Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1270094) wrote:A 999$ Macbook essentially covers everything you need there. XD You will have to buy some extra programs though for your spreadsheets and word processing (or get them off from somebody). XD
Stephen (post: 1270097) wrote:It's all gonna be ok Ryan. Take deep breaths.
sharien chan (post: 1270102) wrote:I'd have to buy it for windows too...yay student discounts!Mr. SmartyPants wrote:A 999$ Macbook essentially covers everything you need there. XD You will have to buy some extra programs though for your spreadsheets and word processing (or get them off from somebody). XD
JadenMental:The pc is a bit more of a powerhorse and for a renderer/strong software user like me, *Adobe and Autodesk software among other things* That's generaly a good thing.
MSP: Not really, since it primarily depends on customization and how high she wants her specs to be. My Macbook Pro is more of a powerhouse than all the laptops owned by my dormmates. Most of them own PCs.
ich1990 (post: 1270128) wrote:Or you could just download I have used it for almost a year now. I have had zero problems. It does seem a bit slower than Microsoft Office though. It is available in a many languages, and works for both Macs and PCs.
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1270182) tends to be a more unstable on OS X. Last time I checked, it requires you to run X11 along with it.
I recommend Pages or Microsoft Office.
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1270182) tends to be a more unstable on OS X. Last time I checked, it requires you to run X11 along with it.
I recommend Pages or Microsoft Office.
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