Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
mechana2015 (post: 1377936) wrote:Jay Leno.
ErictheFred wrote: Well, my boys roll their eyes and tell me that I should be embarrassed to admit I liked Tokyo Mew-Mew. Does that count?
Scarecrow (post: 1377851) wrote:Also... Power Rangers. I thought it was the coolest thing ever when I was little. Bought a bunch of PR toys and everything. But watching a couple episodes more recently, I can't believe I liked that stuff >.> I complain about my sister liking Hanna Montana and all that Disney crap but even most of that crap is more watchable than power rangers IMO.
*strokes fellow Sonic fan* There, there.Fish and Chips (post: 1377947) wrote:I am somewhat embarrassed to like anything the Nostalgia critic has ever panned. Not because I actually care all that much about what he thinks, but because I seem to reside on the corner of the Internet where his word is law, and people who would never have cared about or cared to badmouth you for what you watched before are now compelled to make it an issue because some guy with glasses made a big deal about it.
rocklobster (post: 1379712) wrote:NO. Star Trek is awesome, unless it's the Enterprise version. Then forget it.
ChristianKitsune (post: 1379462) wrote:Is this stuff that we watched when we were little...or now?
Aside from those Disney shows:
Static Shock!
Jackie Chan Adventures
Teen Titans
There ya go! I'm really a kid, aren't I? XD
Nate (post: 1380406) wrote:There isn't anything I'm embarrassed to like, just things I won't admit to liking in certain company.
ShiroiHikari (post: 1380452) wrote:This.
Also Twilight is stigmatized because it's not any good. XD
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