Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1226754) wrote:No one disagrees with you there. What they're saying is that you should not take it too literally. There may not literally be a giant dragon coming out of the sea, there may not be literally four horesmen riding around trashing everything, and there might not be a literal lake of fire that everyone is literally being thrown in to. It's poetry and symbolism that God speaks to us most with. God does not often give us the straight message.
No one should approach Revelation lightly. It is a heavy book that takes even the most learned Biblical Scholars years to go through. No one has really interpreted it to the fullest extent by which it can truly be understood. Honestly the whole of biblical interpretation takes training. You can't just cherry pick out verses and expect to understand them for all their worth.
If Revelation were so easily understood there would not be the huge debates in the Christian community that exist today. There are to date four major views of how to interpret the book and all of those have varying degrees of variation. Be careful with it.
Yeah, I misread her post. Its just people have said that before as a way of dismissing the Book of revelation or the bible as a whole. Not saying Shao was.
Its also prophetic though. I do agree, you have to approach the whole bible with God's guidance.
Especially how there are prophecies mentioned elsewhere in the Bible( yeah I know I'm going off topic). Just thought I mentioned it.