During a Convention, Ever Have a Hard Time Discussing Christianity?

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During a Convention, Ever Have a Hard Time Discussing Christianity?

Postby Angel Tifa » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:05 pm

I hope this is the right place for this thread ^^.

I remember last year at Anime Expo 2007 I met up with my friend Angela (who is also Christian and has been Christian long before I have who also helped bring me back to God) during the Resident Evil gathering. I had some questions about Christianity to ask her and whenever I am troubled about something that has to do with the rules, she's usually the first I always come to.

So during the Resident Evil gathering when I start asking my question she answered as best as she could. Then just because I bring up Christianity these two guys just decide to get up and walk away from us (only I didn't know this until Angela told me thats what happened on AIM) which is pretty hyper sensitive of them imo :rant:. Then that was when she whispered to me "it's best we don't talk about religion here. We can discuss this on AIM". Of course I didn't blame her. It's just that we hardly get the time to talk in person because we live so far away and we only get to discuss deep conversations when we're online (because the only times I've got to see my friend in person was at conventions). I was just alittle irritated when these guys acted like they didn't even want to hear about Christianity when I wasn't even making the conversation to them. It was also as if they were acting like I was getting all preachy when again I didn't even say a single word to them, lol.

So anyway, have any of you ever had a hard time trying to discuss Christianity at any convention with your fellow Christian/Anime fans? If so what is your story?
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Postby Mist » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:26 pm

I've only been to two conventions in my life, and the subject only came up a few times. Basically, I happened to mention that I was Christian, other people said that they weren't, and we left it at that.

I don't see anything wrong with discussing Christianity with a fellow Christian in public, it's like two sports fans going over last night's game together. (horrible analogy, sorry) Then again, I'm not very good at knowing how to act in social situations. (darn Asperger's Syndrome)


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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:47 pm

Some people just like to assume that every single person who mentions Christianity is going to shove it down their throats; their hearts are that hard. If they have a problem with it even when the conversation isn't directed at them, then they're not even worth worrying about.

On the other hand, I've been sharing my faith with a friend from anime club and it's been a wonderful experience. She's ready to listen; her heart is open. That's the key right there. If a people aren't willing to listen, then they're going to have an attitude like the one you experienced.

But since I've never been to a con, I haven't been in any sort of situation like that. At the same time, however, this sort of thing can happen in any public place. Any public display of Christianity is prone to scoffers.
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Postby Angel Tifa » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:38 pm

[quote="LadyRushia (post: 1200701)"]Some people just like to assume that every single person who mentions Christianity is going to shove it down their throats]

Yeah I figured so. After having that experience with those guys, I figured they were the type to make that narrow minded assumption like "oooh she brought up Christianity we better leave because they might shove it down our throats oh teh noes!". lol. I think I also forgot to mention that those two guys were apparently friends of my Christian friend Angela XD. She's also had some hard times at conventions where one of her closest friends would make stupid assumptions that she's shoving the Christian doctrines down his throat just because she would talk about it.

Yeah it's true these assumptions can happen at any time, and any public place. I think the reason I said conventions was because I've tended to have these issues more at cosplay conventions than any other public place I've been to (possibly because of the fact that you tend to see more twisted things at cons like yaoi/yuri praise and hentai praise etc. *shudders*). LadyRushia, I'm also glad you have a friend who listens to you about Christianity with all her heart ^___^. That truely is a blessing I must add ;).
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Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:56 pm

I was going to say, if they were going to eavesdrop in the first place they should've been ready for anything that could've poked their consciences or made them uncomfortable. It wasn't their conversation in the first place.

So no, while I haven't been in any situation like this before, I can say that you should be free to talk about Christianity, even at an anime convention. If people don't like it, they'll get over it; it's a free country, and you should be able to talk about Christianity in public.

Sorry if that sounded a little harsh. ^_^U

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:56 pm

hmm I don't usually have a lot of Christian Friends that I go with..usually it's just my mom that I stay with and I am usually behind a booth...so I don't get a HUGE chance to go into any deep conversations.

Although, I do get a chance to talk with people about God when they see my penname- ChristianKitsune...and they are usually really shocked that I am there...which brings up interesting questions and topics.

Once I was attending Vic Mignogna's church service and my mom and little sister were watching my booth, My mom said she got a chance to talk to a guy about going to church..gosh I wish I would have been there!

It's our duty to talk about God in public...however we aren;t called to CRAM it down people's throats.

but if feel if people ask you about your faith, than it's probably a good idea to be ready to talk about it...if not, waht sort of chance are you missing?

That's not to say go up to a random stranger and be all "HAY! DID YOU KNO IF YOU DUN ACCEPT CHRIST YOU'RE GOIN TO HELL!?"

No...don't do that..

I've also heard that sometimes the best way to witness is through experience and such, and unfortunately, if they see you pulling a Bible out, they might get scared and run.. :/ sad..I know.. but yeah

ANYWAY way off topic... XD

to answer your question, not really. My main hangup is offending people and pushing them away, but I am usually really considerate about how people feel, and I try to read their eyes, and their reactions.

sometimes people are more willing to listen than you think.
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Postby Nightshade X » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:23 pm

ChristianKitsune (post: 1200820) wrote:That's not to say go up to a random stranger and be all "HAY! DID YOU KNO IF YOU DUN ACCEPT CHRIST YOU'RE GOIN TO HELL!?"

No...don't do that..

Absolutely agreed. Never do that.

While I've never really had the opportunity to share my faith or even discuss it with people at conventions (mostly due to the fact that I'm very apprehensive when it comes to getting that close with anyone... something I'm working on), I've found that the most effective witness in my life was when I didn't even open my mouth. It was when I was working at Blockbuster a few years back and some of my manager on duty, a co-worker, and I were chatting it up during some downtime. Anyway, I hadn't spoken about my faith at all up until that point, when my manager asked me out of the blue if I were religious. My response: "Well... I'm a Christian, if that's what you're asking."

My point in bringing it up is that, basically, all I did before that encounter was just to live my faith out in my actions. To be honest, I truly believe that's the absolute best thing we could do to draw the lost to the Father... and that's not to say that stuff like preaching and outreaches and events don't have their place, because they do... I'm just saying that such tactics are secondary in comparison to living it out and forming relationships with those who are seeking. When we live out the life we have in Jesus, unashamed and completely given to His ways, we will look different... different enough for people to start asking questions... and that's the best time to "strike".
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:46 pm

I never had a hard time discussing Christianity at con, but I also don't cram it down people's throats.

At 2006 AWA, I got up to ask a question at FMA voice actors panel and Vic saw me at the panel and after I got my answer from the panel. Him and me talk for a min at the panel about CAA and Vic told what CAA was about. After the panel was over, a few people came up to me asking me if I was the one that got to taking about CAA and end up meeting some Christian friends that day. So now, we meet up at AWA, since most of us are from Ga and have a little chat about stuff.

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Postby minakichan » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:59 pm

At the same time, there're a lot of Christians out there that might feel uncomfortable if people around then suddenly start talking about other religions (or atheism). Call me closed-minded, but I'd probably get up and leave if people around me started sharing talking about Wicca or something. I think it's a two-way street.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:16 am

[quote="AsianBlossom (post: 1200769)"]So no, while I haven't been in any situation like this before, I can say that you should be free to talk about Christianity, even at an anime convention. If people don't like it, they'll get over it]
I agree. I haven't been to a con before either.
Don't be discouraged by it. Keep talking about Christianity if you want. Just respect people who do ask you not to talk about it if it happens...
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Postby Tundrawolf » Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:03 pm

At the wolf sanctuary, there are many people who are into mysticism and otherwordly things. That sort of thing is a snare, but it's really hard to find an opening to talk about God, without offending. So many people in America today have a hatred of religion, or, more specifically, Christianity. It's like, Christianity has been expelled from out public schools for how long-and then we get Muslims who slaughter 3,000 with airplanes and suddenly we have Islam being taught in our schools. Not everywhere, of course, but I remember many teachers offering studies of the Koran.

Anyway, people have hardened their hearts to God so much so that it is really easy to succumb to fear when trying to witness to people. The truth is, thank God, that the majority of Americans aren't offended by God at all. The truth is, that if you want to talk to someone about God, you should follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and not your own emotions or desires. I have found this out! The Holy Spirit will prepare a way for you-literally-opening that persons heart at that exact time when there was no previous opening. You have to have faith for it, too-talking to people while wondering if it is making a difference I believe will only deter you.

Have faith! Acknowledge the Lord in ALL of your ways and He will direct your path!! Unfortunately there is a wrong way to go about spreading the Word.

I went to one wolf forum where I used my relationship with Mishomi as a witness of what God has given to me. (And done for me!) Telling others what Jesus has done for you really helps a lot.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:46 pm

Tundrawolf (post: 1202198) wrote:I went to one wolf forum where I used my relationship with Mishomi as a witness of what God has given to me. (And done for me!) Telling others what Jesus has done for you really helps a lot.

That's pretty interesting. I'm sure that you will agree that if your relationship with Mishomi helps bring even just one person to Christ, then your relationship with Mishomi was worth every ounce of time and effort you put into it.
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Postby Kamille » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:31 pm

Tundrawolf (post: 1202198) wrote:Anyway, people have hardened their hearts to God so much so that it is really easy to succumb to fear when trying to witness to people. The truth is, thank God, that the majority of Americans aren't offended by God at all. The truth is, that if you want to talk to someone about God, you should follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and not your own emotions or desires. I have found this out! The Holy Spirit will prepare a way for you-literally-opening that persons heart at that exact time when there was no previous opening. You have to have faith for it, too-talking to people while wondering if it is making a difference I believe will only deter you.

Have faith! Acknowledge the Lord in ALL of your ways and He will direct your path!! Unfortunately there is a wrong way to go about spreading the Word.

Excellent! Perfect! I couldn't have said it better myself. However, I do believe that some non-Christians would benefit from simple preaching on the acknowledgment of sin and disobedience (one of my pastors came to the Lord via such teachings). Yet there's a Christ-like, caring, and articulate way to teach that topic, and there's, well, something else:bootout:.

Angel Tifa, I think I know how you feel, though I haven't been in your position exactly. First of all I thank God that you have a Christian friend to go to cons with. I typically feel somewhat isolated and a little sad at cons because I go by myself or with my brother who isn't Christian (yet, but I'm praying). So I was at AnimeUSA 2007 and one of the panels I wanted to go to was canceled at the last minute:shady: and there wasn't anything worth seeing until my brother came back 30 minutes later, so I decided to read a little bit from the Bible (something I like to do at least once a day). Needless to say it was pretty nerve-racking. I wanted to go to some abandoned hall to read, or maybe buy a big graphic novel and put the Bible in it and put both of them up to my face. But I stood my ground. No one moved away from me per se, though I think I got some odd looks my way. I couldn't tell really since my head was down and I was reading.

So to make a long story short, I thank God for CAA. I discovered it from a flier I found at Animazement 2007. I could definietly tell it was the work of God because on Saturday night I felt so isolated that by the time I got home I started to cry (something I rarely do). Then I looked in my bag, took out the flier, thanked God, and joined CAA that week. So anyway, thanks a lot mods. God bless you.
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:03 pm

Kamille (post: 1202995) wrote:So to make a long story short, I thank God for CAA. I discovered it from a flier I found at Animazement 2007. I could definietly tell it was the work of God because on Saturday night I felt so isolated that by the time I got home I started to cry (something I rarely do). Then I looked in my bag, took out the flier, thanked God, and joined CAA that week. So anyway, thanks a lot mods. God bless you.

Oh, wow! That's really cool! Um, not the part about you crying... I mean, uh...

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