Japan Sets Waistline Limit for Males.. O_o

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Postby creed4 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:49 pm

That is a bit extreme. too much government control
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Postby AJV » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:57 pm

It's good that they're trying not to be overweight, but the way they're doing it isn't so good though.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:38 pm

sharien chan (post: 1235504) wrote:What if a girl is pregnant?

It's probably harsher. They'll probably demand she drop the weight in only 9 months.
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Postby Sakura15 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:44 pm

We're talking about a country who's idea of snack foods are oven-roasted Kansai peas (which are delicious, BTW) and seaweed crackers!

I mean seriously!! when I heard this my mouth dropped open and I sorta laughed. The japanese don't NEED to lose weight, they are just giving their people more stress by doing all this.
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Postby termyt » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:48 am

uc pseudonym (post: 1235662) wrote:Am I underestimating the change in average size due to proportions, or is that a fairly low standard? 33.5... I'm only a few inches below that and I really don't think I could drop much without being unhealthy.
I thought the same thing, but for Americans the maximum waistline would have to be larger. We're naturally larger people. There's also more variance in height, which affects waistline. If the US were to enact such a law, it would likely be based on Body Mass Index.

I am no where close to making any standard for waist size, but let's try to put this in perspective:

1. We aren't talking about jail time or even fines. Violators will get help to reduce their waist size (although it would be wiser to start with a larger waist size and work from there). Continued violations lead to some kind of re-education camp, which could go too far very quickly, but I'd have to see how it is administrated.

2. Especially for those in favor of government health care - if some one else pays for your health care, then that entity rightfully has some say in how you live. If the government is on the hook to pay for a smoker's emphysema treatments or a fat man's third heart attack, then the government has the right to try to mitigate those expenses by passing (reasonable) restrictions on bad behavior.

My problem with the whole discussion is people want to live any old way they please and then want someone else to pay for it when it blows up in their faces.
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Postby sharien chan » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:27 am

termyt (post: 1236027) wrote: If the US were to enact such a law, it would likely be based on Body Mass Index.

Too bad the BMI isn't always the best thing to use to determine your weight.
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Postby termyt » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:49 am

sharien chan (post: 1236036) wrote:Too bad the BMI isn't always the best thing to use to determine your weight.

Agreed. That was not an endorsement of BMI, just a statement saying that the US would be far more likely to base similar laws on BMI than on waist size.

If such laws were to be enacted, I'd rather them based on stronger indicators of health, such as medical and family history, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. It's too easy (but all too common) to take a general indicator geared toward the "average" statistics and make them the law we must all abide by. That's entirely different discussion on the merits of good government versus a government run by opinion polls and expediency.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:02 am

There used to be laws requiring PE for kids in school. Some schools, however, have dropped these requirements. It's not mandating waste size, but it *is* mandating exercise (of sorts). I don't know that it would be too far fetched. It seems more likely to me that it would be the heath insurance companies, though. "I'm sorry, Mr. Smith, but you are morbidly obese. That's a pre-existing condition under our policy and you simply aren't covered." If they are allowed to define "morbid," then you're pretty much forced to pay for your own medical expenses.

Isn't that basically a financial incentive to lose weight? Seems similar to the OP, in my opinion.
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Postby sharien chan » Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:18 pm

I never understood the laws for PE in schools. There was never any punishment if we failed them...and the kids who didn't want to exercise always found ways out of it. Like my brother...got a medical note for a year for his "bad ankle". He was/is technically overweight, however it's all muscle. So it's just all silly.
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Postby Tundrawolf » Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:51 pm

ChristianKitsune (post: 1235331) wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/13/world/asia/13fat.html?no_interstitial

Interesting way for a country with barely any overweight people to lose weight...

But wow, if that were to happen here...could you guys imagine the public outcry? O_o

I admit, if it were made a law for us to lose weight...I think we would see citizens go for it... but there were would be so many people crying "discrimination" and rightly so...

I dunno...what do you guys think about this?

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Postby KeybladeWarrior » Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:33 pm

TallHobbit86 (post: 1235352) wrote:It wouldn't be fun being a sumo wrestler in Japan with a law like that. XD

Yup, plus Sumo Wrestling Might come to an end. ;_;
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Postby Yuen Fei Lung » Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:00 pm

I agree that financial penalties are bad. I'm a short guy trying to lose weight myself (I've got about 20 more pounds to go but I've made a lot of progress)) and I can tell you it's hard. Rather than enforcing penalties and such, I think goverments should try to combat obesity by making healthy foods more accesable, cheaper and more importantly providing encouragement rather than saying "your too fat." Trust me, I didn't need anyone to tell me I was fat to know it. I don't think there are many people in this world who want to be over-weight; sometimes it just happens over time (that's how it happened for me). We live stressful lives and sometimes food is of great comfort. I just don't feel the government in any country should have the right to tell their people "you have to be a certain way". However, the government should provide encouragement and education for its people. That's my take on it anyway.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:10 am

The thing about Japan is there IS a lot of healthy food readily available. In America, not so much. >_>

Also, sumo wrestling isn't going to die out. e_e I think they're only measuring older men, not every man. Isn't that what the article said?
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Postby LadyRushia » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:36 am

Yes, the article said that this applies for older people.
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Postby EricTheFred » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:06 am

termyt (post: 1236027) wrote:My problem with the whole discussion is people want to live any old way they please and then want someone else to pay for it when it blows up in their faces.

Quote for truth. The people who declare that the government 'has no right to interfere in their lives' are often the first in line to demand the government 'do something about it' when stupidity bites back.

So many examples found in America:
1) "The parent knows better than the government what's good for their own children!"
Think about this oft-heard claim next time you witness the public outcry of 'why didn't Child Protective Services do something about it?' after an abused child dies. Did that child's parent know what was good for their child?

2) 'The government shouldn't mandate insurance requirements!'
The same people who live in flood plains and refuse to get flood insurance, or on coastal property and refuse to get hurricane insures, and say it's 'government meddling' when someone suggests it ought to be required, are first in line demanding government bailouts after a major disaster.

3) Attempts to get people to stop smoking or cut down on drinking are derisively called 'sin taxes', 'morality laws', or 'social engineering', but these same people will carp very strongly later in life about their high medicare premiums, driven up in part by emphysema, liver disease, hypertension, cancer, etc. etc.

4) People driving Giganti-normous SUVs are the loudest right now demanding that the government do something about the high price of gas. Supply and demand curve, folks, right from Economics 101. Your SUVs demand more gas]blank[/I]? And then we vote for people who promise to both deliver the moon and cut taxes.
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Postby NuclearPeon » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:22 pm

I understand where the Japanese are coming from though. Most of the overweight people nowadays are not fat due to metabolism problems or body type. And with all those 'labour saving devices', people sit around the couch much more than they used to.
Not to mention its a burden on health care and unhealthy. I hear rescue helicopters have to increase the size of their doors and stretchers to accommodate larger people. And then there are airliners. Obese people are costing our economy millions. If they threw their tvs away, think of how much weight they would lose not being lazy.

I just hope Japan has exceptions to the rule, as an outright ban on fat would be inconsiderable.
As well, I don't take well to government intervention, but the difference is I don't need it.

Don't take my opinions personally; I know many awesome people who are twice as large as I am. It's not attractive though.
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Postby Nate » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:05 pm

NuclearPeon wrote:I know many awesome people who are twice as large as I am. It's not attractive though.

Says you. Some of us like a woman with some meat on her bones. :\

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Postby Monkey Princess » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:56 pm

Momo-P (post: 1235516) wrote:What makes me laugh about that is how most "fat" people in Japan? THEY'RE NOT EVEN FAT! Seriously, even in anime you'll have a "fat" girl and she actually looks fine...in fact, what Japan considers fat? I consider healthy. And I don't mean that "just to sound nice to overweight people", I mean...stick figures?

Sorry, but that's just GROSS.

I'm around 5'6"...some years ago I was worried about my weight so I prayed and worked at it...my goal was 125. Did I make it? HECK YA! PRAISE JESUS! In the end though? I didn't like it...I was happy God had answered my prayers, but then I looked at my cousin...when I was younger I always envied her because she was so super skinny. Now? I ended up putting some weight back on because I didn't want to be like that. Not only did I realize it looked gross, but I like having a chest and figure...granted I never really lost either of those when I lost weight, but still...having some meat on you evens it out. Plus my boyfriend likes it that way as well.

Seriously, I don't mean this bad, but Japan is into that "young look". I mean their national age of consent for girls is 13 if I remember correctly...if they like their girls looking like lolitas, whatever, but sorry, I'm not into that (and it's rather rude to force it upon everyone).

One thing you have to think about though is, just like some overweight people can't lose weight, some skinny people,me included, can't put on weight no matter what or how much they eat. This comment could be taken the wrong way, I don't take offensively but I could see how some people could.

Everybody's has different body types and I think a law of this type shouldn't be able to be passed, even in different countries. I mean, if a law like that were brought to the US, I wouldn't even want to think about the outrage it would cause.
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Postby MBlight » Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:42 am

EricTheFred (post: 1237267) wrote:Quote for truth. The people who declare that the government 'has no right to interfere in their lives' are often the first in line to demand the government 'do something about it' when stupidity bites back.

So many examples found in America:
1) "The parent knows better than the government what's good for their own children!"
Think about this oft-heard claim next time you witness the public outcry of 'why didn't Child Protective Services do something about it?' after an abused child dies. Did that child's parent know what was good for their child?

2) 'The government shouldn't mandate insurance requirements!'
The same people who live in flood plains and refuse to get flood insurance, or on coastal property and refuse to get hurricane insures, and say it's 'government meddling' when someone suggests it ought to be required, are first in line demanding government bailouts after a major disaster.

3) Attempts to get people to stop smoking or cut down on drinking are derisively called 'sin taxes', 'morality laws', or 'social engineering', but these same people will carp very strongly later in life about their high medicare premiums, driven up in part by emphysema, liver disease, hypertension, cancer, etc. etc.

4) People driving Giganti-normous SUVs are the loudest right now demanding that the government do something about the high price of gas. Supply and demand curve, folks, right from Economics 101. Your SUVs demand more gas]blank[/I]? And then we vote for people who promise to both deliver the moon and cut taxes.

Etoh, it's so sad that I have to say this but what you say it's true. It's not all that cool that they're "forcing" people to lose weight but you can kinda understand why they're doing it! Being "the government" is a very hard job, more often than not the solution that you're expected to suck out of your left thumb is far harder come by than any one really realizes. All I can really say is that I hope that they do make certain exceptions (like for previously mentioned slowed metabolic rates) and hoping that they won't be too hard on the financial penalties...
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Postby PrincessCosette » Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:51 pm

Wow! That's crazy! According to the law, I'm considered overweight because my waist is 35 or 36 inches!!! (I don't remember which measurment it is)
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Postby Shinja » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:09 pm

wow thats harsh i never thought or a 34" wastline was fat. go figure?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:45 am

While I understand wanting healthy employees, an upper limit of 34" is absurd... If it was 38 or 40, then that'd be a bit more understandable...
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:53 am

Its good and all to have helpful guidelines on to help a person watch their own weight for health reasons, but this is pushing it a bit much.
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:47 pm


but i know some people are considered "obese" but can't help it. my mom has been dieting forever and she still is on the fat side. but she walks every day and eats healthy. So i think she really is healthy...it's just her body type to be "fatter".
So I dunno if I agree with the whole...waist measurement idea. Because sometimes that can't be helped. Someone stick thin could be healthy..and someone chubbier could be healthy. God made us all different.

Me, personally, like the look of skinny people. So I don't want people calling it gross. I'm skinny and I like it. Chubbier people aren't gross to me......I would just prefer skinny.

But yeah...Japan sortof had a good idea...but I think they kinda went about it the wrong way.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:50 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1235333) wrote:Well, Japan is pretty crowded so they need as much space as they can get, XD.

LadyRushia (post: 1235503) wrote:Seriously guys, they're doing it to save space.

XD ok, that's funny!

Raiden no Kishi (post: 1235507) wrote:Government intrusion = epic fail.


creed4 (post: 1235886) wrote:That is a bit extreme. too much government control

AJV (post: 1235891) wrote:It's good that they're trying not to be overweight, but the way they're doing it isn't so good though.

I agree with this. I also agree with what Nate pointed out, but more importantly this is just a sign of tyranny. The government has a right to tell the people to do certain things, but there are many things that the government has no business governing. One's personal weight is one of these, no matter how obese the country is. Obesity has to do with life style and foods your culture promotes/consumes, not to mention our sinful nature. Perhaps promoting healthier foods would be the way to go, but setting a required waste size, or even taking away fattier foods and banning them from stores/restaurants... that's just tyranny at its root. It may start with only those 40-75, but think of how this could escalate in the future.

But Japan is a nation without God (as is ours for the most part in its current state). And without God, you can't have just laws or healthy standards. Gluttony is a sin for a reason... obese people are a example of gluttony to varying degrees, whether they realize it or not. And some its really obvious.
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Postby Conner999 » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:44 pm

I was actually thinking about this subject a lot today thanks to a trip I took, during which I saw a lot of people, and not to be rude but they were all ugly. Ugly, because they didn't take care of themselves. Not because of the way they were born or being overweight, but they had the look of people who didn't care about their own well being, into a lot of bad habits. They didn't respect or make good decisions with what God had given them, for whatever reasons.

I wish America was more health conscious. Compared to other countries, America's obesity rate is much higher. We have poor eating habits, and because of our emphasis on convenience and instant gratification, are spoiled and slothful. Government regulated waistlines and fines don't seem like a solution to me. Dealing with the core of the problem is necessary, not it's after-effects.

"And the funny thing is that obesity is far, far less common there than it is here, so why are they so worried about this? XD"

I think it's BECAUSE they are so worried about it that it's far less common. One of the reasons, at least.

"Weight doesn't have as much of an influence on your apparent age as you might think."

But it does have an effect on physical maturity. I read a study on overweight children. Females with excess body fat seem to mature faster and sometimes have hormonal problems as a result.

"Oh yeah did I forget to mention that in the Bible the age of consent was 13? Darn those horrible Hebrew people, into the "young look.""

Age of consent is also related to expected life spans. Back in the days of the "Wild West", if the age of consent/legal marriage was 18, compared to the average life expectancy, a person would be more than half dead by the time they could start a family.
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Postby Nate » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:49 pm

Conner999 wrote:Age of consent is also related to expected life spans.

Then please to explain why it's 14 in Canada and 60% of Europe. Do they only live for forty years over there? And explain why it's 21 in Madagascar. Do they live for 200 years?

Age of consent is completely arbitrary, it has nothing to do with lifespans.

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Postby Mave » Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:35 am

You can put on weight anywhere on this planet. It's just about what you choose to eat. I mean, I lost weight when I was in the USA. Many ppl have a hard time believing it but I switched what I ate (mostly ran off to the salad and soup bar because I couldn't take all the cheese, meat and pizza) and exercised quite a bit more.

Anyway, I hope they set a minimum waist limit as well. The slimming ads in the female magazines are scary. The girls boasting their 'slim bodies' are so skinny, it's bordering on anorexia. I have no idea where their boobs come from - I suspect it's probably plastic. Most girls I know cannot have big boobs AND a chopstick body naturally (there are exceptions but extremely rare exceptions).
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Postby mechana2015 » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:27 pm

Fantasy Dreamer (post: 1242543) wrote:But Japan is a nation without God (as is ours for the most part in its current state). And without God, you can't have just laws or healthy standards. Gluttony is a sin for a reason... obese people are a example of gluttony to varying degrees, whether they realize it or not. And some its really obvious.

I would check how you phrased that... some people are genetically predisposed to carry more weight, and 'obese' is a bit of an arbitrary number that was determined using a generalized formula, and discounts the basic body type classifications, among myriad other things. A lot of these people are far from gluttonous.

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Postby Puguni » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:51 pm

EricTheFred (post: 1237267) wrote:Quote for truth. The people who declare that the government 'has no right to interfere in their lives' are often the first in line to demand the government 'do something about it' when stupidity bites back.

We expect the government to simultaneously do nothing at all to interfere with our lives but then carp 'they can send people to space, why can't they do something about blank? And then we vote for people who promise to both deliver the moon and cut taxes.

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