Fish and Chips wrote:[spoiler]Hedwig dies.[/spoiler]
mechana2015 wrote:It sounds like Harry has a disease of some sort called the deathly hollows...
Aside from that I'm really looking forward to the resolution of the series. She's proven to be entertainingly unpredictable.
uc pseudonym wrote:Use this code, but without the asterisks:
[*spoiler=topic]text of spoiler[/spoiler*]
I'm still not reading spoilers, myself, though a friend told me about a number of things that aren't particularly critical. It will be interesting to see who all dies.
uc pseudonym wrote:I'm still not reading spoilers, myself, though a friend told me about a number of things that aren't particularly critical. It will be interesting to see who all dies.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Okami wrote:You know, I kept misreading things....which really screws one up in the midst of a raging war and people dying >__>
[spoiler]I never realised Lupin and Tonks had died until they were mentioned being dead. Then I just stared at my page, mouth open, thinking "WHAT?!"
Best part of the book was Molly Weasley at the end, hands down XD! That had me doubled over laughing for minutes on end.
Ah, and I liked the original Ravenclaw question: "What came first, the phoenix or the flame?" Like our, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:[spoiler]It just wasn't written in there were Tonks and Lupin died! Last time we see Tonks, she runs off to find Lupin, then the next scene shows them lying next to each other dead! [/spoiler]
Okami wrote:That's what I thought happened. Talk about driving you mental D:
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Tenshi no Ai wrote:So the American books have chapter pictures in them? Guess my Canadian editions don't... I wonder if the British ones do though?
the_wolfs_howl wrote:Yeah, I read the British version, and there aren't any chapter pictures. I think that's just an American thing.
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