CDLviking wrote:I know how difficult it can be to leave the mormon church (I wasn't mormon, but I come from a very mormon town), so you will definitely be in my prayers. I had a hard time telling my dad that I was entering the priesthood because my dad is an athiest, but when I actually did tell him I found out that he already suspected that something was up. I doubt that it will go that easily with your parents, but I also think that they probably already know that you're having doubts. I'm not sure if there's any way to keep them from being hurt by this, but Jesus did say that following him would cause division amongst families. I hope your parents can understand you in this decision. Also remember that you still have an obligation to honor your parents, they can't make you act against your conscience, but you still have to treat them with respect.
alf4office wrote:I don't think you should tell them till you're out of the house. In fact, unless you're going to try to convert them I don't think you need to tell them. While telling them may free you from the bruden of living a lie, it will rip your family apart. It won't only affect your parents, but also your siblings. If you're planning on telling them you have to understand that your siblings will see you as a sinner who's going to hell. And I do believe your parents have every right to kick you out of the house. I say, until you're able to live without your families support you can't tell them, because once you do I doubt they'll be offering you much support.
Roll wrote:I'll be praying for you as well. In the meantime, the best thing you can do about your conflicting thoughts is to turn to Christ in prayer and read the Holy Bible. If you follow God's will, you can't go wrong. If you do discuss it with your parents, it may help to ensure them that you're still dedicated to God. If there's anything else we can do to help, just let us know!
Ingemar wrote:Vyse,
You are not helping anyone by subverting the authority of these parents. You will only cause pain and strife and resentment that will lead nowhere. Instead, be supportive of Arbre (sp?) and simultaneously respectful of this person's parents. The kind of relationship you want with her is at the cost of two good relationships she already has (with the parents).
Things are already hard now. Why make things intolerable?
Ingemar wrote:Vyse,
You are not helping anyone by subverting the authority of these parents. You will only cause pain and strife and resentment that will lead nowhere. Instead, be supportive of Arbre (sp?) and simultaneously respectful of this person's parents. The kind of relationship you want with her is at the cost of two good relationships she already has (with the parents).
Things are already hard now. Why make things intolerable?
Vyse wrote:Well thats just it, they belive in a different God then the one thats in the Bible, the One we belie on, they belive that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirt are 3 different Gods, in fact they also belive that God the Father was once a man on a different planet who became God by essiently following mormonism under a different god, they also belive that the mormon churuch is the only true church and that other churchs are sinfun and an abomnation to God. They also belive that salavtion though faith is making a mochry is Christ scarfice. In fact they belie that Jesus is the spirt brother of satan. They also belive that if people are "good mormons" and get married in a temple, they can go to the highest level of Heaven and become gods... All of which are very very wrong, This is not a Christian religion... this is a cult started by the con-man, Joseph Smith.
Saint Kevin wrote:I guess the only advice I could give you is to come to a better understanding of your own faith, and a better understanding of precisely why you are leaving LDS. Some books I could recommend personally are: "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith," both by Lee Strobel. I have also heard that "Reasoning with Mormons from the Scriptures" is also good, but I have not read it yet, and I don't remember the author.
I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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