the Craziness of School

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the Craziness of School

Postby Vainrius » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:42 pm

Of course every school has it's people and throughout the people there is GOSSIP. (yes, I just said it) But at my school, it tends to get VERY bad. Let me tell you about my school. I go to a private, Christian school ( grades 1 - 12) with about 300 people in it. More than half of the population is elementary, which is in a seperate building and such and the rest are middle school and highschool. Well, like every private christian school, it costs more than the colleges you will go to and UNIFORMS. *shudders* :( All that pushed together means that the people at my school are proud, and I mean VERY, VERY, VERY proud, arrogant, stuck-up, jerks. I have been going to that school since 2nd grade and I began to hate the kids in my class because of the way the basically are, so I strayed away and became the "evil", "scary", "witchcraft practicing" girl *their own words*. And it seriously breaks my heart to see new students. You know why? Becuase the girls in my class told a new girl student that she was ugly and that the guy she liked would rather die then ever love her. She cried on her second day. You know, I hate it when you come out of public school already upset about being bullied there and expect to get the love that you thought you where going to get by going to a CHRISTIAN school and never see it. I know this is really long but.. I want to know your opinions on any school like that or maybe some other thoughts. Just talk about it i guess.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:20 pm

Wow, that sounds rough. I went to a very similar private Christian school for 13 years (5K-12th grade) with roughly 300 kids and experienced some hostility, but nothing as bad as that. The unfortunate thing about Christian schooling is that, while it works wonders for some, others don't take to it as kindly, or are sent there to "straighten up," and, frankly, don't.

I was personally one that really enjoyed the experience, but I know of others (my own brother included) who dealt with a lot of bullying and such which just shouldn't happen anywhere, especially not a Christian school. Then again, that kind of thing is liable to happen almost anywhere, regardless of the school's background and teachings. The best way to deal with it, aside from reporting the behavior, is to simply kill it with kindness. It's sad how hostile those girls you mentioned are, though. What a horrible thing to say to someone. D:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:29 pm

I imagine that in a few years, you'll graduate and won't have to worry about any of that nasty stuff.

Just look forward to that! :D
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Postby Sheenar » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:51 pm

I went to a public school, but I have 2 friends who went to a private Christian school. I was curious what the experience was like, so they showed me the movie "Saved" (really immoral/borderline movie) and said that their school was pretty much like that --people saying "Jesus told me to..." to get away with doing what they wanted, mean, holier-than-thou people, etc.

I was picked on terribly at my public school. The way I see it (and from what I've heard from people that go to Christian schools) is that Christian schools have many of the same problems public schools have --both are full of human beings who have sin natures and act according to them.

Hang in there. You will graduate and will no longer have to deal with the immaturity/drama that is high school.
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Postby Kairi » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:24 pm

Ugh, stuff like that makes me very thankful that I've been home-schooled since 3rd grade. ._.; People these days, especially teenagers, can be so rude... even at Christian schools, of all places. I can't believe those girls would say such a thing, especially to a new student that they didn't even know.

I guess all you can really do is pray for them, and like Radical Dreamer said, fire back with kindness. You'll definitely be thankful you weren't part of the snobby crowd when you're older!
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:39 pm

I've had that experience at a private Christian school. I used to be very sensitive, and my classmates used to pick on me for that.

Well, kids will be kids, regardless.

I agree with Sheenar.
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Postby LadyRushia » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:05 pm

If they have the time to pick on you and other people, they obviously have nothing better to do. Just ignore it or be kind to them like the others said.
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Postby ADXC » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:14 pm

Hmm, there are more people that go to private christian schools that have the same problems than I though. Yes I go to a private christian school as well. And around 300+ students in the kindergarten through 12th grades. I do not like my class also, instead of maturing in the christian faith the students in my class seem to be decreasing in their maturity. I hate it so much, each day they seem to make a vow that "I won't grow closer to God today, instead I'll just goof-off and do what I want to do with no concern towards others." Anyways I try not to be like them (I don't have the same problems they have, but I have different ones that I need to fix. Everyone has different problems that they need to fix even if we can not see them ourselves. We are just human, no one is perfect with the exception of Jesus.). Please do not think that your the only christian dealing with these problems, we are here for you and will always be. I know its weird to think that christian schools are like this, but they are. It doesn't matter where you go, you will never be in a perfect christian environment. Even in church there are hypocrites. But these are the challenges that God places in our lives to not weaken us, but to help us grow stronger in the faith!
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Postby Angel Tifa » Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:17 pm

That is a sad story. The sad thing is, I grew up in public schools (my darkest memories of my life *shudders) where I would end up expecting to be bullied everyday. I got constantly picked on for my learning dissabilities always being called "stupid retarded" and what-not. However my mom paid good money for me to get into a more private school that would strongly help students with developmental delays (I'm not dislexic, but I've just always learned alittle slower than other students) and that school has helped me more than any school has ever had. Not to mention I was picked on a lot less and had a lot more friends. My social and learning skills have also developed ten fold.

So I guess while bullying may still be there in private schools, I think being at a private school is probably always a little better than public schools. That's just my two cents.
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Postby Mist » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:41 pm

I attended a Catholic elementary school, and I got bullied a lot. When I was in the younger grades, I was left out of group activities because I couldn't keep up with the rest of the kids because of my club foot. But then it just got worse. I had always been an "odd" kid, what with my anime obsession and all.

When grade 6 came around, the bullying went from bad to worse. Because I had Aspergers' Syndrome, I didn't know how to behave around the other kids. I trusted them, and I ended up getting really hurt. They made fun of me, laughed at me, and whittled away what little self esteem I had.

Meanwhile at home, my dad was really sick. We didn't know how much longer he had to live, and that was constantly hanging over my head. He was hospitalized a lot, so that just added to the stress. Eventually, all the torment and stress built up, and I snapped; and tried to take my own life. I thank God that I didn't succeed.

Most of the kids in my class left me alone after that, save for a few pricks. I got lectured by them for trying to kill myself, saying that it was "a waste" and stuff like that. One kid actually said that if I wanted to kill myself, I should have just slit my throat...

After I was diagnosed with AS, I still got bullied. Many people made jokes about the name, calling it "ASSburgers" and things like that.

It wasn't until my dad passed away that they finally left me alone altogether. It's amazing, isn't it? My dad had to DIE before they left me alone. Tells you something about human nature, doesn't it?

That was 4 years ago. Since then, I have forgiven them, but I haven't forgotten. I guess I'm still trying to figure out WHY they did what they did to me. I mean, I was never mean to them, I shared, I was kind. *sigh* I guess it's because I was an easy target. They knew I wouldn't fight back.

But this story always reminds me of something my dad used to say: "People of limited intelligence generally condemn everything which is above their power to understand" That still helps me cope with similar situations to this very day.

Peace out~

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Postby GeneD » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:42 pm

I also attended the save Christian private school my whole school career. In my last year there were about 600 students. Fortunately I was never really picked on and I made my best friends there.

Unfortunately going to a Christian school doesn't make anyone a Christian, but it's good when you see a change for God in the people who weren't serving Him in the beginning. I'm happy to say that this happened to a friend of mine who was really not walking the right path when she got there. I've also heard that many of the people not living for Christ when they left school, turned their lives around in collage. I guess the foundation built/seed planted can take root eventually.

Vainrius, try making friends with the new people in the school. Especially if the other kids are mean to them too. In my 7th grade year our friendship groups kinda started to drift apart and I spent basically the whole year alone. So the next year when new people came, I decided enough is enough, walked up to one of the new girls who looked nice and basically asked her if she wanted to be friends. Being a shy person, this wasn't very easy for me to do, but you know what they say about desperate times. For her this was also cool, since it was her first day and someone was friendly to her. She's one of my best friends now. :thumb:
I hope that idea helps and I’ll pray that things go better for you the remainder of your time at school. :)
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Postby Maledicte » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:16 am

*hugs* I totally understand where you're coming from, though you seem to be having it to a worse extent than I had. My school was much smaller, and it was divided elementary/junior high in one building, high school in the other. Very holier-than-thou, and much like the church it was a part of. Kids were either stuck-up or constantly chafing against authority (which was also stuck-up and turned a blind eye to these kids, who came from difficult circumstances in the first place) and didn't turn out too well once they left.

I too was the "weird/creepy" type, bringing paintings that looked "evil" and by making sketches of people that started off unclothed (no detail, it's how you're generally supposed to start drawing the human figure anyway). My advice? Be a good kid, turn in your work on time and such, then at least the administration will have no problems with you. For your peers, I'd suggest ignoring the unsavory ones, and befriending the new kids and those in need. The least you can do is help others and pray for the ones who cause pain. Also, don't be afraid to befriend students from other classes. You gain better people skills that way and also get to avoid the people who annoy you.

As for the uniforms, you have my condolences. Hopefully you don't have to wear culottes during P.E. *shudder*
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:26 am

I went to a Christian primary school (elementary) and a Christian high school. Primary school had some bad moments but in general was very good, high school had some good moments but was mostly hell on earth.

Just because it's a Christian school doesn't even mean all or even the majority who attend are Christians. I know that from experience. At high school kids weren't cruel etc. to you because they thought they were a better Christian, they were cruel to you because you were a Christian, or intelligent or weird looking, or not popular. Unfortunately most high schools are like that.

So I say this: teachers be firm but fair, watch out for student bullying etc. Bullies: grow the heck up and bugger off. Other students: try to get along with each other, high school lasts awhile, make the most of it.

Find some good friends, stick together, confront the bullies in a group but don't fight them.
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Postby Vainrius » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:19 pm

[quote="Mist (post: 1200556)"]I attended a Catholic elementary school, and I got bullied a lot. When I was in the younger grades, I was left out of group activities because I couldn't keep up with the rest of the kids because of my club foot. But then it just got worse. I had always been an "odd" kid, what with my anime obsession and all.

When grade 6 came around, the bullying went from bad to worse. Because I had Aspergers' Syndrome, I didn't know how to behave around the other kids. I trusted them, and I ended up getting really hurt. They made fun of me, laughed at me, and whittled away what little self esteem I had.

Meanwhile at home, my dad was really sick. We didn't know how much longer he had to live, and that was constantly hanging over my head. He was hospitalized a lot, so that just added to the stress. Eventually, all the torment and stress built up, and I snapped]

I can relate to you in the scuicide attempts. Grade 6 was hardest for me becuase I lost a family member also and everyone at my school laughed at me for being emotional about it. But time after time of trying to kill myself I realized that God must have wanted me for somthing more. And I'm not stuggling from the classmates any more and I even pray for them sometimes. Thanks for listening guys, I'm just venting out of frustration.
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Postby king atlantis » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:18 pm

[color="DarkOrange"]i would go around hugging random people if i went their....

or, if you want to freak them out, do the pickle jar thing lilo did from lilo and stitch XD[/color]
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Postby mathgrant » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:36 pm

I didn't go to a Christian elementary school (unless it's one of those Christian schools that doesn't put Christian in the name, like two of the colleges here XD ), but it was hell nonetheless. Due to my Asperger's Syndrome, my math smartness, and being an easy and responsive target, I was taunted and tortured a lot. Apparently, from what my mother recalls, I had written a suicide note before she ultimately decided that my self-esteem was worth more than any education, especially since I was smart already, and pulled me out of school. I've had no formal education since then, although I have since earned a GED! =D

The internet has sometimes been a worse hell for me than school ever was, especially *shudders* the one forum. The members on there were very young, so the crap I went though there was pretty much as bad as things would have been had I gone to a high school. >.> So, yeah. I HATE HAVING ASPERGER'S SYNDROME. And try your best to ignore those kids. It's a skill I wish I knew. I still don't know it. >.> <3
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Postby Tyrel » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:29 pm

Sounds exactly like just about every other Christian elementary school, and/or high school, that I've ever known.

I wonder why.. Sociologically you'd think it would be better than others... but no..

mathgrant (post: 1201492) wrote: The internet has sometimes been a worse hell for me than school ever was, especially *shudders* the one forum. The members on there were very young, so the crap I went though there was pretty much as bad as things would have been had I gone to a high school. >.> So, yeah. I HATE HAVING ASPERGER'S SYNDROME. And try your best to ignore those kids. It's a skill I wish I knew. I still don't know it. >.> <3

The internet you say? But if you're on a forum, you can just walk away. I mean, if people actually hurt your feelings there, it's because you let them I think. Don't invest in an online friendship easily or lightly.
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Postby Angel Tifa » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:43 pm

mathgrant (post: 1201492) wrote:I didn't go to a Christian elementary school (unless it's one of those Christian schools that doesn't put Christian in the name, like two of the colleges here XD ), but it was hell nonetheless. Due to my Asperger's Syndrome, my math smartness, and being an easy and responsive target, I was taunted and tortured a lot. Apparently, from what my mother recalls, I had written a suicide note before she ultimately decided that my self-esteem was worth more than any education, especially since I was smart already, and pulled me out of school. I've had no formal education since then, although I have since earned a GED! =D

The internet has sometimes been a worse hell for me than school ever was, especially *shudders* the one forum. The members on there were very young, so the crap I went though there was pretty much as bad as things would have been had I gone to a high school. >.> So, yeah. I HATE HAVING ASPERGER'S SYNDROME. And try your best to ignore those kids. It's a skill I wish I knew. I still don't know it. >.> <3

I remember having the some issues very similar to yours mathgrant. Although I don't have Asperger's Syndrome, but my doctors always thought I had it because I did have a lot of the characteristics. I remember when my mom tried to put me in a private school because she wanted me to have something to believe in spiritually. But the teachers and principals were so ignorant to say after awhile, "Oh we can't teach her anymore because she has learning dissabilities! She needs to be in a public school where they offer RSP!". So okay. I'm put in a public school where it's all the more hellish up to high school.

Ever since I've been in public schools, I too have been tortured emotionally mathgrant. It was alway because I learned a lot slower than the rest of the students, struggled with emotional dissabilities (hight anxiety diagnoses), and communication dissabilities. I was always the target to be called "stupid, retarded" and what-not. It took me four public schools for us to finally realise that being in a public school was no place for a disabled student.

So my mom also pulled me out of school (when I was in my sophomore year and I was 16) because my self esteem was also more important than my education. Not only that, it was also impossible to learn under the conditions of being bullied both verbally and physically. In the end it was essential for me to be in a school with a much smaller room. I think private schools in the end (or at least not so public) are the best for us disabled students. Had it not been for that school for students with developmental delays, I would not have grown as much I don't think ;).

But I'm so glad to hear you're doing so much better mathgrant and remember, God will always be with you through thick and thin ;)!
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Postby minakichan » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:52 pm

Oh terrible!! *suddenly gets Hana Yori Dango/ Nobuta wo Produce vibes* I went to pretty big public schools my whole life, and I always had a very idyllic view of private schools (and school uniforms; how romantic!), but people always told me private schools were full of stuck-up snobs.

If you get picked on, you could either a) declare war on everyone or b) say "good morning" to everyone in a loud and confidence voice! Geh, I suppose real life doesn't really work the way Jdrama does.
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Postby Ingemar » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:58 pm

I went to two different Christian schools growing up--I had a terrible experience in the first one because kids teased me a lot since I was the sensitive type. The other (which I went on to until I graduated high school) people were just nicer in general without the holier-than-thou attitude. (I guess since a number of the faculty came from, err, more colorful backgrounds before becoming saved, sanctimony was never a problem).

Still, there was the problem of gossip and backbiting which, thankfully I was never embroiled in. And despite its glowing reputation among Christians and non-Christians alike, there were a number of teen pregnancies (and no, I was not involved. OK, I realized you never asked but now you don't have to. I'm a VIRGIN, all right?!?)
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