Html question e-mail

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Html question e-mail

Postby Pent » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:00 am

I am making a website for a school project right now. My teacher doesn't know how to do this so I thought I would ask you guys. Does anyone know how, with html, to make it so when the viewer of the page clicks on a link it brings them to a page where they are e-mailing me? Like...they click on contact us (or me). I mean... :mutter: Like the same things as the link at the bottom of this page where it says contact us. Thx.
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:21 am

This is what I found on a help site (I was to lazy to type it out myself):

To create an e-mail link on your page, all you need to do is use the standard link tag. The trick is in what you use as the address of the link. To force the browser to read it as an e-mail link, you use "mailto:" rather than "http://" to begin the address. After the "mailto:", you will use your e-mail address rather than a web address, like this:

<A HREF="mailto:your_email_address">E-mail Me!</A>

Yes, all you need to do is replace the your_email_address with .....your e-mail address. Here is an example, to create an email link to myself, I would place in that space, like this:

<A HREF="">Give me some mail!</A>

That help?
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Postby Omega Amen » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:51 am

Pent, Link Antilles is right. That will do what you want to do.

However, I also suggest you do something more advanced in order to avoid a spammer scanning with an automated program through the HTML code and harvesting the e-mail address for his spamming list.

I want you to obfuscate the e-mail address in the HTML source code. This will prevent a spammer's program from harvesting the e-mail address from the source code, but the e-mail address will still be viewed properly, just like you want, from the web browser.

Go to: and type in the e-mail address you want for your webpage. Then click the button that says obfuscate. Then just copy the HTML code and use that on your website.

This will still do what you want to do, it is just that the e-mail address in the source code has been "hidden" from spammers trying to grab more addresses through their automated programs.

Try it out, and use Link Antilles's e-mail address as an example to work with. By trying to use this technique to avoid spammers, you might impress someone.
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Postby Pent » Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:40 pm

Ok thanks guys. :)
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