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The Dragonball Z

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The Dragonball Z

Postby Deshi_calanor » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:39 am

hey everyone, im not sure if anyone remembers me. i think my last user name was either jcc_calanor, anor or sifu_calanor. but a few years back i was trying to get a final fantasy rpg going. didnt get very far...

now im trying to get a dbz rpg going and we are almost done with the site and everything, so i thoughted i would stop by here to offer first dibs on characters and all that.

you can check out the site at
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Postby Deshi_calanor » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:53 pm

well everyone, the game is maybe a week or two away from going active. if anyone knows anything about changing the skins on forums, and would like to help, please drop by or send me a pm. thanks
[color="Red"]Goku: "what an attack!"[/color]

[color="Purple"]Frieza: "And I'm just warming up. I told you i could destroy this planet, in the same way i destroyed planet Vegeta. And please dont think me vain, but are you impress with my handy work?"[/color]

Join The Dragonball Z RPG.

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Postby Deshi_calanor » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:14 pm

this is the first updates general items list that we are putting out. you will be able to buy items in the stores located on planets. simply go to the market city on each planet to buy whatever you need. the cost may very in the future and may very from planet to planet.

Dragon Radar- use to locate dragonballs
Potion – restores 5% of health each turn for three turns.
Advance potion – restores 10% of health each turn for five turns.
Sensu bean – restores you to full health, ki, vitality, spirit and stamina
Repair kit – restores 5% of health for androids each turn for three turns.
Advance repair kit – restore 10% of health for androids each turn for five turns.
Soup – restores 5% of vitality each turn for three turns.
Rice – restores 10% of vitality each turn for five turns.
Chicken soup – restores 5% of spirit each turn for five turns
Fried rice – restores 10% of spirit each turn for five turns
Water – restores 5% of stamina each turn for three turns.
Smart water – restores 10% of stamina each turn for five turns.
Energy drink – restores 5% of ki each turn for three turns.
Super energy drink – restores 10% of ki each turn for three turns.

i know there is no price on this, right now. just havent gotten to it yet.
[color="Red"]Goku: "what an attack!"[/color]

[color="Purple"]Frieza: "And I'm just warming up. I told you i could destroy this planet, in the same way i destroyed planet Vegeta. And please dont think me vain, but are you impress with my handy work?"[/color]

Join The Dragonball Z RPG.

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Location: Shaw AFB, South Carolina

Postby KeybladeWarrior » Mon May 05, 2008 7:20 pm

Oh!! Thanks for all the hard work. This game sounds fun. :D
@)}~`,~ Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All
The CAA Moderators.

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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Thu May 08, 2008 11:19 am

um, you forgot the "half sensu bean"

...just thought i'd point that out...
'nuff said
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