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College Football 2010!!!

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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:58 pm

Peanut wrote:Is the UNM coach the former offensive coordinator for Illinois the year the went to the Rose Bowl? Even if it isn't...I'm glad WVU didn't hire him as their next coach.

That would be the one and now I remember this name, Mike Locksley.

He was the running backs coach and recruiting coordinator at the University of Florida under Ron Zook and then offensive coordinator at the University of Illinois Fighting Illini in January 2005, replacing Larry Fedora who went to Oklahoma State University.

He has been at UNM for a year now as this will be his 2rd year coaching them. I don't know how he wasn't fired last year.

Here is two things that happen with him last year.

Late May 2009, a former administrative assistant at New Mexico filed an age and sex discrimination complaint against Locksley with the Equal Opportunity Commission. The complaint was filed by Locksley's former administrative assistant Sylvia Lopez. Lopez claimed to have been subjected to age and sexual discrimination before being transferred out of Locksley's office.

In late September 2009, Locksley was reprimanded for an altercation with an assistant coach, in which he hit the assistant. He was subsequently suspended without pay for ten days. He was not on the sideline for the game against UNLV on 10/24.

Oh and he went 1-11 last year and is 0-6 this year.

Edit: There is a new coach that just got fired.

North Texas fires Todd Dodge

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Postby Roy Mustang » Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:43 pm

BCS Standings - October 24, 2010

1 Auburn
2 Oregon
3 Boise State
5 Michigan State
6 Missouri
7 Alabama
8 Utah
9 Oklahoma
10 Wisconsin
11 Ohio State
12 LSU
13 Stanford
14 Nebraska
15 Arizona
16 Florida State
17 Oklahoma State
18 Iowa
19 Arkansas
20 South Carolina
21 Mississippi State
22 Miami (FL)
23 Virginia Tech
24 Nevada
25 Baylor

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Postby Peanut » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:37 pm

The day Jeff Mulen gets fired might just end up being the happiest day of my life...
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Postby Peanut » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:31 pm

Big East to Expand to Ten Teams.

This is the best news I've heard in weeks...

The talks about which teams are going to be added though is what's really interesting. Villanova isn't much of a surprise and, probably, can be penciled in as the ninth member. TCU, though, is probably who the Big East is going to be going after like crazy. Obviously, geography is being thrown out the window but when you are in desperate need of a consistent, top 25 program, TCU is your best bet right now.
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