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Nekomi's Artwork

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Nekomi's Artwork

Postby nekomi » Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:00 pm

Ah, why not. ^__^ I've been drawing like crazy these days, so I figured I might as well just post a few of my visual rantings here. ^__^

First submission...

Title: The Black Seal
Medium: Ink, Photoshop
Anime Series/Game: Haibane Renmei (Yoshitoshi Abe)
Description: "Ever since her arrival, Rakka couldn't seem to escape the cold gaze of the crows... fleeing into the forest near the Wall, she was frightened to see that they were there, too. Perhaps they were trying to tell her something. Or perhaps they had more in common with her than she had imagined..." This is my second Haibane fanart of the summer. ^__^ Hoping to complete one more before the end of August! ^__^ Tinting the colors to give a wintry impression was a bit difficult, but very rewarding. ^__^

URL (if you can't see the image):

Hope you all like it! ^^
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Postby inkhana » Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:43 pm

Wow! Very nice use of perspective and color in this one. Keep em coming!

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SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
- Athol Dickson

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Postby Shinja » Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:26 pm

wow thats awsome,
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Postby Ashley » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:41 pm

Hee hee, post some Qaori!
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Postby nekomi » Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:09 pm

[to Ashley]
*laughs!!* You like Qaori? ^___^ OK, posting now. ^__^ (By the way, did you get my email with the finished Jeanette? ^_^)

Thanks everyone for your generous and kind comments! ^__^

Name: Qaori
Medium: Pencil shaded
Anime Series/Game: Northwind Saga (personal project)
Description: I'm not allowed to give anything away on this one. ^^ As much as I'd like to, because this character is Awesome!!! ^^;;;

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Postby shooraijin » Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:14 pm

The shading on the third one is quite nice.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby inkhana » Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:56 pm

Those are pretty pretty. And your sig image is cute too...:)

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
- Athol Dickson

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Postby Ashley » Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:59 pm

I happen to love Qaori, thank you. And my favorite is the first one..still blows me away every time I see it. Can't wait for more eye can...I mean pieces from you. ^^
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:47 pm

Wow. Those are really incredible (and I really want to see this series)
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby Retten » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:13 pm

wow that is some great artwork! good job it looks awsome

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Postby Shinja » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:19 pm

wow, thats really cool, all of them.
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Postby darkoon » Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:42 am

It IS GORGEOUS... Do you make your own manga? If so, please e-mail me or something, and by the way, give me your e-mail!!!
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:50 pm

That is sooooooooooo good. :] Great shading, great perspective...I don't see anything wrong with any of them :D Keep it up. ^_^
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Postby Gypsy » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:06 pm

Nice! Keep 'em coming.
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Postby cwp_otaku » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:19 am

Whoa...... :o Cool!!! Amazing! I like the first one best.
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OK! About time I posted some more...

Postby nekomi » Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:13 am

Alrighty, haven't posted in awhile... so here's some more artwork! ^__^ If you want to keep up with a couple galleries that are updated more frequently, you can check out my website or my devART gallery. I'm still going to be updating here, but it's hard to keep track of so many online hangouts! ^____^;

(By the way, there are 14 numbered prints of "The Black Seal" (first image I posted) for sale... []email me[/url] if interested! ^__^)

OK! Here's the new stuff! ^___^ Thank you all so much for your kind and generous compliments! ^_^

Title: Keep Standing
Medium: Pencil, Photoshop
Anime Series/Game: original work
I completed this a few nights ago... very emotional piece for me. ^^ I felt overwhelmed; I realized that I'm past the point in my life where there are such things as "small decisions". Everything seems so insurmountable... and it's staring me right in the face. I felt weak, I felt tense, and afraid... but I'm resolute. I'm going to keep standing.

#2 and #3
(Media used: openCanvas on #1, Photoshop on #2)
The second and third images are concept work for Northwind Saga. ^__^ The Nereid is the first piece (sea-dwelling race) and the second is the Felinoid (which is the same race as the character in "Keep Standing"... my art persona is from that category. ^_^).

Wish I had more at the moment! ^__^ I'm working on a few drawings currently (some with real media, even! Wow! ^~), so hopefully I'll have more to show you soon! ^___^
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:02 pm

Excellent! The first one has particularly good shading work in it, especially the copper-metallic tones.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby Kirika » Thu Jul 31, 2003 4:01 pm

WOW :wow!: those are great!!!!
I really like the first one. Poor little cat, he looks so sad :sniffle:
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Postby inkhana » Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:25 pm

Aw, I love the kitty person! (You might not have guessed that I like kitties...:)) Veery nice, particularly the first one!

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
- Athol Dickson

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:30 pm

Awwww! Kitties...that's good work nekomi :D
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Postby Spiritsword » Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:58 pm

Beautiful artwork, nekomi! God has certainly blessed you with talent in that area. That is one thing I've always wanted to be able to do and simply have never had the level of talent to do--express myself artistically. My brother is a talented artist but my drawings are limited to simple sketches and cartoons. At least I can enjoy others' artwork!I'll have to visit your website soon to see more...

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Postby Kovyn Alander » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:35 pm

Hey, I like those. The first one with the sad cat is really nice. I like art with a sad tone to it. Makes me think of rainy fav weather.
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Postby HikariChan » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:41 pm

those r PimpTastic!!!!
:dance:Cat People:dance:

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