I received Pebbles from Canine Partners for Life, a nonprofit organization that trains and places service dogs with people that have physical disabilities to make greater independence possible for them. (If you're interested in learning more about CPL, their website is in my sig.)
I really want to give back to them. They gave me so much in Pebbles and in their support since we graduated from their program.
I have been brainstorming different fundraising ideas and haven't really come up with anything that sounds feasible. I could crochet potholders and scarves, but I'm not sure if anyone would buy them.
I could do a bake sale, but I don't have a stove.
I'm going to try asking Student Activities to see what if any fundraisers I can do on campus. I may have to go to Wal-Mart (which will be difficult as I have no vehicle).
Does anyone have any ideas for fundraisers?