" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1274120) wrote:I don't know... I'm getting a lot of "ZOMG A CULTURE DIFFERENT FROM OUR OWN?!" vibes off of it.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1274120) wrote:I don't know... I'm getting a lot of "ZOMG A CULTURE DIFFERENT FROM OUR OWN?!" vibes off of it.
animeantics (post: 1274198) wrote:Hmmm...I love Pluggedin, but I was also a tad bit offended over this article, and I got a bit of that "vibe" too. I mean, look at our AMERICAN Entertainment *points to adult swim cartoons*. Not all anime is bad. Some is, but some isn't. Some is as clean as a toddler show while still being entertaining for teens, which is something I love about anime. I think as long as you're careful, anime and manga is absolutley fine.
SnEptUne (post: 1274203) wrote:The same applies to novels. Many mainstrean novels, especially those "romantics" one that reinforces sexism, has left me in disgust. But there are many great novels, that have good messages and don't view people as objects.
LadyRushia (post: 1274213) wrote:I've read this article before. It was one of the articles that convinced me I was evil for liking anime until God showed me otherwise and told me what I could do with it. The problem is that the author is assuming that anime is a genre rather than a medium with many different genres. Yes, there are the spiritually bad and pornographic ones, but they are only two, albeit widely popularized, sections and do not represent anime as a whole. It's not entirely the author's fault, but he should have taken the time to truly research anime before writing this article. That or, like others have said, he should have talked about entertainment as a whole because this really comes across as a bias attack.
goldenspines (post: 1274232) wrote:Pluggedinonline is helpful in the sense of finding out what and how much bad content there is in a movie. I like to know this so I don't go spend my money on a movie that throws trash into my head(that's just my own personal preference, though).
But that's really it.
That certain article you posted is rather biased(even for them) and even misquoted a member off another Christian anime site I frequent and refused to correct the quote after the admin of that site asked them to do so. Plus, that article is rather old, so I wouldn't really take it that seriously.
Instead look on both sides of the coin instead of one. ^_^
animeantics (post: 1274215) wrote:I also dealt with a bit of guilt after reading the article...but I've been thinking about it, and like I said earlier. I'm being careful, so it's okay.
It’s not unusual to find teens in church hallways chattering more excitedly over each other’s artwork than about what happened in youth group.
As an artist who draws primarily in this style, what they seem to be implying really bothers me. I don't really understand why they felt the need to include that last sentence. Is it just me who feels attacked by that statement?
YES! We shouldn't be careful in just anime and manga, but with Movies, other TV shows, books, music...in everything, really. And if we all looked hard enough, we could find fault in just about everything.
someone needs to send this article's writer a copy of Haibane Renmei stat. That might change her mind.
Sapphi (post: 1274284) wrote:In my experience I've noticed that sometimes we might not even realize some of our entertainment is actually pretty opposite from what we believe. An example could be movies with a lot of violence. As Christians we believe we must pray for our enemies and bless those that curse us, right? But, we watch movies where revenge is a staple and there's a lot of killing and stuff, and we've kinda become desensitized to that, so it's like "Oh, it's fine, it's just a movie anyway, we don't necessarily enjoy the violence and we aren't going to emulate it." However another Christian who doesn't really watch TV might decide to watch one of those kinds of movies and be shocked and appalled that other people want to watch the violence.
Since we all have our own level of desensitization to things like violence, sexual tones, and "bad religion", some of us might watch a show that contains that stuff and not really think about it, and others can watch the same show and get really hung up over all the sinful behavior the show portrays.
I know it's not good to be desensitized to sin, but it seems to me that a lot of people who are very sensitive to it, are so sensitive that they have a hard time functioning with people who do not live by the same principles, you know? I think we all need to be able to point out, "Yes, this show does contain a lot of _____ and _____" but at the same time at least be able to appreciate the show for the good things about it.
I'm not entirely solid on that opinion, but I think it's practical, I mean, nothing's ever going to be perfect in this world, so we have to learn to separate the good from the bad, but accept both as reality and not let ourselves be so hung up on the bad things that we miss the good things...
Sorry if I'm rambling ^_^]
Yeah. I'm sure some Christian's would be appalled that I like Sweeny Todd (both the movie and the play *the play moreso*). I see a wonderful story where just saying no to revenge could have helped so many people out in the end.If the author says "some anime has bad elements" and you give hir an anime with no bad elements, sie will not suddenly decide to say "no, actually, anime is all wholesome and innocent."
minakichan (post: 1274289) wrote:Offended? Nope, not really. I definitely go to church to talk about anime with my friends more than doing church-y activities. I'd say it's accurate for some people, and you're taking it way to seriously if you interpret "not unusual" to mean "every single teen does this, no exceptions."
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1274308) wrote:I definitely have nothing against the site, but I just gotta throw it out there that if your kids are more interested in their own artwork than your youthgroup... Well, maybe the problem lies more with the group than the art.
Mithrandir (post: 1274325) wrote:Somewhat along the lines of what's being said recently, I'm quite a bit more apprehensive about kids who are only involved in christian school and church activities than I am about ones who are into anime/manga. As a parent, it's kinda your responsibility to continue to expose the kids to new ideas/things and show them how God fits into LIFE, not just CHURCH.
animeantics (post: 1274114) wrote:This site was mentioned in an article by Focus On The Family:
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