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Dawnstar Rising

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Dawnstar Rising

Postby Taslin_Jewel » Sun May 02, 2004 1:14 pm

I actually wrote this a while ago, but it was only today that I realized I'd never posted it here! Well, I've posted it now, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Dawnstar Rising

Chapter one

The royal soldiers of Riverside were furiously searching the marketplace, while cries of "Find her!" and "Catch that dirty little thief!" rang out from the onlooking crowd. The men were trying their hardest to keep order, but they had no control over the townspeople whatsoever. In short, it was pandemonium.

The girl, safely hidden on a rooftop above, watched them with contempt. Her long blue-black braid, tied off with a leather thong, fell to her hips in a silky rope. Her eyes, uncommonly large in her thin, half-starved face, were an icy cerulean, glittering with a cold light. She wore a pair of black leggings, a ragged green tunic under a cloak of darker green, and a soft leather belt. Her feet were bare.

"Incompetent fools, as usual," she sniffed. "When are they going to learn that they can’t catch Makaeri Dawnstar? Especially if they don't know how to look up."

As soon as the words left her lips, one of the soldiers turned and looked in her direction. She tried to duck behind the lip of the roof, but her braid snagged on a pole, and the man spotted her. His cry alerted the others, and she cursed.

"Me and my big mouth. I must learn not to tempt fate!"

Makaeri disentangled her hair and ran over the rooftop, the angry men giving chase. When she reached the edge, she grabbed a pole and swung herself across, leaving the soldiers behind.

"Ha-ha, fools!" she yelled back at them, and continued to run. Unfortunately, she didn't look in front of her, and ran straight into an armored man's stomach.

"Just where do you think you're going, little thief?"

Makaeri looked and went pale, but she kept her fear under control. She gave him a lopsided grin and cocked her head.

"Hello, Katashi. Long time no see."

The man's face contorted and his voice trembled with rage. "That's Captain Hakatashi to you, you filthy little urchin!"

Makaeri's smile widened and she pretended to blush. "Really, Katashi, you are too kind. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll be on my way…" She turned and started to walk away, but Captain Hakatashi grabbed her arms and twisted them behind her.

"Not so fast, Dawnstar," he hissed in her ear. "I've waited a long time for this day to come; I won't let you escape this time. You've stolen your last apple, thief!"

Makaeri winced at the pain, but managed to keep her composure. "Is this really necessary?" she asked him. "We both know I'll escape anyway. Why not let me go now, and spare yourself embarrassment in front of your men?"

Captain Hakatashi twisted her arms harder, and she almost cried out in pain. She bit her tongue to keep herself from screaming.

"I'll take that as a no," she gasped finally, her eyes streaming and her mouth bleeding. "As you wish! Just remember that I gave you fair warning, Captain." She poured all the scorn she could muster into that one word.

Captain Hakatashi laughed. "What do you know about it? You're playing with the big boys now, little girl. I'm out of your league."

He had done it. He had signed his death sentence with those two words. Makaeri felt her face flush as she grew hot with a raging fury.

"No one," she growled at him, "calls me 'little girl' and lives to tell the tale. Not even old friends!"

Captain Hakatashi smiled indulgently. "Threaten me all you like, Dawnstar, because it changes nothing. I'm in control, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

He rose his hand to strike her, and Makaeri braced herself. Then she heard the captain cry out in fury and alarm, and she was released from his grip. She opened her eyes to see Captain Hakatashi covering his face with his arms and trying to hold off the furious little flying lizard attacking him.

"Phoenix!" she exclaimed with astonishment. The animal looked at her and flew to her shoulder, shrieking with excitement and alarm. She stroked the little creature, and Phoenix calmed down. "What are you doing here?" she asked seriously, and Phoenix trilled a few sweet notes.

"That's a dragonet." Captain Hakatashi seemed stunned. " Where did it come from?"

Makaeri looked at him and the dragonet gave an indignant squeak. "She is a friend of mine," Makaeri retorted, "and you're lucky to have your eyes intact, Katashi. She's a vicious little thing."

She turned to Phoenix, who was looking at Captain Hakatashi reproachfully. "Don't mind him, Phoenix, he's just an idiot. Let's go, shall we?" She turned and ran across the rooftops, leaving Captain Hakatashi behind looking very confused.

More soon to come!
In a world shrouded in mystery, the winds of change begin to blow.

A proud member of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Wars and Darklight: Chronicles of Tairis.


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Postby Razgriz » Sun May 02, 2004 1:46 pm

Looks like a good start :thumb:
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Sun May 02, 2004 1:47 pm

Thanks, Sangoku!
In a world shrouded in mystery, the winds of change begin to blow.

A proud member of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Wars and Darklight: Chronicles of Tairis.


"I'm a warrior-hero-adventurer-goddess who CAN'T SWIM, okay?!?!" ~Skye of Lynlora, from the video game Darkened Skye
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Postby Icarus » Wed May 12, 2004 7:25 pm

*Ten days later, Icarus reads it and begins to tap his foot.*

Do post more, please. It looks interesting.
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