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The Rebelution

The geek forum. PHP, Perl, HTML, hardware questions etc.. it's all in here. Got a techie question? We'll sort you out. Ask your questions or post a link to your own site here!

The Rebelution

Postby Danderson » Mon May 19, 2008 7:41 pm

The Rebelution is an online blog/networking site from brothers Bret and Alex Harris, authors of "Do Hard Things."

The Rebelution is an amazing group of ppl who are rebeling against the low expectations set up by our culture......It's some really challenging stuff, but it's awesome how God has used these guys to inspire others....and they were only like 15 or 16 when they started.....

Check em out.....
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Postby rii namuras » Tue May 20, 2008 2:53 am

[color="Red"](Hey, I remember when this started. I was in the same debate league as these guys - though due to the fact that we lived on opposite sides of the country I never met them in person. It's really blown up since I last visited. They have conferences now?)[/color]
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rii namuras
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