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Stephenie Meyer

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Stephenie Meyer

Postby itch » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:42 pm

Stephenie Meyer's first book was Twilight. Unfortunately, I read New Moon first, which is the second part to Twilight. At first, I didn't know Twilight even existed. I recently found out that she's coming out with a third one called Eclipse.

Anyways, who has heard or read any of these book just mentioned? Do you have any information about them? Good or bad comments?

Also, I'd like to know other people's God-fearing views on the book(s).
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Postby itch » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:32 pm

Uh . . . anyone? *echoes into the distance*
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Postby itch » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:33 pm

Could anyone at least pretend they read the books?
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Postby itch » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:35 pm

:drool: . . . :shady: . . . :bang:
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Postby Auh_Rin_Yaang » Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:03 pm

I've read Twilight and New Moon. But I read them a while ago so my memory of them is a little vauge, but I remember I enjoyed them. And I'll probably read Eclipse too. Oh! And they might make it into a movie too, but that's still undecided.
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Postby itch » Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:19 pm

Eclipse is out already? :wow!:

A movie? Where did you here that?

If they do make a movie I really hope it's not gross. There were a lot of pecks and severe smooches here and there. It makes me uncomfortable, you know?

I wonder how they'll find actors and actresses as good-looking as the book describes. Hopefully they'll be new actors and actresses. Not the same old so-called hotties that are really played out. There's got to be other pale people out there. Well, maybe make-up will do the trick.
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Postby Auh_Rin_Yaang » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:45 pm

No, Eclipse isn't out yet, probably around August this year, so when it comes out, I'll probably read it. <-- the website.
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Postby itch » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:04 pm

Thanks for the site.
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:21 am

She's a Mormon; if you find fault with that. Otherwise, I loved the books, can't wait for Eclipse.
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Postby Auh_Rin_Yaang » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:28 am

No prob. :grin:
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Postby itch » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:05 pm

Do you know the difference between a Christian and a Mormon?

Does anyone else have any opinions on the stories themselves? Morals? Christians views on them? Anything?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:21 am

-Sorry for almost grave diggging-

I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!! :D I really do. I rarely do fanart for things and I did fanart for this series! ^_^

Annnnywaaaay.. I think it's a relatively clean series, (if you don't mind passionate kissing, but nothing more) There seems to boundaries there...that the characters will not cross!

I don't know if there is a difference between Chrsitains and Mormons morally (except the whole polygamy thing) sooo I expect a clean Vampire series.

BTW I don't like vampire stories but I love these! ^_^ Stephenie Meyer has a great talent!

Edward is mine. Not bella's.

that is all.
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Postby itch » Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:06 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:-Sorry for almost grave diggging-

I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!! :D I really do. I rarely do fanart for things and I did fanart for this series! ^_^

Annnnywaaaay.. I think it's a relatively clean series, (if you don't mind passionate kissing, but nothing more) There seems to boundaries there...that the characters will not cross!

I don't know if there is a difference between Chrsitains and Mormons morally (except the whole polygamy thing) sooo I expect a clean Vampire series.

BTW I don't like vampire stories but I love these! ^_^ Stephenie Meyer has a great talent!

Edward is mine. Not bella's.

that is all.

I'm glad you dug this up, I sort of forgot about it.

I'm psyched about the movie that's coming out.

I recently bought Eclipse off e-bay, haven't read it yet cause of school and another vampire book that I started while waiting for Eclipse to show up.

Yes, she certainly does have great talent.

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Postby Sakura15 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:20 pm

I love these books! I read all three of them within 4 days XD

I normally am not a huge fan of vampire stories or werewolves. But I love how she portrays the werewolves in her books, I like them much better as huge wolves XD
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Postby itch » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:58 am

Sakura15 wrote:I love these books! I read all three of them within 4 days XD

I normally am not a huge fan of vampire stories or werewolves. But I love how she portrays the werewolves in her books, I like them much better as huge wolves XD

Agreed. I really dislike the drooling mutated-looking human wolf monsters.:stressed:
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Postby animefreak » Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:43 am

I'v read all three, and I like them all.(not the wolf.)
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Postby itch » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:13 pm

Animefreak, you mean Jacob?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:58 pm

I just finished Eclispe!! (I know, I was slow... I had school and that was a bigger priority! XD)

WOOOW... I loved it! XD Edward is such a chaste guy isn't he? (ARGH I WISH GUYS like him existeD! D: ) I mean seriously...Bella...needs a leash or something XD.

maaannnn... we have to wait until next fall to read more...this sucks!! TT^TT I hate waiting...

I am excited about the movie though! :D You guys should see who they got for Bella and Edward...:3 Edward is positively drool-worthy :3~
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Postby animefreak » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:10 am

itch (post: 1167892) wrote:Animefreak, you mean Jacob?

Yes! Thats his name!:sweat: Thank you! ::bows::
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Postby GeneD » Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:21 pm

I bought the first book on a sale and marathon-ed it. I started reading at 10 pm, I think, on the Saturday, read for 4 hours and then finished it the next day. I've bought the second book but haven't started it yet.

It's quite encouraging to me as an aspiring writer that someone who didn't even set out to write a book wrote such a good one.

There is one thing that bothered me though, that she mentions how gorgeous Edward is like every second sentence; that did get to me after a while, it was like "Okay we get it; he's inhumanly hot, moving on." I understand why she included it, but she could have tuned it down a little.

I'm looking forward to the reading the others. Does anyone know if there will be more than 3 books, it's gonna be heavy on my wallet if there is. :sweat: (I hate trilogies and beyond :P)

I'll probably go see the movie, so I hope they don't butcher the story too much.

As vampire books go (not that I’m an expert) it seems pretty clean and without occult connections that can so easily be added. Note: I have only read the first book.
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Postby animefreak » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:55 am

I think theres going to be a fourth book.:dizzy: I can't remember what it's called though.:sweat::lol:
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Postby yukoxholic » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:56 pm

I've read all three. I really enjoyed the series though, Eclipse seemed "filler" like to me. Also, at times it was our "heroine" Bella, seemed to be constantly hung-up on Edward which became annoying. If you like vampire/supernatural stories than you'll most likely like the "Twilight" series. The only other thing I can think of that may be deemed "suggestive" (other than what was stated by other CAAers the mentioning of the "occult", violence, and neck biting) is that Edward and Bella get a little make-out happy within the books. It's not graphic by the way the author describes it but yes, it is in there and I suppose you could call it pretty "seductive". Hope that helps you out some!

GeneD (post: 1206180) wrote:I'll probably go see the movie, so I hope they don't butcher the story too much.

If this becomes a movie than yes, I believe it shall be "butchered" like they did with Blood and Chocolate ;___;
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Postby animewarrior » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:04 pm

[quote="yukoxholic (post: 1208426)"]

If this becomes a movie than yes, I believe it shall be "butchered" like they did with Blood and Chocolate ]

It's confirmed. It's a movie. T_T I hate this. The guy they have for Edward is SO not Edward. They shoulda used that Hannibal Lecter guy. I love the books but I REFUSE to see the movie. You can go to the official Twilight site (search Twilight series on google) and they have stuff up on the movie. >.<

* Blood and Chocolate was a book? **I haven't watched the movie so if it was then I'll read the novel!!*
**Sorry Hannibal Lecter fans I don't know if I spelled everything right. :sweat:
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Postby yukoxholic » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:09 pm

animewarrior (post: 1208430) wrote:
* Blood and Chocolate was a book? **I haven't watched the movie so if it was then I'll read the novel!!*:

Yes, Blood and Chocolate was a book before a movie! ^__^ I highly recommend reading the book before watching the movie. It's by Annette Curtis Klause.

Blood and Chocolate the movie was just a total 360 from the book. The plot had changed, certain characters acted differently, and it was just plain horrible aside from the ending. I believe the ending was the only part I liked though how the movie ended is not the ending of the book.

It's sad when someone takes a book and wants to make a film out of it why they just can't go by what is written. Why must they always change everything? >___< It's like they were handed a silver platter and than said, "No! I want to eat off of plastic!" Sooo stupid. :D
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Postby GeneD » Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:09 pm

animewarrior (post: 1208430) wrote:It's confirmed. It's a movie. T_T I hate this. The guy they have for Edward is SO not Edward. They shoulda used that Hannibal Lecter guy. I love the books but I REFUSE to see the movie. You can go to the official Twilight site (search Twilight series on google) and they have stuff up on the movie. >.<

* Blood and Chocolate was a book? **I haven't watched the movie so if it was then I'll read the novel!!*
**Sorry Hannibal Lecter fans I don't know if I spelled everything right. :sweat:

yukoxholic (post: 1208609) wrote:Yes, Blood and Chocolate was a book before a movie! ^__^ I highly recommend reading the book before watching the movie. It's by Annette Curtis Klause.

Blood and Chocolate the movie was just a total 360 from the book. The plot had changed, certain characters acted differently, and it was just plain horrible aside from the ending. I believe the ending was the only part I liked though how the movie ended is not the ending of the book.

It's sad when someone takes a book and wants to make a film out of it why they just can't go by what is written. Why must they always change everything? >___< It's like they were handed a silver platter and than said, "No! I want to eat off of plastic!" Sooo stupid. :D

I've seen a pic of the actor they have for Edward, and yes I agree that he's not at all how I would imagine him. Even the rest of his family doesn't really fit. Oh well.

I'm currently reading New Moon, pretty good so far. I'll have to buy the 3rd and 4th books. :thumb:

I've read about writers who turn down offers to make movies from their books because they don't get to be involved and anything they write afterwards in the same series the movie makers get full rights to. If they also decide not to make the movie, the contract usually says that no one else is allowed to either. This is of course all second hand info, but it does seem that the writers get the sort end of the deal.
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Postby Slytherine » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:34 pm

I heard the fourth book is coming out in December of this year. Just what I heard. I try not to fangirl....BUT IT'S SO HARD NOT TO!!
I'm more of a Jacob fangirl myself, but Edwards fine too, lol. Sorry, I loved Edward in book 1, but I developed an attatchment to Jacob in book 2, and now I totally <3 him more. Sorry Edward fans! ^_^;;

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:04 am

GAH? you're all complaining about the moooviiieee???


It looks fantastic the parts are perfect! They've released some shots of the film and it looks AMAZING! D:

Besides, Stephenie Meyer herself has looked at the script and she loved it! She said it really dovetailed with her story and so, I trust her.

I believe they have a great guy to play Edward, Come's going to be IMPOSSIBLE to find someone who looks EXACTLY how every single girl imagines him to be...and let's face it. There is no such thing as THE REAL Edward.

The movie will be fantastic, I can feel it. ^^

Also, Breaking Dawn will be released on August 2nd ^_^. It's confirmed on her site...



COME ON THIS IS AWESOME *D* Robert Patterson will be an great Edward, and I love the girl they chose for Bella.

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Postby Slytherine » Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:34 pm

ChristianKitsune (post: 1213517) wrote:Robert Patterson will be an great Edward, and I love the girl they chose for Bella.

I know! I think they both will be AMAZING!!! They could do worse then Robert Patterson for Edward. A lot worse. A WHOLE lot worse. <3

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Postby Monkey Princess » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:02 pm

I have read all of the books countless times.
I almost read Eclipse before I read Twilight. Oh how tragic that would been.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:17 am

A behind the Scene look at the movie from ET ^_^
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