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Poetry of a nut

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Poetry of a nut

Postby Peanut » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:27 pm

I've begun to write poetry again lately so I figured that I might as well post it...feel free to comment or just read it and not say anything at all...

Me (or the Religion of Random)

The only thing that matters is
Atoms, bonds, molecules
Mind an illusion
Conscious a jumble of letters
Body walks
Brain sees
Feeling rules me
Overwhelmed I find
You, a mate, trees
It just happened
I sacrifice you
A knife
On an altar for
The only thing that matters
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Postby Peanut » Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:04 pm

Warning: The following Poem will not make any sense at all unless you solve it's secret (really it isn't that hard should figure it out pretty quickly...)






But not on earth
I find you
But in my heart.
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Postby USSRGirl » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:00 pm

XD The first one is an excellent expression of narcissism, but the referrences to atoms and molecules reminds me painfully of Kenji Miyazawa.

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Postby Peanut » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:16 pm

USSRGirl wrote:Uhm... *blank stare*... I HUCIAAIDUII STT LDMVHHTT YE AS BIB?

Keep looking Temulin...the last poem isn't just random words/letters stringed does make sense, you just need to decode it kind of...oh and thanks for the comments...
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Postby USSRGirl » Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:20 pm



Lives in.

T.S. Elliot's.


And has tea.

With a raven.

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Postby Peanut » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:06 pm


And so I dance,
With an unchanging smile
Unaware of you
Or them
I look

And so I dance,
Knowing you move me
With these strings
That my acts are yours
Not mine

And so I dance,
Even though I now know
That she is like me
Guided by your hand
Forever unaware

And so I dance,
Though I may fall
May break her
Or be broken
Always smiling

And so I dance…
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Postby Peanut » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:13 pm

Ok...allow me to break up the stanza's of my confusing, riddleish poem...
Peanut (post: 1207588) wrote:I

Peanut wrote:Seek


Peanut wrote:You


Peanut wrote:But not on earth
I find you
But in my heart.

There...that should help...
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:14 pm

Beholdeth Temulin's riddle solving skills! *coughcough* And some credit due to a certain compassionate individual *coughcough*

I seek light
here there dark
under cars in trees
across moutains
in valleys
up hills
down hills
in the air
in the sea
you everywhere
but not on earth
i find you
but in my heart

On "Marionette" - I like the consistency of your style, and the theme of that one has a good message to it.
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Postby Peanut » Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:37 pm

An old (aka senior year...) favorite of mine...edited slightly since I last posted this...


I remember the days when our separation
made me laugh,
but you kept coming,
with my oblivion in your mind.

I sweat as you rush for me
cold fury in your eyes.
My scream fell on deaf ears
and sealed my fate
in blood and tears.

Under your wheels
I’ll be crushed.
Under your wheels
I’ll be oppressed.
A slave for eternity
out of my own free will.
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Postby Peanut » Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:37 pm


We line the horizon
Armed and trained
For our glory
For our country
For our brethren

We stand united
One and the same
For our glory
For our country
For our brethren

We annihilate you
Once and for all
For our glory
For our country
For our brethren
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Postby Peanut » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:03 pm

Two more pieces...


With the weight of the world
on my shoulders
I find myself finally
growing tired.
It has been a long year;
tragedy upon tragedy,
drama upon dram,
each insult and problem
all collected in one glowing sphere.
I ponder:
When will the violence
and hypocrisy end?
How long until
the lies and pain fade away?
To bear all of this
is too much for any man.

Or so I thought
until you came.
Though you have no muscles
to boast of,
you are more than enough
for this yoke.
For you never
grow weary or loose strength.
So, young Hercules,
take this weight from me
and give me a yoke
fitting for myself,
the lightest one,
so that I may be less
and you more.


I rolled through lives
Unstopped, unopposed
When I caught your laugh
Would you resist me?

I had to try,
To see if you were better
Could resist being crushed
Would you break at my sight?

The day came.
We met in an open field
I pressed you and…
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Postby Peanut » Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:16 pm

Oughts and Shoulds

I often struggle
with the oughts and shoulds in life.
Those things we wish to do
but avoid like the plague.
They pile upon me
like leaves in the fall
wet with moisture from a recent rain.
And under them
I rot
I fade to dirt
as I beat myself senseless
trying to reach
that orange jewel in the sky
with nothing but a ladder.
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Postby Peanut » Fri May 16, 2008 8:55 pm

I present you with two works I wrote tonight at work and then edited recently...I call them the Dishwashing poems...

Dishwashing Poem 1

We have a tendency to loose ourselves
as we throw our lives into fate’s hands
hoping that the die will land our way,
hoping that they will give us
more time,
more life,
more hope,
more of what we want,
and less of what we need.
Yet the hands of fate are old
and unsteady
and with each casting of the die
we find that things do not go according to plan
and that life sometimes throws a curve.

Dishwashing Poem 2

There are many ways to kill time.
You can string him up with words
and let him dangle in the breeze.
Or Poison him with games, and TV.
You can also unload an entire book at it,
allowing each plot twist to piece his body
like the bullets they are.
However the best way to kill time
Is to do nothing
And let him die a natural death.
After all,
we wouldn’t want to get our hands dirty.
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Postby Peanut » Mon May 26, 2008 9:37 pm

The Haunting

Wherever I go
there you are.
Tormenting my senses
you haunt my mind.
I can now see
that this is
how it’s supposed to be,.
you the ghost
me your victim
an impersonal target
who you unknowingly
captured since day one.
But it just
won’t be.
It can’t be.
Not here or there
Not now or later
And yet,
despite this,
I have no escape.


An Image
Here then gone
Always out of reach
Of these longing fingers

If only I could draw close
Talk to you
Feel your vaporous embrace
Then I would die
And be reborn.
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Postby Peanut » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:35 pm

Brother, Sister
Brother, Sister
a bond forged by unseen fires
deeper then valleys
stronger then steel
some claim to have it
but have never tasted its joys
others long for it
and yet have it already
it is more then just blook
it is what we should be
united in love
Brother, Sister.
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Postby Peanut » Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:12 pm

Body made from stone
chiseled by yourself
in some attempt to fit an image.
You have no clue
as to what you do.
You just act
Without any thought process
let your muscles do the talking
since your brain is nothing but moss
Nothing special.
And everything you do
makes noise.
It contaminates my silence
with the grinding of stone
like fingernails on a chalkboard.
You torment me
Annoy me
each day…
But my freedom will come…
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:42 am

your poetry is very unique I like it alot. great job! though I can't figure out how to decode the second one haha but everything is written very neat. I like your style.


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Postby Peanut » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:17 pm

Thank you for your comment. It's always nice to know someone's enjoying what I'm writing.

Falls Apart
What Yeats says is true,
things really do fall apart,
it’s their destiny,
It cannot be fixed or prevented.
Not by you,
Not by me,
Not by Daedalus or Archimedes
Not by man or beast.
All that can be done is to keep going
or start again
either way the pain remains
until it falls apart.
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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:56 pm

Me, Marionette and golem are my favourites.

cool style, some of them have a bit of a cheese factor. but its only one or two and the ones that work REALLY work.
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Postby Peanut » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:56 pm

This is a semi experimental piece I just wrote...enjoy.

The day came when I started my trek across this wasteland,
questioning with each step how I got here
and wishing to return to the cool mountain air.
But as each step fell no answers came
And Night fell while my journey continued.

Exhausted I stopped to sip what little water I had,
and then it struck me clear as day.
The wilderness is where we come to you.
How could I have missed something so obvious?
The last drop of water rolled down my throat, restored I resumed my course.

I pressed onward into the night with the moon as my guide,
still waiting to reach green pastures.
But I now know what I must do at this point in life,
so I can fully appreciate my final stop.
The moon blazed brightly in the sky as I kept moving forward.
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Postby USSRGirl » Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:12 pm

Main crit: choose a different title for the latest piece because T.S. Elliot immediately jumps into my mind.

I love where you ended the last poem - it leaves that kind of "hanging" feeling after the theme making you wonder whether or not the speaker's journey had an end or if the journey was in of itself an end.

... good Lord... what IS you avatar? Please tell me you haven't started considering any... er... fashion/indentity changes in recent history or I will gauge my eyes out where I stand.
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Postby Peanut » Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:17 pm

I probably won't change the title for various reasons including laziness, symbolism, and explosions.

USSRGirl (post: 1257378) wrote:
... good Lord... what IS you avatar? Please tell me you haven't started considering any... er... fashion/indentity changes in recent history or I will gauge my eyes out where I stand.

That's the picture of the infamous drag skit I was a part of...proving that, if you look hard enough, you can find a picture of me in a dress on the internet. As to why it is now my avatar, I give you a name (MSP) and a word (Yes)....that is all...
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:54 am

You mean one of those is really...??? Oh dear saint Stalin! *squirts acid in eyes and dies laughing*
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Postby Peanut » Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:20 pm


Does my lack of words
speak volumes?
Do you hear what I meant to speak
when I say nothing?
Perhaps it is a sound
not from my mind or mouth,
but my soul.
A cry,
a whimper
begging that you would act;
begging for your intercession,
to use your hands to fulfill your will.
I ask myself,
and you,
is this all I must do?
Must I just put my faith that you,
like a great magician,
will pull something out of thin air?
Or am I to ask…
I beg as your humble servant,
in this one moment
give me guidance
and help me do whatever you want me
to do.
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Postby Peanut » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:11 pm

Prayer of Icarus

Bring flight to these battered wings of mine.
Let me soar above the whirlwind,
that chaos that lies below.
Give me the might to fly through strong headwinds
and never be swept away in the hurricanes of life.
Let my escape from this prison be swift and safe.
Keep me from kissing the sun
and plummeting to an icy death.
Bring me to that shore of promise.
To the land of milk and honey
and the place where I will get my freedom.

The End of a Semester

Beaten and battered,
wounds on every limb
and with torn armor and sore feet
I press on.
Though the weight of it all
has turned each tired step into a crawl
I press on.
Though my body is breaking,
my mind crumbling
and my psyche shattering,
I press on.
For at the end of every long dark tunnel
there is a light
and that is where I will find you.
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Postby USSRGirl » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:26 pm

Nice updates. I particularly like "Prayer of Icarus" - something about the wording and flow really captured my imagination and the Biblical referrence came off nice and subtle.
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Postby Peanut » Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:16 pm

Dedicated to an indvidual who has given me many memories over the past few years:

The Final Bow

The world turns around you
at the end of this road.
It was a long journey
but in the end you made it.
And now you are off
to far greater things
leaving only memories in our minds
and love in our hearts.

Though you will now walk down another path
You and I
and all of us
know that you will always be
one of us.
So thank you for traveling that road,
for fighting those fights.
Now take your final bow
for it is a good day to be alive.
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Postby Peanut » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:35 pm

I should be writting a paper now...but frankly its been too long since I've's a couple pieces I've written...

The Crusader and the Jihadist
Westerners with crosses not on shoulders but shields
for war in his name.
Giving reason for our Eastern brethren’s end
and setting the stage for wars to come
that black stain upon a white robe.

Death to the Infidels!
A cry.
Our Cry
I see you now.
Are we truly different?
Can we live in peace?
Foolish thoughts.
A swing.
Sharp pain.
Your end near.
As well as mine.
Our blood mixes as the prelude to endless deaths.

Smashed against the rocks again,
the death of you was the death of me.
To move on is to loose
what we had
and loose a part
of what I once was
But now I live again.

Torn from my hands again
our last embrace still fresh on my mind
those final, painful words
of goodbye
The tear I shed at the end
of us.

Wondering if we will make it again
their footsteps coming closer
a countdown to our oblivion
when they will take you from me
and toss you to your death
questions of how I will endure
reappear in my mind.

Day and Night I rehearse it
each point tossed around in my head
like some ball in an existential game of hot potato.
My argument is perfect,
but only in my mind.

How can I tell the prophet he is wrong?
How can I mend the wounds between the Elders?
How can I show King David his sin?

I am not God speaking to Jonah.
I am no apostle sent to correct the church.
In no way can I say that I am qualified for these tasks.

And yet, these are the problems that swirl before me.
No Theology in my arsenal can harm them.
No argument I can craft can tear down these bastions.
I am but a man standing before a Giant
and I’m fresh out of stones.

So I fall to my knees
submit to the best of my ability to his will
and pray for intervention.
With the hope that even if I fail,
these problems will be resolved.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:10 am

This is the End
Strolling back into town
I see you pass by
Your form is folded over
Your steps are short and aided by a third leg
Your breathing is heavy
Your face is sagging, filled with age
And your eyes show a great weariness

I watch you disappear into the forest
and then it hits me
This is the end…
I knew this day would come but…
I didn’t expect this pain.

The memories I had with you
had made me loyal to you.
You brought me out of the dark and into the light
You gave me new friends and enemies
and together,
we wrote in unity
letting our creativity run wild
to weave our verses into a story with a scale like no other.
We put our time into you.

But life brings change
one by one they left us.
Some because they had to
others because they no longer cared.
Few stayed loyal.

But as the years dragged on,
I found myself losing the enthusiasm I once had
and I thought to leave.
You…you encouraged me to do so…

I walked the steps you just took
But upon reaching the forest I stopped
I couldn’t do it
so I turned back in time
to find you leaving me,
to find your shelter boarded and closed.
As if you knew I would return
and wanted to save me the trouble of remaining alone with you.

I am sorry…
I betrayed you in the end.
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Postby Peanut » Sun May 02, 2010 4:35 pm's been over a year since I've updated this thread...well, here's two poems and a psalm I wrote in Israel.

Reverse David
Dozers rolling down the road,
shattering the silence of a crisp, Middle Eastern morning,
There roar like a lion ready to steal another lamb.
It, and it's friends,
both machine and human
representing the giant that knows know rival
Not in these borders at least.

A loud knock, signaling that they have arrived.
There's no debating with that mass of steel,
only the pointlessness of an argument,
based on claims the gaint doesn't acknowledge
followed by tears of a mother
as their belongings are scattered on the lawn.

Then the child,
to brave for his own good
whose returned from a wistful afternoon of play and fun
picks up a rock and
like the reverse David he is
tries to fell a giant.
Only to find that this Goliath
is stone proof
and returns the next day
with guns and clubs.

En Gedi Psalm
Glory to you,
the God of the desert
the God of the oasis.
You have driven me from safe passage
to the dangers of the wilderness.
You have given me over
to the beasts and raging sun.
Through the deepest valleys
to the highest heights
you have dragged me.
But only because I was hesistant
and you had much for me to see.

I have seen the springs of En Gedi
I have laid eyes on the Dead Sea.
This journey has never been easy.
But how can I not praise you
for your deserts
the same as how I praise you
for your oasis?
For the dry times
make the sweeet water
that much sweeter.

Oh Jewel of Juda,
Shinning so bright amongst those hills,
God misnamed you upon your birth!
A history of bloodshed
invalidates your name.
I am aware of the sirens call
following a concusive sound
shattering the night.
I know how
you've been traded
amongst nations
and are still fought over today
like how two roasters
bicker over hens.
There is nothing about you now
deserving that name.
Yet when I look to the future
I can see why they call you
City of Peace.
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