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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:40 am

Oh, and Pascal? Cut out the scientific psycho-babble and the devious multiple personality disorder you manifest, and not even your best work can touch my scene construction or my history weaving. Retire from writing; lol, I still rp, just not here, and I can make everyone on here cry from something I write (Heck, I got Temmy to snuffle abit when I wrote about old, sad looking orcs).

Retire. Psh. Heck no.
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Postby Dante » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:59 am

Oh, and Pascal? Cut out the scientific psycho-babble and the devious multiple personality disorder you manifest, and not even your best work can touch my scene construction or my history weaving.

Well, not exactly multiple personality disorder, but rather different facets of the same personality. My characters often times represent a variety of different archetypes, each of which most likely exist inside of me. I contain within me, both the hero and the villain, the light and the dark, the outrageous and the mundane - as do we all, I simply choose to let each character have it's part on stage. Outside of that however, have you read any of the new N&S to judge how my RPing has transformed for yourself? I've brought quite a bit over from my journeys in Cybernations.
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Postby Peanut » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:28 am

Another quick note, I'm changing the cost for military this round so if I send you your cost with this update, that's not what it will be. I'll keep you posted on the increase at some point as well with my reasoning for it.
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Postby Dante » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:49 pm

Oh wellz, no updatez today :(. I did get to vaporize a few people in CN though, 6 GB victories in a row Zarn, and I even am enjoying some good PM discussion with my opponent, though he needs to be more... talkative.

But anyways, I am really looking forward to the days ahead. Every round is more exciting then the last!
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Postby Peanut » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:27 pm

A slight set appears that my laptop's graphic's card has gone out making my primary computer unusable, this may affect when the next update is done...yeah, sorry guys, but my computer does like to break at least once a year...
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Postby Dante » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:40 pm

Understandable - we all have had that happen on us. Laptop graphics card eh? Eek, that's not fun to repair if it's built into the computer :(.
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Postby Dante » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:27 pm

Created a new Factbook entry for my DEW network, along with AESOP reconnaissance satellites and a host of other air, land and sea detection systems, this helps provide some RP story backing to my newly acquired Recon ability. It will be going to good use in determining just how powerful chaos is in Arabia (and hence grant me a rough gauge as to chaos' power throughout the rest of the active regions).
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Postby Dante » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:15 pm

War Lemur attempts revive on RP... IT'S SUPER UNEFFECTIVE! RP tries awkward silence on War Lemur - Your War Lemur is KO'd! Poor war lemur.
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Postby Dante » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:20 pm

EDIT: This is isn't going to end up well, I realize the inevitable is that I'm destroyed. Even without Titan's the end result would be impossible. I'll role-play out the destruction of my nation if others want - but I can't take up the GMship - not because I want to rage-quit but because it's not going to end well. After all, what type of fun game is it if I want to literally destroy all the players because I feel OOC betrayal. There is a link between the IC and the OOC and I do my best to reduce it, but honestly at this early of a stage of trying to get this off the ground. It just won't end well - I'm not going to ruin everyone else's game because of how I feel. - that is, I'm not going to make your lives miserable as a people appointed temp-GM.

On another level, you want to destroy ZODEAC, go ahead and do your worst :evil:. For the small chunk of land you gain, the world will have one titan less, 13 tech slots will be destroyed, the economies around the globe will collapse (because we OWN the world's economy), you will lose all bonuses and collapse into debt. As far as the up-coming war is concerned, when Peanut returns and the battle begins, I will fight you tooth and nail (but I remain resolute to keep my IC knowledge as is) to the bitter end. I will not simply surrender when you land on my shores and after-wards I might just become a bank (underground of course, like the mob, so that you can't simply snuff us out with pitiful 'laws'), continue to own the world's economic shares, and have enough left over when it's all done to leave your economies strangled for the rest of the game. I'll place embargoes on you all at my whim. From the shadows I will pwn your economies and when it is done, I will make you 'beg' for me to return to my former glory. I've played nice in the past, I tried to play a happy peaceful little nation that was the good guy, but given that this is the end choice - I'm taking the kiddy gloves off.

But yeah, I'm glad I found this out now because I can finally realize that I'm not up for this. Hah, well that felt much better, so come and get me if you feel lucky.

PS You're lucky that out of OOC spite, I don't give every drop of funding and all of my shares over to Chaos so that they would control every one of your economies. That way you could thoroughly be in a mess. But... enjoy your options. Come at me if you dare and prepare to type your fingers off.
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Postby goldenspines » Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:03 am

/me does not want the destruction of your nation, Pascal. O:
Nor do I think my IC nation does either. Hopefully, things won't go down worse than I thought, or there will be hell to pay. *coughjadencough*

I apologize for my absence, but I will hopefully pull things up to date this late afternoon after classes. And thank you, I will type my fingers off for you all. <333
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Postby Dante » Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:48 am

Well, it hasn't happened yet, and JM essentially said he'd just attack and then work to force me into relinquishing power. But I've thought about it and realized that my greatest power is my independence and so there is no reason for me not to fight to the end and go all out. So go ahead, come at me!
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:36 pm

Actually, I asked Peanut about this near the start of the rp. He said a one-round conquest makes it too quick for any nation to pull out stocks or damage other nations financially. *Ala what would occur if a nation owned the stocks for a long time which would then start to shake things up* Currently, there has been nothing of significant long term as far as rounds are concerned, and if you take your nation as collapsed, as your previous posts would indicate, then you're basically reduced to zero as far as I've understood things. Well, either that, or the negotiations table. As I did not intend this war to be a war of annexation, but of course, without conditional surrender, it will turn out to be so.

Aaaanyhow, there were some IC elements embedded into this. Pm of course, but IC still. If the stocks even survive which would require you to control land, then know that we own pretty much all the physical trace of the world, and would not spare a second to nationalize it to a new central control. *Chavez might be terrible at economics, but it's not like he suffered once he nationalized the US oil rigs.* It's pain, but by no means a financial end-game at this stage. No nation would accept a hostile entity to control it's nations resources when they have the military and lawful means to end it.

Lastly, don't feel bad. *Well, I kinda felt bad last round when Chaos took half of my nation, so I am not going to say I've not over-invested in the rp myself.* Regardless of how the rp turns the NS crew will remain at good terms. If this could not be achieved, then I would be the first to forfeit the rp. I do not mind a good war as much as the next guy, but I'd rather not see a rebirth of the whole Taliesin scenario. I'd rather lose the war and get a chuckle out of it, than win it and stay on worse terms with people I consider to be friends.
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Postby Dante » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:53 pm

We haven't even RP'd the war, I've just presented where I'm going with this if I fail - and independent of how badly I fail. Furthermore, don't think you're going to take me in one single round - I've got a Titan that can fight you for quite some time. And who said I had to own land to own stocks? That's what a bank is, it makes money from it's investments.

Finally, you've already tried nationalizing your shares, they're public it doesn't do anything but stab you in the foot unless you're invested in me - and I can play that till the end of time... with a 25% interest rate against you of course. After all, I'm the mob - I can take a bit of it out of yer skin too mind ya. But yes, let's have some fun and do post this stuff on the big boards who in the world doesn't know about this war?!

I've got the DEW networks, AEGIS Cruisers and submarines looking out for you - so unless you somehow gained a zero-shift device, we're going to get a good shot at one another off the bat. I've got EW suites checking your actions at every stage and it's all thoroughly and publicly RP'd. I've been expecting this for a while, and while I never expected for Ark to join in the fun, now that I think about it, I still have a few potential abilities that might make for some last minute game changers.

I look forward to this war - let the sky rain fire.
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Postby Peanut » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:36 pm

Jaden Mental (post: 1461597) wrote:Actually, I asked Peanut about this near the start of the rp. He said a one-round conquest makes it too quick for any nation to pull out stocks or damage other nations financially.

Not quite...I must have misread something in that conversation but a one round conquest cannot and will not prevent somebody from pulling their stocks if they were doing it the same turn that conquest began. Afterwards, no, the stocks would just go back up for sale and any country that didn't grab a significant piece of the country being conquest would likely find themselves in a depression of sorts (I still need to think about this last point though so don't count on it). But none of this will matter because the only countries really in risk of being conquered in one turn are much smaller than Pascal's country.

To summarize using the current scenario, if Pascal's country falls this round to Jaden or Althaia or Temmy or Zarn, goldy's country might end up being in a bit of a depression since their primary investor has been ripped away. I'm still thinking this through though. Also, update is coming sometime in the future. I can't say when but it will occur. Before that those of you who invested in Temmy's nation will probably be getting a pm about things. Should be fun.
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Postby Dante » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:59 pm

Alrighty, I'm actually starting to look forward to this. It's like a constant day dream - except it has bombs and planes and strategy. I even expect to see some posts of measurable significance from Raven - you know, outside of random cryptic messages that grant us neither insights into her character nor understanding of her enigma of a nation.

Seriously, I can understand some PM RPing, but release the darn things once the combo-posts are done! You know... unless you guys OOC'd that treaty of yours into existence and didn't even bother with the RP. Now that would be some really sad role-playing.

Also, no RPing that you just jumped by my systems, I have the recon national ability and I've THOROUGHLY RP'd the existence of a solid early warning system with so many different sensors and data systems, it's not even funny.

So while it works great in video games to say, "hey where did those ships come from," and while everyone loves the "Pearl Harbor" and "D-Day" Tropes, along with diplomacy as leaders ask the other side questions first before acting, here you can thoroughly expect to be met with a welcoming party fully armed and ready. This isn't the 1940s, my SONAR should detect any large ships, my satellites will have photos and my RADAR systems will be looking for any aerial data.

I hope to provide you all with a solid military fight. Let the pixels burn! :evil:
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Postby Peanut » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:23 pm

Well, I have an announcement to make. The RP is going to go on hiatus for a while. Currently, it looks like there are only 3 active players, 1 of which doesn't have a country, and what time I do have to do work on it I'd rather spend on some other things. We'll probably start it back up in the summer or something when people have more time. So yeah, hiatus it is.
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Postby Dante » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:55 pm

Ok then, my nation rests in waiting! I don't want it destroyed though - just waiting.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:08 pm

Hmmm, seems I missed the birthday thread. So here is a happy late birthday from me!
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Postby Dante » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:20 pm

Thank you for the well wishes - of course, I kind of snuck my birth-date off the forums in hopes that it wouldn't tell anyone. I don't like the thought of growing older.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:46 pm

Eh, I've felt old for nearly five years now. I suspect age will not be kind to me.

At any rate I wish you all the best for this year! I hope you had lots of fun on your birthday.
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Postby Dante » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:29 pm

It was a fairly good birthday (compared to what I was expecting) but I was sick because of the stress (literally, slight gas pains and the whole deal - stupid bodily reactions to stress). I personally expected that day to be less then fun however - lots of bad connotations with it.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:25 pm

Yeah, still some months til mine. Will nearly be finished with my MA during said time. Sad to hear that stress was present, then again, I am not exactly alienated from that emotion, but it is starting to get old. At least for me. XD

Good times today, getting a visit from some family members. Had both an Amarone and a Barolo wine. 'Very good Italian types' A wonderful meal of goose liver/cheese/biscuits as a starter. Grilled chicken and mushrooms and even desert. Sounds posh, and it probably is. XP Still, by any standards today was a good day for me, one among many dark ones.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:38 pm

I am the very model of a modern major-general.
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Postby Kaligraphic » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:23 pm

Have you information vegetable, animal, and mineral?
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Postby Dante » Thu May 05, 2011 5:20 pm

Ya know, this is sad - the Code D. Floss thread has officially outlived N&S... every single nations and states. Summer is upon us, but I doubt the old one will continue or restart nor do I have any plans to build one any time soon.

If I did, it would likely grab a lot from Peanut's designs - except then I'd mess things up by going and complicating it. In particular, running your national economy would end up requiring an understanding of the Black-Scholes Model and it's derivative variants. Overall, CAAs RP activity seems to ever decrease - at least when it comes to highly dedicated RPs like this. For a while I've wondered if this whole thing has matured to the point of needing more dedicated players (like on a purely RP site) but so far the community is strongly against it. So despite my silly conclusions - what do you think the future of this whole thing will be?
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu May 05, 2011 5:55 pm

I cannot speak for everyone on this topic, but after joining my master's course and becoming increasingly busy with work I've kind of lost the ol joy I used to have for this. Judging by how busy everyone else likely is I suspect they have reached that point too.

I mean, things may change in the future on my part. Maybe just being really occupied with work kind of made me have to push a lot of stuff aside, but as things stand now I would not feel too hot jumping on another nations rp, or any rp at all really. The NS'ers are my friends and all that so I'd be happy to see some young blood jumping on this, but I don't really see any other CAA'ers that caters too this particular spectrum.
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Postby Peanut » Thu May 05, 2011 7:18 pm

Brief version. Of Nations is done. I've got another part time job and, frankly, I don't want to spend my free time on it anymore. So, feel free to do whatever with it.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun May 08, 2011 5:35 pm

But at the very least Code D.Floss shall live on! It's always been a nice little social hub looking away from the RP's themselves.

So I just after a long break finished Chrono Cross. Pretty good stuff, but at the same time my heart is more in line with Hearts of Iron 3. I get to do enough repression, liberation, politics, economics and warfare/wartime developments there to be happy for the next few weeks!
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Postby Dante » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:48 am

One thing that was actually ignored in the last Nations & States was how large savings like those used by many of the nations on the map would have influenced the economy. ZODEAC continuously spent almost all of it's money each turn, allowing it to flow back out into the economy to do more work. However, if a nation simply saved, it would be the equivalent of 'spending strike'. If they took in an average taxation rate of about 25%, it would be equivalent to having 25% of the nations wealth vanishing at every turn. Eventually, because all the wealth would be sitting in government safes and not doing work, there wouldn't be enough money to run a nation.

They could also have it continue working by printing more money, but that simply causes there wealth to rapidly devalue through hyper-inflation (25% inflation rate?). Its actually an interesting situation when comparing game-mechanics to actual reality.

It's for reasons like this that the US can't simply build a giant 'war-chest'. By saving money, they're harming the economy.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:11 pm

The alliance usually dug quite deep into their coffers during each round 'having some savings, around 20% which would be entirely understandable* Albeit I cannot speak for Goldenspines during most of this. Most was however spent on war-time development, or black market, mercenaries and tech. However, expanding territories would certainly pay off for investments in a logical scenario.

There are however nations that do earn quite a bit by having large savings. Modern Germany being one of them, but they got a powerful export and a lot more stable gains, well, aside from their share in the bailouts, but they are trying to turn that into profit as well, aaaaaand their opt out of nuclear energy as a whole is ranked as one of the dumbest decisions they could have made, true it is expensive, but not nearly as expensive as the renewable alternatives.
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