So apparently mentioning Havohej=promoting Satanism

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So apparently mentioning Havohej=promoting Satanism

Postby Eric » Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:24 pm

The following is a warning I received, along with my response to it.
Million Pieces wrote:Dear OldTimesCruelty,

You have received a warning at



Hi there. You have recently been made aware of a post of yours which has been under staff review. Our decision in this report is that you are being issued a Warning concerning the post, found here. A Warning carries no Infraction points, but serves to make you aware of the rules at CF, and that a particular action might be contrary to those rules.

The post that was reported was found to be in violation of the following of CF's rules, as described here. Particular points that were in violation were these:

The names or titles of God, including Jesus Christ and the Persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, or Holy Spirit), in any language, are not to be used as expletives or interjections or in an abusive, mocking, or insulting way.

Sharing of information about one's beliefs, for instance by quoting Bible verses or witnessing, is encouraged. Honest debate and discussion regarding the existence and nature of God is allowed and welcome. Mockery of Christians, Christians beliefs, and the Christian God are not.
As well as:

You will not promote any faith, belief, or religion other than Nicene Christianity. Promotion of Satanism and occultism is strictly prohibited. Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity.
The link that is you posted is clearly blasphemous to Christian faith, and to Christian beliefs. While there is place and purpose to discuss secular music, there is a limit regarding offense to Christian believers.

Our intention with this warning is not to condemn you, but to help you to understand the rules that are set, and how we define them. We hope that it will lead you toward more respectful posting toward the Christian community of which you have chosen to make yourself a part. We would ask you to keep in mind that any further violations of rules in this regard will be issued Infractions, which carry 1 demerit point each. If 4 demerit points accrue within a particular time frame, you would be subject to a temporary ban from the site.

Thank you for continuing to contribute to CF's community. If you have any further questions regarding this Warning, or the decision of the Staff team, please reply to this PM. Again, remember that any reply received will be made record in the Report thread for documentation.

Million Pieces
Team Love


Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,

Just because I made a post about a band that does all that doesn't mean that I myself have any part in what they do. I fail to see how mentioning the music of a Satanic band is the same thing as promoting Satanism or insulting God; that is something I would never do, and to insinuate that I was doing that is not only wrongly accusing and judging me without even remotely knowing anything about me (and thus going against the entirety of Romans 14), but also highly offensive and hurtful. I posted no links to the Church of Satan, Anton LeVey's written works, or other documents/sites containing anything that promotes Satanism, be it LeVeyan Satanism or Orthodox/Theistic Satanism, nor did I say that I support those ideologies, practices, or religious leaders. I merely posted a link to that song because I personally found it to be ridiculously funny. What is so difficult to understand about that?

If merely mentioning something equates to fully supporting it, then I guess I should never shop at Wal-Mart any more because they're a greedy, selfish corporation who undercuts smaller stores and runs them out of business. Or perhaps I should never buy shoes from Nike because they use sweatshops in foreign countries. Or maybe I should even stop buying meat from stores because certain suppliers abuse the animals and keep them under poor living conditions. Or maybe I should never buy anything from Christian bookstores because they carry products that profit from Jesus' name, which is something that He is very much against, as is evidenced by the overturning of the merchants' tables in the temple area (Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:15).

This whole ordeal is really quite absurd if you think about it from an objective point of view.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:54 am

In the past, we have locked threads where people complain about other sites. I can imagine you can understand why.
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