. Be as in depth as you like!

<.< >.> The mysterious Nami.

Postby Nami » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:18 am

Well, after a lot of thought and consideration... I finally decided to post this thread. Tomorrow marks the 6th year I've been on CAA and I was stunned that I've been here for 6 years. I've not actually told anyone about myself, and I never had a thread like this when I joined in 2005. I've seen some crazy stuff, and remember barely any of it. So, here I go, wanna get to know the mysterious Nami?!

My favorite drink is Mountain Dew Throwback, I am more into coffee because there is less sugar involved.

I have 5 different personalities, all of which are annoying, rude and talk way to much for their own good, you see me spacing out? That's me paying attention to the chaos in my head.

Music is my drug addiction and art is my love.

I adore K-pop, J-Rock and almost any music you can think of.

Those are starters! So, please feel free to ask me anything.

P.S. you see that thing in my sig; "long have I remained a mystery"? That may change, depending on the answers asked~ ^_~ Good luck!
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Postby acgifford » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:30 am

Fav book?
fav color?
fav animal?

answer me woman!!(jk) lol :D
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
Proud member of MOES!! You better believe I have no scrolling.^_~
[color="Blue"]Doctor Who fan!! [/color]:jump:
[color="Yellow"]"Dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams[/color]
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Postby Nami » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:42 am

acgifford (post: 1465372) wrote:Fav book?
fav color?
fav animal?

answer me woman!!(jk) lol :D

Elementary my dear, Watson.

[color="MediumTurquoise"]Book, well, that's always a hard one for me. I read from 100 to 1,000 books in a year, I've never counted. All I can say is, 10 books end up in my room in a week, 9 of them leave within 2 weeks. But let me see, out of the ones' I have read in 2011, I think]The Agency: A spy in the house[/I] By Y.S. Lee, is so far, my favorite. :D A female detective working undercover in the late 1800s? Who could ask for more? [/color]

[color="DarkOrange"]Colors are a weird thing for me as well, I tend to like all colors of the rainbow, and then some. They just go in their proper places. Out of place, ex. puke green on a car, GROSS! But, as for colors I actually like to have on my person, Red suits me. But Blue is my favorite.[/color]

[color="Purple"]Now, if you had asked me that question when I was 10, I would have stuttered out a nice list of animals. I in fact, love a lot of animals, but none so much as the White Tiger, they are simply too stunning for words. And very, very elegant. My dream is to pet one.[/color]

Answered~ C'mon anything else? What are you dying to know?
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:14 pm

[Really important questions]
Do you rap?
Will you lend me your art skillz?
[Less important questions]
Where do you live?
Whats your job? (If you have one which I know you do) :D
How often do you read manga/watch anime?
Is it true that the coolest and most awesome member on CAA is named "MrKrillz0r"?
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:18 pm

What are some of your favorite anime/manga?
Play any video games?
Is TopazRaven not the most awesomest awesomly awesome raven you have ever met?

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Postby rocklobster » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:25 pm

1. Favorite writers?
2. Favorite anime?
3. Favorite musicians?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Seto_Sora » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:26 pm

Nami (post: 1465362) wrote:I have 5 different personalities, all of which are annoying, rude and talk way to much for their own good, you see me spacing out? That's me paying attention to the chaos in my head.

How can you have five different personalities that all have the same personality traits?
How many personalities do we see here on CAA? is Nami just one of those?
Are these like internet personalities and do they differ from your IRL personality?
What colour is your hair?


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Postby Lynna » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:30 pm

You have been on this site a long time! What can you say about how the site has changed since you first joined, and the stages it's been through while you've been here?
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:09 pm

How are you?
What question(s?) would you like to be asked?
What is (are?) the answer(s)?
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Postby aliveinHim » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:08 am

How come you're in Nigeria? Who is the guy in your avatar?
"And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:1-7
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Postby Nami » Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:45 am

MrKrillz0r (post: 1465402) wrote:[Really important questions]
Do you rap?
Will you lend me your art skillz?
[Less important questions]
Where do you live?
Whats your job? (If you have one which I know you do) :D
How often do you read manga/watch anime?
Is it true that the coolest and most awesome member on CAA is named "MrKrillz0r"?

[color="Red"]I rap! Yes, but I can't really do it well in person, I'm better at rhymes on paper. [/color]
I would love to lend them to you for a few weeks, but you seem to be good at art already.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]I live anywhere my heart wants, mostly my heart is in Japan. But I live in Maryland fur-realz. [/color]

[color="Green"]I am a Typist at the local newspaper in my area~ We are a small group, but its so much fun to work here. The people are great.[/color]

[color="Blue"]I read manga about every single day, watching anime is harder because I don't have internet at home, unless you count re-watching Kodocha for the 100th time. [/color]

[color="Indigo"]Actually, I can't be certain of who the most awesomest member of CAA is. And if I were forced to choose, in all fairness, you are awesome, but Mithrandir is pretty sweet because he created CAA. [/color]

TopazRaven (post: 1465403) wrote:What are some of your favorite anime/manga?
Play any video games?
Is TopazRaven not the most awesomest awesomly awesome raven you have ever met?


[color="DarkOrchid"]Favorites, hmmm, lets see. For starters, Hellsing OVA is one of my favorites, I love that anime and manga series though apparently the perv level is high, watch out. Kodocha, I've watched that anime at least 50 times all together now. Ouran High School Host Club, but only the subbed. Durarara!!, the animation is cool and the story rules. [/color]

[color="Red"]As for Manga, that's hard to say, I have over 30 titles on my bookshelf. But the ones I like to re-read the most are Hellsing, Beauty Pop, Love*Com, Death Note, Bleach, Millennium Snow, Black Butler, there are a few more, but I can't remember them all.[/color]

[color="DarkOrange"]I love video games. My favorite one to play is Kingdom Hearts 2, I do enjoy battle games though, like Tekken. But I'm more into the Final Fantasy video games. Also, any first person shooters are awesome with me.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]Yes, TopazRaven is the awesomest raven I have ever met! Because she rocks. XD[/color]

rocklobster (post: 1465405) wrote:1. Favorite writers?
2. Favorite anime?
3. Favorite musicians?

[color="Green"]Now, that's not an easy question to answer, I have many authors whom I love a great deal. However, if I had to name a few for their inspiring and down-right brilliant writing skills that I hope someday to have, I would say, C.S. Lewis, Bram Stoker, Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, Jane Austin, Y.S. Lee, Lewis Carroll,J.R.R. Tolkien, Brandon Mull, and Juliet Marillier. [/color]

[color="RoyalBlue"]Ahhh, a hard question indeed. I've given much thought on how to answer such a question and can honestly say, I really don't know how to reply. But, I will say that one of my favorites is Ouran High School Host Club SUBBED. I am actually in pain every time I watch the Dubbed. But Kodocha is one of my favorites as well as Hellsing OVA.[/color]

[color="Indigo"]Hmm, another interesting question, equally as hard to answer. See, its not so much the musicians but the songs that I like. And sometimes, I don't even know the artist, I just like the song. But, if I had to choose my favorite of this month, I'd say... SHINee, a Korean Pop band, or Owl City.[/color]

PatrickEklektos (post: 1465406) wrote:How can you have five different personalities that all have the same personality traits?
How many personalities do we see here on CAA? is Nami just one of those?
Are these like internet personalities and do they differ from your IRL personality?
What colour is your hair?


[color="Plum"]An excellent question, well, Patrick, they don't all have the same personalities. They are all different and all have traits that I show in my every day life]

[color="Red"]There are many personalities on CAA, some of which are stranger than others (a.k.a. Me) but, for what its worth, I generally get along with everyone I meet. TopazRaven for example, I barely know her and yet I agree with a lot of what she says. And people who have opposite views as me, I tend to still make friends with them, just because they don't agree with me, doesn't mean they aren't good people. :D[/color]

[color="Orange"]Yes, they are mostly made up personalities, I did it because I tend to display a huge array of different emotions and thoughts, so I make personifications of them and I have them all sketched out. I intend to post them soon. They don't all differ from my IRL personality, they are just stronger parts of the single personality that I have, with less gusto in myself.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]Ooh! An easy question. ^_^ My hair, has changed colors over the years, its gone from blonde, to brown, to blonde, to reddish-brown, and now its stuck at a blonde-caramel color. Which, I like a lot. Most people can't decide whether I'm blonde or brunette, I say Caramel.[/color]

Lynna (post: 1465438) wrote:You have been on this site a long time! What can you say about how the site has changed since you first joined, and the stages it's been through while you've been here?

[color="PaleGreen"]Hmm, a lot has changed since I first joined, Nate was still allowed in chat back then, and we had voice chats on YIM with CAA members. Which I remember a lot of, and miss them a lot, too. A whole lot has been lost and a lot gained. There used to be an art showing strip on the art section of the Forum, but unfortunately, due to trolls, it seems the mods and administrators made a hard decision and took it down. There alos used to be The Bump Thread, which was highly popular in the Goof Off section, but it got shut down thanks to some shady people and at no fault of the actual members who lived in that thread.[/color]

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]There have been a lot of stages, its hard to remember them all, everything likes to blur together. But the biggest I remember was when the rules were rather strict. Not that they aren't now, I'm just saying, I remember the stage where I was always afraid to step out of line just a little for the fright of being banned. Oh, and I remember when an unsavory person was made a Moderator. That was a horrible time. But, I think that, for all its been through, CAA is becoming a wonderful site for many, many people and I can say, I have hardly seen the likes of this forum anywhere else. And I am constantly stunned by some people on other Forums who insist on saying silly things. The community here in CAA, is generally good. Except for a few things I could name, but won't, for the sake of peace.[/color]

FllMtl Novelist (post: 1465452) wrote:How are you?
What question(s?) would you like to be asked?
What is (are?) the answer(s)?

[color="Purple"]I am splendid, and yourself?[/color]

[color="Pink"]Oh, I don't know, you can ask me any range of questions, such as]

[color="SandyBrown"]The answers are wherever the questions are but half-a-step to the right and make sure to dodge the goblin king. [/color]

aliveinHim (post: 1465516) wrote:How come you're in Nigeria? Who is the guy in your avatar?

[color="LemonChiffon"]I'm not actually in Nigeria, its a joke. A rather hilarious RP happened one day while in Chat, I started it because I was bored, dragged Midori and Saved Gamer into it with me, and suddenly, people floooooded into Chat. We wen't to Mount Huullalala In Nigeria, looking for a special wishing stone that would grant you anything. In the end, I split it and gave it to the others, I used my wish for them. Its really insane...actually. [/color]

[color="DarkGreen"]That is Alucard from the Manga and Anime Hellsing, the OVA is better. But I'd be careful, I've been warned there is some really bad stuff in it (I haven't gotten very far)[/color]

That was refreshing and fun!! :D I'm up for more! Only, I'll be gone Thursday through Monday the 21st, so I may not get back to you if you post between that time, then I'll post my replies on Tuesday. ^_^
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:50 am

1. Favorite superheros?
2. Do you read any newspaper comics?
3. Do you read any webcomics?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:18 pm

Nami (post: 1465526) wrote:[color="Plum"]An excellent question, well, Patrick, they don't all have the same personalities. They are all different and all have traits that I show in my every day life]

Like this?
[color="Purple"]I am splendid, and yourself?[/color]

[color="Pink"]Oh, I don't know, you can ask me any range of questions, such as; what peanuts are the best? Do you like pepper? Is salt a fruit? Why does the house that is built with grain stand on a rock? Did you know that badgers are rabbits? Do you like the Beatles? Things like that work just fine. :)[/color]

I am good, thanks. ^^

Okay then... >:D
-What peanuts are the best?
-Do you like peppers?
-Is salt a fruit?
-Why does a house that is built with grain stand on a rock?
-Did you know badgers are rabbits (...are they?)?
-Do you like the Beatles??

Once you said you don't hate country; and you say you have favorites from most (if not all; I'm paraphrasing XD) genres of music. Are there any country songs you like? If so, which ones?
[color="SandyBrown"]The answers are wherever the questions are but half-a-step to the right and make sure to dodge the goblin king. [/color]

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Postby aliveinHim » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:23 pm

What does your hair look like and how do you style it?
"And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:1-7
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Postby Furen » Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:50 am

Why does it say answers asked?
Could you be any more amazing?
On a scale of:
1-The bestest eveah to
10 - wonderfully wonderful
which would you be?
And this I pray, that your love would abound still, more and more with real knowledge and all discernment. Be prepared to preach the gospel at a moment's notice. Do you know the gospel well enough to do so yourself? Be ready.
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Postby samurai10 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:28 pm

Do you think I'm silly?
What do you think of your writing?
Ever heard of Diana Wynne Jones?
What about Anne of Green Gables?
Which do you prefer, pen or pencil?
Have you ever had a serious fail moment when you couldn't even read your own handwriting?
Which is the awesomest personality you have?

"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

"MOES! Sign up and sig down!"

[color="Red"]@)[/color][color="SeaGreen"]}~`,~ [/color]Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.

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Postby Nami » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:35 am

rocklobster (post: 1465559) wrote:1. Favorite superheros?
2. Do you read any newspaper comics?
3. Do you read any webcomics?

[color="Red"]Superheroes! Here is a good question, my favorites are Batman, Spider-Man, and The Fantastic Four. Mostly because I grew up with the shows, but all time favorite, is Batman.[/color]

[color="DarkOrange"]I used to read the cartoons in the Washington post I believe it was, and sometimes I still do, but I don't get to see many of those anymore, so the correct answer[/color]

[color="Yellow"]I read many webcomics, I don't keep up with them all, but my favorites are The Phoenix Requiem, Earthsong, Blue Streak (the first Musical comic) and You are my Master.[/color]

FllMtl Novelist (post: 1465655) wrote:Like this?

[color="Lime"]Yes, a lot like that, but they don't all look the same. XD[/color]

I am good, thanks. ^^

[color="MediumTurquoise"]You're Welcome ^_^[/color]

Okay then... >:D
-What peanuts are the best?
-Do you like peppers?
-Is salt a fruit?
-Why does a house that is built with grain stand on a rock?
-Did you know badgers are rabbits (...are they?)?
-Do you like the Beatles??

[color="DarkOrchid"]All peanuts are good, but salty and roasted are absolutely the best, I mean you can eat the other fancy-dancy ones, but in the end, salt-roasted are winners hands-down.[/color]

[color="Pink"]I love peppers, hot peppers, red peppers, green peppers, yellow peppers! They are all good. I especially love them in salsa and on tacos! Or in a goood yummy salad.[/color]

[color="Red"]After studying the How to make salt a fruit guide, I came to the scientific conclusion that salt, is indeed, fruit.[/color]

[color="Orange"]Without a solid bottom the grain would simply fall over, like the man who made a hay-house standing on a tree, the tree was unable to hold the hay and so it fell. A house of grain must stand on a rock or fall to pieces and become wheat.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]Badgers are rabbits! It's amazing how things work out in life! Isn't it? (<--- this is not true) XD[/color]

[color="Green"]I like beetles yes, unless you are referring to the men who had their hair-cut like beetles and thus called themselves The Beatles, then I like some of their songs, yes, but I think they were on crack with most of their songs. XD[/color]

Once you said you don't hate country]

[color="Cyan"]I like a lot of Country songs~ And yes, you are right, I like a song from every Genre, if not more. However, one of my favorites is The story of us By Taylor Swift, Love like crazy by Brian Rice I believe. I don't really know most of the names to the songs I like or the artists, but I do enjoy country~[/color]

aliveinHim (post: 1465860) wrote:What does your hair look like and how do you style it?

[color="Purple"]It's caramel colored and its styled like this][/IMG] Only, a part and a little longer.[/color]

Furen (post: 1466158) wrote:Why does it say answers asked?
Could you be any more amazing?
On a scale of:
1-The bestest eveah to
10 - wonderfully wonderful
which would you be?

[color="Red"]Because, it does. ^_^[/color]

[color="SandyBrown"]I don't know~ I'm not entirely sure how awesome I am right now. So I really can't be sure.[/color]

[color="LemonChiffon"]Uh, I'm not sure... somewhere between 1 and 10 I'd bet~ ^_^[/color]

samurai10 (post: 1466461) wrote:Do you think I'm silly?
What do you think of your writing?
Ever heard of Diana Wynne Jones?
What about Anne of Green Gables?
Which do you prefer, pen or pencil?
Have you ever had a serious fail moment when you couldn't even read your own handwriting?
Which is the awesomest personality you have?


[color="PaleGreen"]I think you are awesomely silly~[/color]
[color="PaleTurquoise"]I think my writing is fairly decent, to be able to string my words together in a manner befitting a better writer than I, well, I'd say they are alright.[/color]
[color="Purple"]Yes, I love Diana Wynne Jones, I aspire to be like her.[/color]
[color="DarkRed"]Who hasn't heard of Anne of Green Gables? I love those books/movies.[/color]
[color="Orange"]I thinks Pens are good in their proper place which can be anywhere from writing, to drawing. Pencils are magnificent because you can do anything with them, including taking tests~[/color]
[color="Yellow"]Yes, I have those fail moments all the time, and its hard to recover from them after laughing as hard as I do when I see them. But I get over it. Haha.[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Oh.. well, that's hard to decide, they are all pretty cool. But the least annoying of them all is Jay, he's my dude-side. He's a bit whining and flamboyant, but otherwise, he doesn't pester me as much as the others do.[/color]
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:39 pm

1. Favorite animals?
2. What TV shows do you watch?
3. Have you ever watched Blade Runner?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:29 pm

Nami wrote:[color="Green"]I like beetles yes, unless you are referring to the men who had their hair-cut like beetles and thus called themselves The Beatles, then I like some of their songs, yes, but I think they were on crack with most of their songs. XD[/color]

I didn't know that's why they called themselves that! Shows what I know. XD
BTW, I think the "Love like crazy" guy's name was Lee Brice. o.o

Nami (post: 1466722) wrote:[color="Red"]After studying the How to make salt a fruit guide, I came to the scientific conclusion that salt, is indeed, fruit.[/color]

How is that possible?! o.0
[color="Cyan"]I like a lot of Country songs~ And yes, you are right, I like a song from every Genre, if not more. However, one of my favorites is The story of us By Taylor Swift[/color]

"The story of us" isn't a radio single; does that mean you own her CD Speak Now? If not, how did you hear the song?

Do you like the beach? If so, what do you like to do there?
Do you prefer Winter or Summer?
Spring or Fall?
Why are all your answers in different colors? XD
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"

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Postby Seto_Sora » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:40 pm

Who is your favorite Anime hero ever and why?
Who is your favorite Anime heroine and why?
Who is your favorite Anime Anti-hero?
Which .Hack character do you think yourself most like? it is alright if you take a few weeks to watch .Hack//Sign, .Hack//Liminality, .Hack//Legend of the Twilight, .Hack//Roots, .Hack//Trilogy and play all eight of the .hack video games as well as read the mangas and novels. So take your time on that one. ^_^ lol :P


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Postby Nami » Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:32 am

rocklobster (post: 1466849) wrote:1. Favorite animals?
2. What TV shows do you watch?
3. Have you ever watched Blade Runner?

[color="Red"]My favorite is the White Tiger, but I love all animals, well...mostly all.[/color]

[color="Orange"]I watch a few good TV shows, well, I consider them good, they are hilarious]

[color="Yellow"]No I have not.[/color]

FllMtl Novelist (post: 1466867) wrote:Replies:I didn't know that's why they called themselves that! Shows what I know. XD
BTW, I think the "Love like crazy" guy's name was Lee Brice. o.o

[color="SeaGreen"]I don't really know if that's why they called themselves that! HAHA! I made that up, but I wonder if that's not why. Oh, Lee Brice, there it is! Thank you![/color]


How is that possible?! o.0

[color="MediumTurquoise"]It's possible because the circumference of a moose is Tom Cruise squared.[/color]

"The story of us" isn't a radio single]

[color="Plum"]I own her CD, because I love Taylor Swift's music. I'm a fan of hers~[/color]

Do you like the beach? If so, what do you like to do there?
Do you prefer Winter or Summer?
Spring or Fall?
Why are all your answers in different colors? XD

[color="Magenta"]I love the beach, while there I like to pick up shells, boogie board, bury people in sand and feed seagulls, they are fun to feed, because if you hold your hand up in the air, they'll take the crackers right out of your hands.~ Its fascinating really. [/color]

[color="Red"]I like both, but prefer Winter in Summer and Summer in Winter. Though, I'd be happy with Summer all the time, save for the pretty snow, but.. I must confess, I would survive quite happily without snow.[/color]

[color="Orange"]Hm... how to answer, you see, I like them both. Spring is the renewing of the year, when everything becomes vibrant and colorful! But so is fall, except it's the end of the year, but everything still becomes colorful. So...both.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]Well that's simply because I have a Leprechaun who is a cousin, and you see he tells me about these crazy people who search for him at the end of rainbows, and in answering these questions in rainbow, I'm helping people realize...there is no leprechaun.[/color]

PatrickEklektos (post: 1466883) wrote:Who is your favorite Anime hero ever and why?
Who is your favorite Anime heroine and why?
Who is your favorite Anime Anti-hero?
Which .Hack character do you think yourself most like? it is alright if you take a few weeks to watch .Hack//Sign, .Hack//Liminality, .Hack//Legend of the Twilight, .Hack//Roots, .Hack//Trilogy and play all eight of the .hack video games as well as read the mangas and novels. So take your time on that one. ^_^ lol :P


Ichigo Kurosaki and Naruto Uzumaki are in that position, as for why]

[color="Cyan"]I'd say my favorite heroine is... well, its another tie, Rukia Kuchiki and Saber from Fate/Stay night. Both of them act on their strong instincts to protect. Seeing as both of them are duty bound, they would do anything to keep the people they come to care for safe. It's no uncommon for a woman to feel such a strong urge to protect her friends and family. Which is what makes these two, only just two of my favorite heroines.[/color]

[color="Purple"]Unfortunately, I don't watch and .hack because I find it disturbing and ultimately boring.[/color]
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:02 pm

1. Do you watch Star Trek?
2. Ever read anything by Robert A. Heinlein (he wrote Starship Troopers, among others)?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Nami » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:54 am

rocklobster (post: 1467490) wrote:1. Do you watch Star Trek?
2. Ever read anything by Robert A. Heinlein (he wrote Starship Troopers, among others)?

[color="Red"]Yes, I love Star Trek, I grew up with that show, like many others. My first crush was Spock. Weird... I still find Spock attractive >>]

[color="DarkOrange"]Nope, 'fraid I've not have any chances. I'm not too much into a lot of Sci-Fi books, I do read them, it just depends on what they are written about. [/color]
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:51 pm

1. Who would win in a fight? Alucard or Dracula?
2. Most beautiful place you ever visited?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby samurai10 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:54 am

Do you like crossword puzzles?
Ever read anything by Louisa May Alcott?
Have you read the first book ever written with suspense in it, The Woman In White?
Which do you like better, reading books, watching anime, or reading manga?
What was your favorite subject in school?
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

"MOES! Sign up and sig down!"

[color="Red"]@)[/color][color="SeaGreen"]}~`,~ [/color]Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.

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Postby Nami » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:45 am

rocklobster (post: 1468215) wrote:1. Who would win in a fight? Alucard or Dracula?
2. Most beautiful place you ever visited?

[color="Red"]That completely and totally depends on which Alucard and which Dracula, if we're talking Hellsing, well Alucard = Dracula backwards, so he can't very well fight himself. If we are talking Castlevania, then I think Alucard has a fair chance of beating Dracula, and if you are talking about Alucard from Hellsing Vs. Bram Stoker's Dracula. I'd say... Alucard from Hellsing, he isn't as limited at Bram Stoker's. Haha! Or they'd tie.[/color]

[color="DarkOrange"]Hmm, that's a tough one. I've visited many pretty places, but none that struck me as "beautiful" I'd have to say, though, from what I've seen the most beautiful place was in Florida, at 5 or 6 a.m. when the sun rose over the waves in its red, orange and yellow colors bouncing brightly off the dark-blue waves and creating one of the most stunning and breath-taking views that I've ever seen.[/color]

samurai10 (post: 1468334) wrote:Do you lik crossword puzzles?
Ever read anything by Louisa May Alcott?
Have you read the first book ever written with suspense in it, The Woman In White?
Which do you like better, reading books, watching anime, or reading manga?
What was your favorite subject in school?

[color="Yellow"]Actually, no. They are annoying and I find that the "hints" are things only really smart people would know or people who are interested in it.[/color]

[color="Lime"]Isn't The Little Women done by her? So, yes I have.[/color]

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]Nope, I haven't. But it sounds interesting~ I'll put a hold on it at the library. [/color]

[color="DarkOrchid"] How to answer... you know, I love doing all three, with Anime, I can see how its animated, but I don't enjoy it as much as Manga, because Manga never fails me in the voice department, all the voices are how they should be, but when I read books, I can see how things are weaved together. So, I like reading better than watching XD]

[color="Magenta"]Pff... English, if I had to choose. XD[/color]
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:41 pm

1. Have you read ALL the Little Women books? (There are three in all)
2. Ever watch Doctor Who?
3. Favorite American cartoons?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby samurai10 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:56 pm

It's a really annoying book. The boring parts are important, and if you don't read the boring parts, you're not gonna get the interesting parts. Very annoying. :P

Do you like cake?
Do you know any Japanese?
If cookies and all the ingredients used to make them disappeared from the face of the Earth, would it be the end of the world?
Ever read any French literature? (Les Miserables, and things like that)
Do you like musicals or do you think they're pointless?
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

"MOES! Sign up and sig down!"

[color="Red"]@)[/color][color="SeaGreen"]}~`,~ [/color]Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.

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This pokemon is stout in stature, but extremely loyal. it's head and ears make the shape of a samurai helmet. the scales from said helmet can be pulled out and used as kunai.
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Postby Nami » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:37 am

rocklobster (post: 1468633) wrote:1. Have you read ALL the Little Women books? (There are three in all)
2. Ever watch Doctor Who?
3. Favorite American cartoons?

[color="Red"]I don't know, I've got a huge book for The Little Women, i've only read it. But long ago, my mom read them to me. So, technically, yes. Haha.[/color]

[color="Orange"]Only the 11th Doctor, he's and the 9th doctor are the only ones I like. But yes, I do watch Doctor Who.[/color]

[color="Yellow"]Looney Toons cartoons are fun, I like those. And I used to watch some shows on TV, but I forget what they were. Oh! Fantastic Four and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, plus Batman.[/color]

samurai10 (post: 1468634) wrote:It's a really annoying book. The boring parts are important, and if you don't read the boring parts, you're not gonna get the interesting parts. Very annoying. :P

Do you like cake?
Do you know any Japanese?
If cookies and all the ingredients used to make them disappeared from the face of the Earth, would it be the end of the world?
Ever read any French literature? (Les Miserables, and things like that)
Do you like musicals or do you think they're pointless?

[color="Lime"]I ardently agree![/color]

[color="MediumTurquoise"]Yes, I like cake, but cake doesn't like me. It adds pounds. However, I must say, that when I eat cake I generally get sick, so it best for me to avoid it.[/color]

[color="Purple"]Now, that's a fair question. If the cookies were what sustained the world and its wholeness, what make the world turn round and what people craved most, then yes. If cookies were a parachute with pine cones hanging off them, then no. [/color]

[color="Magenta"]I wanted to read Les Miserables, but had a hard time reading it. However, I did read Hunchback of Notre Dame. Which real title is Notre-Dame de Paris. If that counts.[/color]

[color="Red"]I like musicals a lot. Otherwise I wouldn't watch Disney and one of my favorite movies wouldn't be the Sound of Music, or the King and I, or Cinderella.[/color]
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
Yours Truly,
Sick of all the BSin'.[/SIZE][/color]
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Postby Furen » Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:26 pm

Can I have your autograph? ☻.☻
And this I pray, that your love would abound still, more and more with real knowledge and all discernment. Be prepared to preach the gospel at a moment's notice. Do you know the gospel well enough to do so yourself? Be ready.
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