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The King of Neo York

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The King of Neo York

Postby OfficerSting » Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:15 pm

Hello again! This is OfficerSting presenting you with my second RPG. I hope that you might join it and if you do choose to join, I hope you enjoy it.
Evil is gripping the settlement of Neo York. It has been almost five hundred years since nuclear war ravaged the face of Earth, and society is slowly, but gradually being rebuilt. One such settlement was built on the ruins of Manhattan, called Neo York. The tragic thing is, though society is being rebuilt, it is far from civilized. Immorality, evil, and crime are practiced regularly, and little is done to stop it. Sometimes, such behaviour is encouraged.

There is hope, however. Several groups, such as the Neo York Police Department, the Renaissance Men, and several others are trying to bring Godliness and order back to the world. Your character is a member of one such group. Will you stop the tide of evil from overcoming Neo York and the rest of the world?
Character Format

Name: Your character's name

Gender: Your character's gender

Age: Your character's age

Group Affilliation: What group your character belongs to. Some of the groups include the Neo York Police Department and the Renaissance Men, a group dedicated to learning and Godliness. If you have a suggestion for a group, PM me.

Skills: Any special skills your character has (no super powers)

Personality: Your character's personality.

Bio: A brief (or lengthy) history of your character.

Appearance: Your character's looks

Extra: Anything else you thought was noteworthy.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [SIZE="2"]Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)[/SIZE]
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:54 pm

If you don't mind, I think I'll use one of my favorite characters. However, she's not a member of any group if that's okay.

Name: Akita (her 'friends call her "Aki") Masie

Gender: Girl

Age: 17

Group Affilliation: She's on her own, so thus not a member of any group.

Skills: Tough and quick on her feet with a great mind. Is great at making things.

Personality: Akita dislikes being and groups and tends to be very quite. She's very defensive.

Bio: Akita's parents were gunned down by a gang when she was 13 and somehow managed to survive on her own for the last four years. She has seen a lot of hardships and tries to help people that she finds. Akita has heard of the group of people who have been wandering about helping people and she is trying to find them.

Appearance: Aki is very thin and normal height with dark brown eyes and chocolate brown hair. She loves dark colors so she can sneak around at night unnoticed and wears a full length trench coat she found in some rubble.

Extra: She carries a rifle she found when she broke into a old warehouse.
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Postby OfficerSting » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:27 pm

Excellent work! Here's my character:

Name: Dmitri Grane

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Group Affilliation: The Renaissance Men

Skills: Incredible intelligence, charisma, and observational skills.

Personality: Dmitri is very extroverted, always seeking to be the center of attention. That being said, he is also a gentleman and a scholar, being very polite and well versed in many topics. He wishes to rid the world of evil because of the life he had and the horrors he witnessed while he was a slave.

Bio: Dmitiri was born to a poor family who sold him off to be a slave to a gang leader in Neo York. He spent many years as a slave, serving the gang leader hand and foot. Dmitri was treated worst out of the slaves, and almost killed on several occasions, due to his outspoken nature on the topic of slavery. When the gang leader was killed by a rival, Dmitri immediately fled, but found his entire family to be dead. At this point, Dmitri was 15 and without a home. He sought shelter at the headquarters of the Renaissance men, who immediately took him in. They tought him to read along with several other subjects. Due to his intelligence, Dmitri excelled, but particularly in the fields of theology, philosophy, history, and literature. While under the care of the Renaissance Men, Dmitri became a Christian and began his mission to turn the world into a better place.

Appearance: Dmitri is 6"3 and very thin. He has several scars received when he was a slave. He has red hair and green eyes.

Extra: N/A
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [SIZE="2"]Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)[/SIZE]
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:12 am

Name: Aroura Borealis

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Group Affilliation: Is an orphan who currently doesn't belong in any group

Skills: Is extremly fast and nimble, and is a good drawer.

Personality: She has two different personalities: On the outside she's a nervous and distrustful girl who is sweet and kind only to animals. On the inside she is full of hate for her abusive parents, and really wants to trust another person.

Bio: She was raised by abusive parents and only recently has run away.


Extra: her left eye is blue, and her right eye is brown.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

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Postby rocklobster » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:29 pm

Name: Vo Daviens

Gender: female

Age: 25

Group Affilliation: Renaissance
Skills: Any special skills your character has: Above-human intelligence. She is also well versed in martial arts skills

Personality: Vo finds humans a great curiosity. She enjoys socializing with them and is quite amiable.

Bio: Vo is an alien from a planet in another solar system and crash-landed on Earth. Although she was able to fly her craft, she was unable to fix it. Luckily, the Renaissance Group took pity on her and didn't judge her because she looked so different from the average human. In time, they taught her about Christianity and she found it interesting. Eventually, she decided to be baptized, and wondered why she hadn't made the decision earlier in life. She is quite eccentric at times, but in a good way.

Appearance: It's obvious to tell that she's an alien. She has unearthly purple skin, blue hair, and green eyes.

Extra: Anything else you thought was noteworthy.
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Postby OfficerSting » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:31 pm

All very excellent characters!
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [SIZE="2"]Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)[/SIZE]
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Postby Wind » Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:52 pm

Name: Elirana

Gender: female

Age: 15

Group Affilliation: the Renaissance Men, a group dedicated to learning and Godliness.
Skills: She is skilled in martial arts and swordfighting
Personality: protective of the people she cares about. quiet, shy

Bio: descendant of a nuclear physicist who helped to make the world go wrong. She wants to help to restore the world through the power of God.
Appearance: Image

Extra: she owns the swords and goes disguise and looks like this
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Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

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Postby OfficerSting » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:47 pm

Excellent. I will PM a mod tonight concerning the approval of this rpg.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [SIZE="2"]Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)[/SIZE]
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:19 am

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