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Favorite Disney Pairings?

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Favorite Disney Pairings?

Postby TopazRaven » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:48 pm

[font="Century Gothic"]Yeah, I'm making one of these threads again. I know, I'm annoying...And bored. xD Please don't tell me I'm the only one on this site who is a Disney fan though? Even at my age I still enjoy Disney movies. How sad is that? :lol: Anyway yeah, I always find it interesting to see the pairings everyone likes so here we are. I shall list mine below.

Bambi + Faline [Bambi]
Phillip + Aurora [Sleeping Beauty]
The Prince (does he have a name?) + Cinderella [Cinderella]
Tramp + Lady [Lady and the Tramp]
Scamp + Angel [Lady and the Tramp 2]
Pongo + Perdita [101 Dalmations]
Thomas O’Malley + Duchess [The Aristocats]
Bernard + Bianca [The Rescuers]
Eric + Ariel [The Little Mermaid]
The Beast (does he have a name either?) + Belle [Beauty and the Beast]
Shang + Mulan [Mulan]
Aladdin + Jasmine [Aladdin]
Peter + Wendy [Peter Pan]
John Smith + Pocahontas [Pocahontas]
John Rolfe + Pocahontas [Pocahontas 2]
Phoebus + Esmerelda [The Hunchback of Notre Dame]
Quasimodo + Madellaine [The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2]
Simba + Nala [The Lion King]
Mufasa + Sarabi [The Lion King]
Kovu + Kiara [The Lion King 2]
Scar + Zira [The Lion King 2]
Hercules + Megara [Hercules]
Flick + Atta [A Bug's Life]
Tarzan + Jane [Tarzan]
Naveen + Tiana [The Princess and the Frog]
Mowgli + Shanti [The Jungle Book 2]
Milo + Kida [Atlantis]
Lightning + Sally [Cars]
David + Nani [Lilo & Stitch]
Woody + Bo Peep [Toy Story]
Buzz + Jessie [Toy Story 3][Ah, the laughs I got from this one. xD]

And I think that's it unless I forgot one. Yeah I know. I'm a loser. But, I'm a happy loser. :rock:

Edit: Here are some I forgot. :D

Carl + Ellie [UP]
Wall-E + Eve [Wall-E]
Will + Elizabeth [Pirates of the Caribbean]
Benjamin + Abigail [National Treasure]
Micky + Minnie
Donald + Daisy

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Postby Atria35 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:15 pm

TopazRaven (post: 1439336) wrote:[font="Century Gothic"]John Rolfe + Pocahontas [Pocahontas]

That makes me cry. JOHN SMITH FOREVER! :lol:

Tramp + Lady [Lady and the Tramp]
Pongo + Perdita [101 Dalmations]
Thomas O’Malley + Duchess [The Aristocats]
The Beast + Belle [Beauty and the Beast]
Shang + Mulan [Mulan]
Aladdin + Jasmine [Aladdin]
Peter + Wendy [Peter Pan]
John Smith + Pocahontas [Pocahontas]
Phoebus + Esmerelda [The Hunchback of Notre Dame]
Simba + Nala [The Lion King]
Kovu + Kiara [The Lion King 2]
Hercules + Megara [Hercules]
Tarzan + Jane [Tarzan]
Naveen + Tiana [The Princess and the Frog]
Milo + Kida [Atlantis]
David + Nani [Lilo & Stitch]
Buzz + Jessie [Toy Story]

from your list, plus

Ellie + Carl [Up]
Wall-E + Eva [Wall-E]
Benjamin + Abigail [National Treasure] (you never said it had to be animated!)
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:23 pm

Atria35 (post: 1439344) wrote:That makes me cry. JOHN SMITH FOREVER! :lol:

Lol, I felt that way at first to, but Rolfe is who she ends up with so you gotta respect it. xD Sorry if that is considered a spoiler. I have no idea how to do the spoiler box thing.

from your list, plus
Ellie + Carl [Up]
Wall-E + Eva [Wall-E]
Benjamin + Abigail [National Treasure] (you never said it had to be animated!)

Dude, forgot all about them! How could I!? I are going to add them now. xD
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:08 am

Woody + Jenny (Toy Story)
Aladdin + Jasmine
Elisa + Goliath (Gargoyles)
Angela + Brooklyn (also Gargoyles)
Goldie + Scrooge McDuck
Minnie + Mickey (of course!)
Eric + Ariel (the Little Mermaid)
Quasimodo + Esmerelda (Hunchback. As much as I loathe the Disney version)
the water pot girl + Mowgli (The Jungle Book)--even if she shows up at the last possible moment and has no character whatsoever. They just looked so adorable together
Rebecca + Baloo (Talespin)
Peter Pan + Wendy (it's meant to be)
Bert + Mary Poppins
Wall-E + Eva
Elasti-Girl + Mr. Incredible
the Porsche car (I forget her name, someone help me out!) + Lightning McQueen (Cars)
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:33 am

The Porsche car for Cars is named Sally. xD And the girl from The Jungle Book is Shanti. If I am correct. I'm not sure if you've see The Jungle Book 2, but she's a main character in that movie. xD
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Postby Lilac#18 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:27 pm

[color="Plum"]Aladdin and Jasmine - Aladdin
Simba and Nala - The Lion King
Arial and Eric - The Little Mermaid
Chip and Gadget - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Tiana and Naveen - The Princess and the Frog
Doug and Patti - Doug (Disney version)
Roxanne and Max - A Goofy Movie[/color]
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Postby Nate » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:45 pm

TopazRaven wrote:The Prince (does he have a name?) + Cinderella [Cinderella]

Prince Charming. That's not really his name, but it's what he's called. He isn't called this in the film, though. The only place where he's called that is in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.
The Beast (does he have a name either?) + Belle [Beauty and the Beast]

The Beast's name is Prince Adam.

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:29 pm

I'm actually not all that big on Disney pairings because they typically have little substance, but if I had to pick one it'd be Belle and the Beast.

P.S. I don't really count Pixar as Disney.
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:34 pm

Nate (post: 1439414) wrote:Prince Charming. That's not really his name, but it's what he's called. He isn't called this in the film, though. The only place where he's called that is in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

The Beast's name is Prince Adam.

Ah, ok. Thank you kindly. xD Is the beast ever called Adam in the movies? That flew right over my head. :sweat:
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:38 pm

TopazRaven (post: 1439428) wrote:Ah, ok. Thank you kindly. xD Is the beast ever called Adam in the movies? That flew right over my head. :sweat:

I don't think they ever mention it in the movie- I had no idea, either!
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:14 pm

Shang and Mulan (favorite romantic Disney movie ever. And even though Mulan 2 sucked immensely, there was one particular scene where they actually managed to make me cry, so I have to give them props)
Naveen and Tiana (:3)
Beast and Belle
Bernard and Bianca (Rescuers Down Under. The Rescuers was "Meh..." but the Bernard trying to propose storyline in Rescuers Down Under is just adorable.)
Doctor Doppler and Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet. Also, I just found out Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the voice of Jim Hawkins. I knew there was a reason I loved that character... XD)
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Postby ich1990 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:10 pm

EDIT: Whoops, wrong thread.

Uh, Bambi and the hunter.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:51 am

Yuki-Anne (post: 1439470) wrote:Doctor Doppler and Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet. Also, I just found out Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the voice of Jim Hawkins. I knew there was a reason I loved that character... XD)

Ah! Yeah! They were SOOO cute together! I loved how adorable their kids were, too! :grin:
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Postby SailorDove » Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:32 pm

Mary & Bert (Mary Poppins)
Naruto Fanfic: Kokoro of Konoha by Sailor Dove

What is the power of the weak and the weakness of power?

What would the butterfly effects be with an OC with no chakra or ninja inclinations but a coveted special sensing ability? But that's not her only closely guarded secret. Psst, don't tell the hyper blond boy she hates ramen.
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Postby steenajack » Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:10 pm

>.>......<.<...IDK if I should post here, but I'm going to anyway. I'm a big fan of alternate ships from canon ships. Although I do like canon ships, if I read a very GOOD fanfiction or watch a GOOD amv that pulls off another pairing well, I'll gladly wish the couple the best of shipping. Some of my favorite ships include:

Ariel x Jim Hawkins (Little Mermaid and Treasure Planet crossover. Go on the internet and look up the fanfiction called Landlocked. The whole thing is on DeviantArt, and the author (iesnoth) is posting chapters up on It's what got me into the pairing in the first place....tis' awesome! XD!)

Violet x Will (Incredibles and Meet the Robinsons crossover....c'mon! It would totally work! They'd be so kawaii!)

Giselle x Robert (Possibly one of the best pairings in Disney History! Enchanted is one of my favorite Disney films, and always shall be. XD!)

Kale x Kida (Titan A.E and Atlantis crossover. I saw an AMV of it once, and I like it quite a bit. It reminds me of AVATAR by James Cameron a little bit. :3!)

Jim Hawkins x Audrey (Treasure Planet and Atlantis crossover. As mush as I love ArielxJim, I can't help but have a thing for AudreyxJim as well....cause I could TOTALLY PICTURE IT! They'd at LEAST be pretty tight as friends, maybe a brotherly/sisterly thing....I mean C'MON! They're both single anyway! XD!)

Okay, and yes I support canon ships! You see I posted RobertxGiselle up there didn't you? I also like:

Tarzan x Jane (Tarzan. I like how their relationship took time. IDK if you guys noticed, but in the movie it is demonstrated that they spent A LOT of time together. Long enough for Tarzan to somewhat learn English. Most Disney pairings tend to be...rushed, and not as deep. But this one took time, and actually involved Jane growing up and deciding what she really wanted. She gave up her old familiar life in England to be with her loved one in the unpredictable jungle. That's sacrifice! She pretty much gave up her life for him in a sense, alright! XD!)

Belle x Beast/Adam (Beauty and the Beast. I'll admit, I'm fascinated with this story. It's one of my favorite fairytales! Besides the fact that this relationship also took time, it also showed a pretty neat moral about how love is "seeing but also blind". It sees the heart, rather than the face. Y'know what I mean? XD! And I don't just love the Disney rendition of it, Robin Mckinley has done a fantastic job with her books Beauty and Rose Daughter. Howl's Moving Castle could possibly be seen as a telling of the story, if you look at the storyline basics: Girl goes to mysterious castle, falls in love with a cursed man. Similar, right? Anyway, so....I love this pairing. Hands down! And every single one of it's incarnations. XD!)
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Postby Nate » Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:16 pm

How did Tarzan grow up in the jungle with no contact with humans and still have a cleanly shaved face?

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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:38 pm

Nate (post: 1439614) wrote:How did Tarzan grow up in the jungle with no contact with humans and still have a cleanly shaved face?

Good question!
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:01 am

Nate (post: 1439614) wrote:How did Tarzan grow up in the jungle with no contact with humans and still have a cleanly shaved face?

...lots and lots of estrogen coursing through his veins?

Also, yes on Giselle and Robert. I'm rewatching the movie right now and I just love it. It's one of my favorites. I want to make myself a dress like Giselle's curtain dress and prance through a city park singing "That's How You Know."

[SIZE="1"]I want to be like Giselle when I grow up...[/SIZE]
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Postby Sheenar » Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:31 am

Tiana and Naveen from The Princess and the Frog. <3

Bernard and Bianca from The Rescuers.

Robin Hood and Maid Marian from the animated Robin Hood.
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:16 pm

I really don't go for Disney pairings, because most of them are so shallow and consist of little besides love at first sight. The only ones that make me happy are:

Belle and the Beast (because, while he is taken by her beauty immediately, she is revolted at first and has to learn to see who he truly is, and because they both have to change for their relationship to work)

Aladdin and Jasmine (because it takes them three whole movies to get married, and they actually spend quite a bit of time together before they tie the knot)

Naveen and Tiana (because they had to turn into frogs to realize they were meant for each other XD)

Captain Amelia and Doctor Doppler ("Doctor, you have wonderful eyes..." "She's lost her mind!!!")
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:51 am

the_wolfs_howl (post: 1439921) wrote:Aladdin and Jasmine (because it takes them three whole movies to get married, and they actually spend quite a bit of time together before they tie the knot)

Not to mention a three-season TV series as well. Talk about a long honeymoon. At least it wasn't a boring one. I think the one episode that really shows how much they loved each other was that one where Mirage (who was obviously modelled after the Egyptian cat goddess Bast, who was also half-human/half-half cat. However, Bast wasn't evil) turned Jasmine into a snake monster, complete with poisonous needles in her arms. The only way to cure it was for them to travel through perilous lands and find a magical tree that had fruit that could break the spell. Of course, Mirage wasn't going to let them win, and by the time they arrived, the spell had run its course, and even the fruit couldn't help. Aladdin decided use a last-ditch effort to prove his love and even turned himself into a snake monster as well, because it seemed this was the only way they could stay together. Mirage was dumbstruck and the blind sorceror Tiberius turned them both back to normal, proving once again that evil cannot comprehend love.
(OK, yeah, I spoiled you. But then, since I don't know if Disney's going to release Aladdin the Series on DVD, I figure I did no harm. Disney doesn't seem to like the idea of releasing its TV cartoons that much, judging by what they did to Gargoyles and Duck Tales. Oh sure, Duck Tales was complete, but Gargoyles was only the first half!:mutter: And they didn't even promote Duck Tales!)
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:23 am

Eugene and Rapunzel :D
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:23 am

Shao Feng-Li (post: 1440225) wrote:Eugene and Rapunzel :D

I just saw this movie, it was really cute so I'm gonna add them to my list to. xD
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Postby Beau Soir » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:42 am

Shao Feng-Li (post: 1440225) wrote:Eugene and Rapunzel :D
the_wolfs_howl (post: 1439921) wrote:I really don't go for Disney pairings, because most of them are so shallow and consist of little besides love at first sight. The only ones that make me happy are:

Belle and the Beast (because, while he is taken by her beauty immediately, she is revolted at first and has to learn to see who he truly is, and because they both have to change for their relationship to work)

Aladdin and Jasmine (because it takes them three whole movies to get married, and they actually spend quite a bit of time together before they tie the knot)

Naveen and Tiana (because they had to turn into frogs to realize they were meant for each other XD)

Captain Amelia and Doctor Doppler ("Doctor, you have wonderful eyes..." "She's lost her mind!!!")
Whole-heartedly agreeing with all of the above. :D Especially the last one, LOL.

Sora and Kairi from Kingdom Hearts! Yes, I did just go there to an amazing Disney/Squeenix crossover. 8D ♥

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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:29 pm

steenajack (post: 1439613) wrote: IDK if I should post here, but I'm going to anyway. I'm a big fan of alternate ships from canon ships.

I meant to reply to this post earlier then this, but oh well. In least I've gotten to it now right? I'm honestly not a huge fan of cross-overs and the ones I do like aren't really for Disney movies for the most part. You are right though, I've come across an interesting fanfiction or video more then once that made an interesting story for a cross-over couple. Here are some I'm mildly fond of.

Demetri + Tiana {Anastasia/The Princess and the Frog} -So Anastasia isn't a Disney movie, but I saw a few videos floating around for this one on YouTube and found it kinds of intruiging. No idea why, just did.

Scar + Dutchess {The Lion King/The Aristocats} - I saw a few videos for this one to and it completley made me LOL. Obviously a crack pairing (isn't any cross-over a crack pairing though?) I mean, it's a lion and a domestic house cat. It's nice for a good laugh though.

Taran + Alice {The Black Cauldron/Alice In Wonderland} - Well, they're about the same age and I saw a pretty cool video for it. My only excuse and not a good one at that.

Jim + Audrey {Treasure Planet/Atlantis} -Like this one for the same reasons as you. :D
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:38 am

rocklobster (post: 1440208) wrote:Not to mention a three-season TV series as well. Talk about a long honeymoon. At least it wasn't a boring one. I think the one episode that really shows how much they loved each other was that one where Mirage (who was obviously modelled after the Egyptian cat goddess Bast, who was also half-human/half-half cat. However, Bast wasn't evil) turned Jasmine into a snake monster, complete with poisonous needles in her arms. The only way to cure it was for them to travel through perilous lands and find a magical tree that had fruit that could break the spell. Of course, Mirage wasn't going to let them win, and by the time they arrived, the spell had run its course, and even the fruit couldn't help. Aladdin decided use a last-ditch effort to prove his love and even turned himself into a snake monster as well, because it seemed this was the only way they could stay together. Mirage was dumbstruck and the blind sorceror Tiberius turned them both back to normal, proving once again that evil cannot comprehend love.

:dizzy: I wish I could see that now....
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