Lanthacide: Who is doing the other three RPGS?
DarkLynx21: iman eddy and staci
Lanthacide: Meh....what are the links? I don't even know Staci.
DarkLynx21: not open yet and link (stuart's) lil's sis
Lanthacide: My RPG should stay pretty active since I'm running it pretty much from the CAA.
DarkLynx21: the wot?
Lanthacide: CAA (Christian Anime Alliance)
DarkLynx21: ew.
Lanthacide: Ew?
DarkLynx21: I do not like heavy religion stuffs at all
Lanthacide: This isn't heavy religion
DarkLynx21: ...*shrugs*
Lanthacide: Also...showing hostility toward God is the one unforgivable thing you can do.
DarkLynx21: *punches god*
Lanthacide: ....
DarkLynx21: you totally asked for that
Lanthacide: Why are you like that?
DarkLynx21: because I find the people that follow the bible so much and believe we'll all burn in hell for anything to be closeminded and stupid.
Lanthacide: I don't belive that you'll burn in Hell for ANYTHING!
DarkLynx21: okay, that's nice of you. but haven't I just commited like a zillion sins, one "unforgivable"?