Does anyone ever act differently in different classes?

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Does anyone ever act differently in different classes?

Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:44 pm

I dunno why I brought this up, but it seemed like a fun topic.

I ask this because it seems that in most classes, I'm a quiet person, willing to do anything for my teachers... keep quiet, and respectful and answer questions. It's odd but I feel if I don't raise my hand and at least attempt to answer a question that is asked, then I'm failing somehow. Because no one else really participates.

And theeeen... Art Class happens..

and I do a complete 180 (especially if I drink some caffine beforehand XD)
I'm A LOT more open...I talk about stuff that I normally wouldn't talk about in a normal class setting. I've VERY open... and sometimes I wonder if I scare people LOL. but I will do crazy things in art class...and It usually makes people laugh and join in... (I did a painting using hand prints and stuff lol it was intense!!)

And I'm on a first name basis with all my professors. (They asked for it...when I first meet them I called them Mr. and Mrs.. but they were liek "O_O No. Thats my parent's name) So yeah XD.

so what about you guys? are there certain classes you are different in? Are you the same person all the time?
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:59 pm

Honestly, it depends on the class. XD I'm more talkative in classes where I know the material. Additionally, if I'm in a studio class (like my Graphic Arts course last semester), I'll be much more conversational, since there's not always a lecture. It mostly just depends on what type of course it is, really. XD
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Postby sharien chan » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:11 pm

For me it depends. Usually I'm pretty outgoing in the classes of like 20 people. However in a lecture of 300 its really hard to be talkative. Unless I have a friend in the class with me...then Idon't shut up. XD
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:14 pm

It depends on the class and whether or not I have friends in it.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:27 pm

sharien chan (post: 1219539) wrote:For me it depends. Usually I'm pretty outgoing in the classes of like 20 people. However in a lecture of 300 its really hard to be talkative. Unless I have a friend in the class with me...then Idon't shut up. XD

i know that first hand. XD

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Postby ADXC » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:27 pm

Well it definitely depends on the class. In US History we have a great teacher and he isn't even boring! So I do tend to say something here or there. I don't really speak during Bible unless we are saying the verse or if asked a question, our bible teacher is not one to start a discussion(She just wants to get through the lesson.). In AP Lit I do tend to be more talkative because we mainly discuss poems and past novels that we've read but when there is a timed writing out we are as quiet as a graveyard. In Algebra 2, I may ask questions, but thats all. In spanish I do talk quite a bit. In study hall, it depends on if I have any homework or not. If I have alot of homework to do, then I won't be talking, but if not then I do talk a bit. And last Chemistry, I hardly talk during it because we are constantly learning new ideas and concepts and you have to take good notes and plus the class isn't what you'd call a talkative class, but it can be interesting from time to time.

So yeah it depends on the class.
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Postby minakichan » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:53 pm

Yeah, of course, for the same reason that people act differently around different groups of friends, family, strangers, etc.
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Postby sharien chan » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:36 am

chibiphonebooth (post: 1219547) wrote:i know that first hand. XD

poor Mr. Marin....XDDDD and Mrs. Kunkle....
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:17 am

I think most people necessarily behave differently in different classes. After all, though they are all classes, the class, material, and professor are all variables that determine the tone and atmosphere of the class. The professor, in my opinion, is the most important determining factor. You have to get a feel for how they want their class to go. For example, my English professor runs a very relaxed class. He jokes around with us all (especially those of us who had him last semester) and keeps the atmosphere informal, so I tend to let my hair (all of it) down the most in his class. However, in my management class, it is more of a straight lecture class for which we are required to dress up, so the atmosphere is more subdued. I may, however, not be the best example, as all of my professors are quite personable and class sizes are small, so they are likely on the whole more relaxed than the norm.

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Postby EricTheFred » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:08 pm

No, I remember being the same way in all classes... half-asleep.

Actually, in college I was typically with the same group of people for most of my classes (in a small engineering school, it tends to work that way.) In the few courses that were different (the 'breadth' courses intended to make sure our horizons were wider than our major) I was one of those weird one or two engineering students in a sea of business majors, and the group dynamic was a lot different than I was used to. So I don't know if it was so much me as the class that was different.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:32 pm

I act the same way in most classes. I am paying attention, or making it appear like I am, so I am usually quiet unless I have an inquiry. Also, the teachers discourage the students from talking amongst themselves because the concepts are difficult and some people in particular don't mind being loud enough that their private conversation carries over the whole class.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:31 pm

I definitely act different in different classes.
In my 5th period class, I hardly ever talk to anyone, but in every other class--especially 4th period Anatomy--I'm a chatterbox. When I start getting used to or adapted to certain people, that's when I open up. My 4th period class definitely knows I'm the anime freak XD. All thanks to my best friend. Hmm, the highlights of my senior year happens in that class (like the cat fluid and formaldehyde liquid that poured on my shoe during dissection XDD).
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Postby ADXC » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:31 pm

@ Darkelfgirl- Last year we dissected a frog and a pig(Or piglet I should say.)! It was a little weird but educational.

Oh, sorry for going off topic.
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Postby Syreth » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:57 am

Yeah, I do. Sometimes if my professor requires that we participate in discussion at some level, I have to go out of my way to say something when I wouldn't normally. And, like others have mentioned, there are classes that certainly differ on the type of interaction that students can have during class.

And yeah, art classes tend to be a lot more conducive to conversation, even though sometimes I found it a little hard cause I wanted to both talk and give all of my attention to the project at hand.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:38 am

I tend to cast more magic as a Red Mage than a Bard because dual casting is awesome.
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Postby Kkun » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:23 am

Fish and Chips (post: 1219881) wrote:I tend to cast more magic as a Red Mage than a Bard because dual casting is awesome.

Epic. Fail.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:29 am

usually I'm a pretty quiet guy in most of my classes, but this semester in my Lit class I've become kind of a jerk know-it-all. I have a Religion Science and Faith class that is just a general Religion course, but is also a requirement for the Christian Ministry students like me. For the most part this semester it's packed with us religious types. There is no one to really argue the other side, so it's all just a bunch of nodding heads when "Yay religion!" comes up. Not that I'm against that. I'm obviously very much "yay religion!" but it seemed at some point that the other side needed to be argued. I've started playing Devils Advocate lately without even realizing it and now I think my classmates want to lynch me as a heretic. :(
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Postby king atlantis » Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:18 pm

lets allways quiet in first block cause im asleep (its ok, i still have an A in the class *im smart*). plus, the teachers a weird old cat-lady. and annoying. realy, i had more fun in ISS than her class :/ (ISS= in school suspention...but then again, the ISS 'teacher' IS the anime club director :p)

second block im more awake and have some i talk some, but not garrously. But still have fun...and the teachers realy cool.

third block is right after lunch, and im all hyped up. and the teacher is SO wasome. i argue/discuss things with him all the time, and make all sorta comments. plus, we play a game: 'who can be the most sarcastic'. that and all the firends i have makes me super hyper fun, and more of an open person. teachers MAKE the class.

fourth block....almost end of day, and scifi/fan study. OMG. everyone in the class is like me, practically, so we have TONS of fun. and the teachers TOTTALLY crazy cool (in a dif. way than 3rd block teacher) and we all talk so much, and have so much fun...i never knew serious films and books could be so funny...when taken out of context >.>

so, um, yeah :p
im a back.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:51 am

Kkun (post: 1219898) wrote:Epic. Fail.

My apologies.

It was wrong of me to assume you had a sense of humor.
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Postby TriezGamer » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:55 am

Hey, I thought it was funny. :P
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Postby Kkun » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:59 am

Fish and Chips (post: 1220166) wrote:My apologies.

It was wrong of me to assume you had a sense of humor.


Apparently, it was wrong of me to assume the same about you.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:09 pm

Kkun (post: 1220178) wrote:lolololol THIS THREAD R SRS BIZNESS.

Apparently, it was wrong of me to assume the same about you.

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Postby Kkun » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:57 pm

Fish and Chips (post: 1220190) wrote:Pistols at ten paces.

Fish, you know I heart you.

Let me grow my horseshoe mustache, first, though, then we'll duel it out like real men.
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