sparx00 (post: 1219760) wrote:Hmmm.... Have you told him that he isn't your type?
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1219765) wrote:Tell your parents?
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1219768) wrote:I would say that this is a typical case of "guy infatuated with girl and does not know how to properly make a social advance to get to know her well".
I would also say that this guy lost his chance with you, lol. Don't be afraid to "stomp on his heart" or anything. The best thing for you to do is to be flat out straight with him and say that you don't want to be near him nor do you really want to get to know him. Of course, you should definitely do that in a respectable manner, but you should also keep your ground and not let his emotions sway your thinking. He'll adjust, get better, and learn from his mistakes.
If he continues to follow you and even reacts violently towards you, that's when you contact the proper authorities.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
USSRGirl (post: 1219783) wrote:o.O Hrm... sounds like the subtle/civil approach hasn't really been working with your creepy stalker guy. Aside from the borrowing a meat cleaver from the butcher down the street and walking around with ketchup smeared all over it to deter following, I would give him one last talk if he follows you again and just spell it out to him loud and clear: "I'm not interested in you. I don't want to get to know you. Leave me alone now, or I'm reporting this to a teacher as harassment." Like MSP said, it will be for his own good in the end because being nice to him is obviously not working - it sounds like he's almost encouraged because you haven't just hacked off his limbs yet and still thinking he has a chance with you. It's better if you're harsh and forceful with him, otherwise he just won't get it. He'll probably be scared off if you threaten to report him, and you may shock him into getting a grip on what is not acceptable when trying to "get to know" someone.
If you pity him and try to make friends, it will only get worst. Just remember that he isn't your project to fix, whatever is going on in his life. Yeah, we're supposed to care, but you have to draw the line. I think the best saying I ever heard about having too much pity was that apparently when a lifeguard saves someone who is drowning, the first thing they do is kick them away so they don't grab onto them and pull them down with them. People like him need to learn to respect a "no." He sounds like he's being an immature idiot and needs to cool it.
If he still doesn't get it after that, I'd tell a teacher and let them end it.
Peanut wrote:Originally I wasn't going to post anything because MSP pretty much covered what I would suggest and the only other ideas I had involved Mace and talking about marriage...however I then remembered something my ethics professor suggested. If he approaches you again and you don't want to stomp on his heart, tell him your testimony and/or talk about what God's done in your life recently. It could lead to his salvation...or it could make the situation worse because you've now talked to him and added fuel to the flame.At that point, doing what MSP said is probably a good idea...
mina wrote:<s>Tell him you're only into 2D men</s>
Tsukuyomi wrote:Does he seem like an over all nice guy?
Roxas2210 (post: 1220025) wrote:Then tell him his approch is all wrong. If he wants friends or girlfriends, he needs to just say hello and see if they want anything to do with him. If he continues to stalk people the way he dose, it will cause serious problems for him in the not-so-distant future. If you explain this to him, he might change his ways. If he dose, do you think he might be a good friend?
Roxas2210 (post: 1220025) wrote:Then tell him his approch is all wrong. If he wants friends or girlfriends, he needs to just say hello and see if they want anything to do with him. If he continues to stalk people the way he dose, it will cause serious problems for him in the not-so-distant future. If you explain this to him, he might change his ways. If he dose, do you think he might be a good friend?
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1220070) wrote:If she explains it to him, he's going to continually make numerous attempts to her the way he thinks she would appreciate it the most. i.e. He's going to go up to her and say "hello how are you? " and try to get to know her better.
Realistically, he probably lost his chance with her. Most people don't end up being close friends with someone that used to stalk them.
TriezGamer (post: 1220119) wrote:It looks like you're on the right track. It seems cruel to actually DO it, but a guy who can't learn to socially function SHOULD be pushed away, and you'll be doing him a favor, even though he doesn't realize it.
A semi-aside:
Why do people insist on being 'nice' to others when it comes to (termination or rejection of) relationships and dating? It causes nothing but problems for everyone involved, and in the long run causes more pain than the pain that was being avoided initially.
There's only two ways a relationship can end: You break up, or one of you dies. If it's not working out, and it's not going to work out, someone needs to take the initiative and call things off -- even if it has to be done before the relationship starts.
Those afraid of heartache confuse me too. Heartache sucks, but EVERY relationship EXCEPT a permanent one will wind up as a painful experience -- but you can learn from it. And since you can only have ONE permanent relationship, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that it will be your first one (especially since you aren't getting any experiences with the stresses of a relationship, nor what you might not see going into a relationship). For most people it will be a 6th, or even 20th relationship that leads to a permanent, happy life of marriage.
In other words: Don't fear the heartache. It hurts, but what you learn from it is important to your future married life.
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