Gamecast - Episode 48 - "Rock beats laser"

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Gamecast - Episode 48 - "Rock beats laser"

Postby Link Antilles » Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:46 pm

In this show, we talk about the Dawn of War 2 Beta, the Zelda series, and quickly look back at 2008.

Get the show here:

And remember to look at this picture when Omega describes the heart of Warhammer:

Question to the Audience:

What is your favorite song in the Zelda series?
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:49 pm

Download Gravity Bone here.
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Postby shade of dae » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:56 pm

I followed your advice and played Gravity Bone before listening to the rest of the podcast. I loved the music and animation, but [spoiler] is there anything you can do to stop the woman from shooting you? Is that the end of the game?[/spoiler]

Favorite song of the Zelda series:
Two actually,
Song of Storms from OoT (or the windmill song)
Midna's Lament from TP

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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:21 pm

shade of dae (post: 1284068) wrote:I followed your advice and played Gravity Bone before listening to the rest of the podcast. I loved the music and animation, but [spoiler] is there anything you can do to stop the woman from shooting you? Is that the end of the game?[/spoiler]

[spoiler] That's the end. The whole game is set-up to get you to expect there is more to the story. The game is counter to what many expect from their games: a long game and not leaving many basic questions about the story open. It's a gimmick, sure. But, it's nice to have a surprise now and again, right? That's why we recommended it. Oh and the music.

A couple of people did try to hit her with the hammer before she steals the film. [/spoiler]
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Postby ich1990 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:55 am

My favorite would be Midna's Lament. Whereas the older songs are mostly upbeat and catchy, this one is soothing and melancholy. Also, the part of Twilight Princess in which this song plays is one of my favorite video game experiences of all time.

Make sure and listen to it forward and backward and remixed.
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:35 am

I'm two gamecasts behind...
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