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Postby Sakura15 » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:01 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1213756) wrote:I actually posted some thoughts on her beliefs in my LJ a few days ago. I'll paste them here:

[I]Anyways, as for my own thoughts, I have quite a few. XD First of all, I can't stand the post-modern relativist beliefs, so everything she said about "that works 'for you'" automatically grinds on my nerves. However, I do think it's extraordinarily contradictory (as all relativist beliefs are) that she says "as long as you get to the same outcome, it doesn't matter what you call 'god,'" and later says she agrees with the statement that, unless "your god" is a feeling and is no longer a "belief," then it's not truly "god." I thought it didn't matter if it was right "for me"? 8P

Not to mention, God is very much NOT a feeling. Feelings come and go]

I may have more to say as this thread continues, but please, everyone, keep it civil, and don't let it get political.

Great post Corrie :thumb: I couldn't agree more.
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:09 pm

Elf wrote:Here's my take on 'prophets'. Spend more time trying to spread the Word of God than 'witch-hunting'. As you can see, witch-hunting is shooing people away.

Quoted for the truth, though the Anti-Christ discussion was told to be dropped. Still, you make a good point.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:16 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1214852) wrote:Quoted for the truth, though the Anti-Christ discussion was told to be dropped. Still, you make a good point.

Oops--my bad. Didn't mean to resurrect it :sweat:. Sorry!

You know, maybe this thread should just be closed--not because I'm on the opposite side of the argument. It leads only down the path of "The Can of Worms". This is just my opinion. *shrugs* No offense to Sheenar or anyone who replied here.
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:36 pm

So long as the conversation stays civil, I think this thread is okay.

I think all we can do as Christians is continue to spread the gospel so that less people get caught up in this kind of philosophy.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:41 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1214869) wrote:So long as the conversation stays civil, I think this thread is okay.

I think all we can do as Christians is continue to spread the gospel so that less people get caught up in this kind of philosophy.

Hm, true to both. *shrugs*
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:36 pm

okay I watched this....

and I'm totally dumbfounded how anyone coudl listen to her... XD

She talks about "taking God out of the box..." But she put him back "in the Box" when she tries to bring Him down to HER expectations...

Everything Corrie said is pretty much inline with what I think XD Faith isn't the same as "Feeling" That's way too fleeting!

The God I believe in is the same as he was, yesterday, today and tomorrow... He isn't some warm fuzzy teddy bear that I can hug and then put away in a toy box...

I feel sorry for her, actually...I mean...she just way confuzed...

Can I ask my Drug Store to rename the Orange Smoothie that they named after her though when she came to visit my town?

Plz K
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Postby Sheenar » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:14 pm

~darkelfgirl~ (post: 1214854) wrote:Oops--my bad. Didn't mean to resurrect it :sweat:. Sorry!

You know, maybe this thread should just be closed--not because I'm on the opposite side of the argument. It leads only down the path of "The Can of Worms". This is just my opinion. *shrugs* No offense to Sheenar or anyone who replied here.

But I never said I agreed with the lady who wrote the book. In fact, I said the opposite
Post #5 wrote:
It amazes me how many people have been called "the Antichrist" over the years --just about every time someone gains popularity/a high place of authority,they are called that. It's true that we are living in the "end times" --we don't know how long it'll be until Jesus comes back --it may not even be in our lifetime. No one can predict when that will happen --only God knows.

Why are we so focused on things like this? Oprah is not the enemy. We should be expending our efforts in sharing the Gospel because time is short and we don't know when Jesus will return.

I just wanted to have a conversation about it because it seems to be something that's talked about in a lot of places. I was interested to hear what other people thought about it. In no way should this be a debate.
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:44 pm

Just clearing up something =)

I was not trying to provide a reason to attack her - simply stating why a lot of people do. If you want my personal stance on's our job to proclaim the truth and the Holy Spirit's job to convict the soul. Those who choose not to listen to the truth and the Holy Spirit's conviction are still going to believe something - weather it be Oprah's views or something else and no matter what they chose, it still is something other than the truth which leaves them all outside of God's grace...I guess you could say I don't care about the details - whether they follow Oprah, other celebrities, other religions or their own desire - I see them all the same and as in need of truth of Christ.
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Postby Kanerou » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:09 am

rocklobster (post: 1213961) wrote:Tom Cruise's first display of public insanity was when he declared his Scientology to the world.:eyeroll: Sorry, but a "religion" thought up by a kooky sci-fi writer isn't a religion. :eyeroll:

Tell that to the practicing Jedi. ^.^;
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Raiden no Kishi (post: 1218170) wrote:Also, I hope never to hear "Nate" and "prance" in the same sentence again . . .
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:28 am

[quote="Kanerou (post: 1215036)"]Tell that to the practicing Jedi. ^.^]

Or the people who actually believe in The Matrix. (Yes, these people actually exist.)
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Postby Danderson » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:33 am

Azier the Swordsman (post: 1215040) wrote:Or the people who actually believe in The Matrix. (Yes, these people actually exist.)

What? There is no Matrix?.......:(....darn it......:lol:

But to get back on topic, I think what makes this whole thing creepy is the whole trying to make a department of peace thing.....I mean, we already have the U.N. "trying" to solve the worlds problems "peacefully." Do we honestly need another organization for "world peace?"
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:32 pm

Danderson wrote:But to get back on topic, I think what makes this whole thing creepy is the whole trying to make a department of peace thing.....I mean, we already have the U.N. "trying" to solve the worlds problems "peacefully." Do we honestly need another organization for "world peace?"

Whereas the world needs more organizations trying to solve things violently?

Not to run headlong into the politics area, but the idea of a Department of Peace is simple: certain non-violent techniques can be useful for a nation state and some feel they should be incorporated in a more systematic fashion.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:22 pm

Sheenar (post: 1214903) wrote:But I never said I agreed with the lady who wrote the book. In fact, I said the opposite

Sorry. I meant no offense to you for creating this thread.
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