Dream or Nightmare?

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Postby Esoteric » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:36 am

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Have you ever had a dream where your teeth fall out (usually front incisors)? I've had several and just had one yesterday (and it felt disgustingly real too!). Seriously, every couple of years, so it seems, I'll have a dream that involves me playing with my teeth in a dream, and they get to be SO loose that they eventually pop right out! Feels like back in my losing teeth days it feels so real, but I guess my mind remembers the sensation of it?

You know, come to think of it, I actually have had one or two dreams where my teeth were starting to fall out! They were bizarre, disturbing dreams, but that's all I can remember now.

I rarely remember dreams now though. There are only three I remember vividly, and they were all, 'This is it, I'm going to die!' type dreams.
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Postby MidnightWalker » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:44 pm

I had a dream last night, It was pretty nice.

My history teacher has made this cool game, and I began playing the game, as the dream progressed, it got realer and realer. I could see every aspect of the game in full detail. Then my English teacher showed up as the evil guy (Wow Foreshadowing). and then I had a large debate wtih the english teacher and I woke up
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Postby Ingemar » Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:12 pm

I dreamed that the last five episodes (for the first season) of Heroes really, really sucked.
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Postby Dante » Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:28 pm

Dream... I talked to Jesus and I dreamed I died and had gone to Heaven O_O when you get to Heaven apparently you have to fly up to an airship to see him, but he's always visible that way... just along the horizon in his shiny airship. But I guess he didn't have anything important to say cause I couldn't remember a word of it by morning O_o... or maybe I just asked unimportant questions. either that... or it really was important and I just didn't listen. The dream was mostly likely the result of my inner desires for what I wanted to do if I were to ever lucid dream (I wanted to open up a door in my mind and go see if I could talk to God just to find out what would happen... ) Unfortunately I wasn't lucid in this one and have a hard time attaining the lucid state... But if I do I'm DEFINITELY going to have some fun!

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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:25 pm

Unfortunately because of the nature of some of the dreams I do remember I cannot repeat them here.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:19 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Question for all yous frequent dreamers that can actually remember your dreams!!! (Because seriously, I am SO curious about this...)

Have you ever had a dream where your teeth fall out (usually front incisors)? I've had several and just had one yesterday (and it felt disgustingly real too!). Seriously, every couple of years, so it seems, I'll have a dream that involves me playing with my teeth in a dream, and they get to be SO loose that they eventually pop right out! Feels like back in my losing teeth days it feels so real, but I guess my mind remembers the sensation of it?

Anyhow, I remember a long along time ago I ended up on some site that involved dream interpretations or whatever, and one of the dreams listed was "teeth falling out". Don't remember what it even said, but I just think it's interesting that it made it sound common.

So, anyone else have these dreams? It's weird because even before I got braces, I've never been worried about my teeth popping out or anything :/

yes many times!!!
I'm always very intrested in dreams, and i've found that God ususally speaks to me in my dreams.

here is a couple of interpretations of teeth dreams:
One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and your teeth play an important role in conveying that image. Teeth are used in the game of flirtations. Teeth are an important feature of our attractiveness and presentation to others. Everybody worries about how they appear to others. Caring about our appearance is natural and healthy.�

Another rationalization for these falling teeth dream may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxiety.�

Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. This dream is an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the value of your own opinion.

In the latest research, it has been shown that women in menopause have frequent dreams about teeth. This may be related to getting older and/or feeling unattractive and less feminine.

A scriptural interpretation for bad or falling teeth indicate that you are putting your faith, trust, and beliefs in what man thinks rather than in the word of God. The bible says that God speaks once, yea twice in a dream or a vision in order to hide pride from us, to keep us back from the pit, to open our ears (spiritually) and to instruct and correct us.

i got this from http://www.dreammoods.com/

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Postby Sheol777 » Sun May 06, 2007 6:17 am

Ok, ok I just woke up and I had a doozy.

I just woke up and looked out the window in the morning and there were dinosaurs everywhere. For some reason I lived in Florida and I saw them flying and walking through the traffic intersection and all over as far as I could see. So...I, still in a bathrobe and slippers boarded my airplane and flew to Washington DC. I got to the Capitol building and asked some employees where the president was. I saw a sign on a stand that said "Anime Game". So I walked in there first, and there was my best friend LARP'ing with some girl on some marble steps. SO I asked him where the president was....

I saw the president walking away, he had some folders in his hand. I caught up to him and said "Mr. President, you need to do something about these dinosaurs. He said (George Bush Sr.), "We are, but don't worry. It's just a movie promotion." I felt like I should have know that, but at the same time I didn't think he was taking this seriously enough.....

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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun May 06, 2007 11:31 am

Not a nightmare but a reality.I have a persistant cough.I only wish it were a nightmare.
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Postby Danderson » Sun May 06, 2007 8:06 pm

First I must state that it is frustrating annoying to me that I never have any fun dreams (big battle or adventure...my little bro get's all those...he once had a dream where he and many of his friends had to protect our church from an army of orcs, uruks, and...undead pirates?)...

...Either I have a terrifying nightmare or I have a great dream that I can never remember...

Second, Is there anyone out there who's had a dream that foretold a future event that eventually happened, whether it be national or on a personal level?...

For example, I had a friend who claimed that he dreamed about something like 9/11 a few days before it actually happened...
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Postby wingedfox » Mon May 07, 2007 10:27 am

i'm not sure wasn't scary but i had to wake up to make sure it wasn't real. anyway it was about that NASA was drilling into the cores of Mars and Venus(idky)and it some how threw the planets out of orbit. so we were sitting outside watching a movie and my step dad was working in the garden when he called us over to look at the sky. it was full of huge rainbows and some white rainbows also. we ran in and got our cameras to take pics because it was really the pretty thing i had ever seen. but as we were taking pics we noticed that the planets were really really big and almost lined up. then i realized somehow that Mars and venus were going to crash into the earth really really soon. and it got kindof random from there(buying lots of fried food ect...)and that's it. but my mom said in the dream that Jesus would come back before they hit us. that's all i remember really. comments?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 07, 2007 1:41 pm

wingedfox wrote:i'm not sure wasn't scary but i had to wake up to make sure it wasn't real. anyway it was about that NASA was drilling into the cores of Mars and Venus(idky)and it some how threw the planets out of orbit. so we were sitting outside watching a movie and my step dad was working in the garden when he called us over to look at the sky. it was full of huge rainbows and some white rainbows also. we ran in and got our cameras to take pics because it was really the pretty thing i had ever seen. but as we were taking pics we noticed that the planets were really really big and almost lined up. then i realized somehow that Mars and venus were going to crash into the earth really really soon. and it got kindof random from there(buying lots of fried food ect...)and that's it. but my mom said in the dream that Jesus would come back before they hit us. that's all i remember really. comments?

I've had dreams like that before... Once I had a dream Jupiter was covering the whole sky, but I could see mars and venus in front of it. Most of my dreams are random...

Some of my dreams would make awesome movies. In one dream, I was in this castle walking out to a tower. I stood in this place on the tower, and the sky was a patchwork quilt, with the moon really big in the sky. What I had to do was shout this particular word, and I would get whatever I wished for. I was upset, because people were trying to follow me out there and would hear the word. I remember being upset when I woke up because I couldn't remember the word that I shouted out.

As for recently, I don't remember what I dreamed this morning, but I have been having a lot of dreams of being surprised with a (romantic) relationship. It's really weird, and always a different girl (nearly always someone I know, not always single...) It will be some girl will just talk to me, get really close, and kiss me, or something else, like I'm camping and a girl starts playing with my hand.

The dreams themselves are nice, but I just end up feeling really lonely when I wake up...
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Mon May 07, 2007 9:33 pm

Had one this morning. It involved zombies or aliens, or ghosts or something. Whatever they were, I had a hatchet and was hacking the snot out of them. Something about a flooding parkinglot too. It didn't make much sense to me when I woke up, so I don't know why it would start now.
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Postby wingedfox » Wed May 09, 2007 9:45 am

wingedfox wrote:i'm not sure wasn't scary but i had to wake up to make sure it wasn't real. anyway it was about that NASA was drilling into the cores of Mars and Venus(idky)and it some how threw the planets out of orbit. so we were sitting outside watching a movie and my step dad was working in the garden when he called us over to look at the sky. it was full of huge rainbows and some white rainbows also. we ran in and got our cameras to take pics because it was really the pretty thing i had ever seen. but as we were taking pics we noticed that the planets were really really big and almost lined up. then i realized somehow that Mars and venus were going to crash into the earth really really soon. and it got kindof random from there(buying lots of fried food ect...)and that's it. but my mom said in the dream that Jesus would come back before they hit us. that's all i remember really. comments?

gaa i hade another dream related to this one.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed May 09, 2007 11:24 am

One dream that has come true is that Sci Fi is now going to restart airing
anime starting on June 11. :thumb:
Yeah I know that's not what the topic is about but it's something most of us have dreams about one day happening.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu May 31, 2007 6:27 am

One'a those ones thats only scary after the facts. I was trying to summon Cthlulu. Not sure why, but I was. For a long time. There was a LOT of dream where I was trying to summon Cthlulu by talking to ghosts and cutting myself and a lot of sacrifices. And I had this dream for a long time. I think that's what bugs me most. >.>
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Postby wingedfox » Thu May 31, 2007 10:30 am

'nother nightmare where metors where falling to earth (really bigs ons about 8 ft around)and one almost hit me in the head then the moon starting falling to earth and i my mom and i where holding each other telling me how much she loved me, then I woke up when it crashed. But i've been having lots of dreams about the world being distroyed by things falling out of the sky.
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Postby Sparx00 » Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:20 pm

I had the weirdest Nightmare ever. This giant star fish was atacking the city and eating everybody. They was trying to get away on rider lawn mowers. Then it was comeing after me and everything that I could use to escape was gone. But there was a pusher lawn mower. So I got on and I took off like a drag racer. It was weird!
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Postby sticksabuser » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:11 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:One dream that has come true is that Sci Fi is now going to restart airing
anime starting on June 11. :thumb:
Yeah I know that's not what the topic is about but it's something most of us have dreams about one day happening.

On the topic of dreams, after the first time I played DnD, I dreamed about it all night... basically I would be one of the characters, and for anything I'd want to do I'd need to roll a d20 die...
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Postby SolidÃ…rmor » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:55 pm

Nightmare: My family and myself are back at the house that we used to live when we were little, and my dad was grilling on the bbq grill. We were all outside, just laughing and talking and I noticed that my grandmother and grandfather were with us...(my gdad passed away in late 1986, gmom passed the summer of '95). Anyhoo, my little sister is inside watching tv and as we are all enjoying ourselves she comes to the window saying "It's happened, it's happened!! The man from NASA has said that it's happened!" My father and i run inside to see what she's talking about, and on the screen a man with a white coat, and a NASA badge dangling from his jacket pocket. He said that it happened and wasn't supposed to happen for a few million years, but the Sun is starting to go Nova. "The outer layer of the sun has been ejected, and is expanding past Mercury...and will not stop there." At that moment the sky started getting darker, almost the point of sunset. But it was only 12:30 pm in the afternoon, the wind started to pick up and I could feel this electrical feeling...the hair on my arms and neck were standing straight up. As soon as this man said "We are directly in it's path..." there was a sound of thunder, "there is nothing we can do, but hope...and pray!"....then we went outside, as we looked up we could see the sky where the sun was starting to dim, stars starting to pop out around it, I could see this "ring" growing around it....it didn't look real...it was getting bigger and bigger and the sun was getting dimmer and dimmer. My grandmother started to grab my hand and was telling us to gather around and start praying, and she started my littler sister was saying "can you hear that?" from inside the house. She was coming outside, and saying "It sounds like a trumpet...you have to hear it?" At that moment I could hear something, it was the oddest thing...it started out very low and began to get louder. The sound of a trumpet. Then she pointed to the sky and said "He's come, he's come!!" when I looked up I saw one lonesome cloud in the sky...but the shape of it, in the shape of the Cross. At that moment the next thing I noticed was that I wasn't where I was before, I mean I could look up and see the Earth. How did I get here? Where am I? I looked down and noticed I was on the moon...the horizon began to glow red, as I looked up I could see a ring of fire proceeding over the cresent of the Earth.

That's when I woke up.
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Postby IZ&Trigun4life » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:00 pm

My last dream was a nightmare as well. But it was incredibly disturbing and I'm afraid to speak of it. But I will tell you it was the result of seeing a horror film. I ask for prayer that these nightmares wont return. I had four in one night ><.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu May 29, 2008 6:26 pm

I will revive this said thread with the oddest dream I has ever had.(Since I don't remember any of the others.)

Okay, this all happend last night.

I dreamt that I was drinking water at a bar (I was drinking water mind you) named the Blue Maiden in 16th or 17th century europe during a festival called the 'Blue Maiden Festival' that took up the whole city(I think it may had been france or maybe Rome). In the middle of the party I and eleven other men were choosen for a special event where we took a carriage with twelve young ladies. Mind you I was the only one not have fun with these women. Seeing that I wasn't one of the choosen men(That now that I think of it looks like a friend of mine from school) asked me why, I said, "I am a christian good sir, we do not believe in such things."(Or something like that). He then asked, "Why did you even come."(because we knew of the trip before hand), I replied, "Because, I'm here to find something that may be linked to this festival(All the women listening looked nervous). You see, there is a rumor that this festval is used to carry out illegal drug smuguling(The ladies are relieved though what I said was not my true plan), but by what I see it is not through this party." Everyone believes my story. But the weridest thing is about to happen.

When we arrive at a fancy mansion we men are asked to enter for more entertainment though I do not want what they might have. I enter anyways only to be knocked out right after. When I awoke I along with the other men had our hands tied behind our backs while sitting in some chairs.

Now the real freaky part is that we awoke to a woman(and only she in this room with us) dressed in blue doing a song and dance. Thankfully someone broke the mood and she went on a rant about how the real blue maiden was a witch that placed a curse on the city that if they did not kill twelve virgin men once a year on the same date then half of the people in city would die(and it's a pretty big city). To stop this happend to be my true point for coming so I broke free from the ropes(by cutting them I think), grabbed a sword for an armor set near by, had sword duel with her where words were switched, won, held the sword her throat and made her swear not to do this again(She did), went to free the others, she tried to stab me in the back, one of the men warned me, and I turned around and cut her throat open(?) and said, "May God forgive your sins."

Then I woke up. Strange dream....ain't it.
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Postby Tundrawolf » Thu May 29, 2008 9:21 pm

I had a dream years ago where I was petting this wolf: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v237/wolfmangk/0927071511.jpg

It was several years before I actually met the wolf, and the dream took place in a barn. The front of the barn was wide open.

I have also had 2 dreams that were answers to things I did not know how to tell someone, and one was an odd premonition dream to something that happened the next day.
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Thu May 29, 2008 9:40 pm

I had a good dream last light about God and my future life. But this week has been one heck of a spiritual battle.
Some of my favorite scriptures.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Hebrews 4-4
1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

James 4
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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