ChristianKitsune wrote:-Sorry for almost grave diggging-
I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!I really do. I rarely do fanart for things and I did fanart for this series! ^_^
Annnnywaaaay.. I think it's a relatively clean series, (if you don't mind passionate kissing, but nothing more) There seems to boundaries there...that the characters will not cross!
I don't know if there is a difference between Chrsitains and Mormons morally (except the whole polygamy thing) sooo I expect a clean Vampire series.
BTW I don't like vampire stories but I love these! ^_^ Stephenie Meyer has a great talent!
Edward is mine. Not bella's.
that is all.
Sakura15 wrote:I love these books! I read all three of them within 4 days XD
I normally am not a huge fan of vampire stories or werewolves. But I love how she portrays the werewolves in her books, I like them much better as huge wolves XD
itch (post: 1167892) wrote:Animefreak, you mean Jacob?
GeneD (post: 1206180) wrote:I'll probably go see the movie, so I hope they don't butcher the story too much.
animewarrior (post: 1208430) wrote:
* Blood and Chocolate was a book? **I haven't watched the movie so if it was then I'll read the novel!!*:
animewarrior (post: 1208430) wrote:It's confirmed. It's a movie. T_T I hate this. The guy they have for Edward is SO not Edward. They shoulda used that Hannibal Lecter guy. I love the books but I REFUSE to see the movie. You can go to the official Twilight site (search Twilight series on google) and they have stuff up on the movie. >.<
* Blood and Chocolate was a book? **I haven't watched the movie so if it was then I'll read the novel!!*
**Sorry Hannibal Lecter fans I don't know if I spelled everything right.
yukoxholic (post: 1208609) wrote:Yes, Blood and Chocolate was a book before a movie! ^__^ I highly recommend reading the book before watching the movie. It's by Annette Curtis Klause.
Blood and Chocolate the movie was just a total 360 from the book. The plot had changed, certain characters acted differently, and it was just plain horrible aside from the ending. I believe the ending was the only part I liked though how the movie ended is not the ending of the book.
It's sad when someone takes a book and wants to make a film out of it why they just can't go by what is written. Why must they always change everything? >___< It's like they were handed a silver platter and than said, "No! I want to eat off of plastic!" Sooo stupid.
ChristianKitsune (post: 1213517) wrote:Robert Patterson will be an great Edward, and I love the girl they chose for Bella.
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