Wow, that hits close to home! One way to help make friends in college is to make sure you put yourself out there, engaging in discussion with the professor. Kindred souls have a way of finding each other, and this form of discrete self-advertisement will attract people with similar passions to you, rather than having to go through the more laborious process of talking to people at random to find some common ground (which is much more difficult for shy people like us).David (post: 1252882) wrote:Turns out that my college at home dropped the art department so now I am moving in with my aunt in Florida.At home I always kept to myself and never really had much of a social life. This mostly changed when people found out I was going to move and they actually wanted to hang out with me.So for an entire week before I left I actually had a social life. I have no friends here and I'm a bit afraid that I'll become just as isolated as I was back at home. I've already come across many occasions where I could have made new friends but I was to shy to introduce myself. Anyone have any tips on how to get over social shyness?
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