Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
andi wrote:it's kind of embarrassing when all your friends, and people younger than you have their permits/lisence and you don't!
CreatureArt wrote:I finally obtained my full drivers lisence last month. Its a bit different in New Zealand, where we have to pass three levels of test over three years to be able to drive ourselves and passengers.
" wrote:The only time I didn't like driving is when the distance is far (+ 3 hours *groan*), when it snows and everyone is skidding (Kyaaaa!!!!) and when the gas prices went up (ouch!).
" wrote:I got my licence/permit pretty much as soon as I could. I like driving. Actually, make that: I like driving with a manual transmission. And I like driving late at night with little traffic.
That's very similar to what it was for me. Three levels of licence over three years (not equal), ending at 19 (the third level being the full licence). It's likely to be changed by now ("back in my day...").
CreatureArt wrote:(Yes we have very creative names for our two main islands: North Island and South Island. Any guesses which one's up top?).
CreatureArt wrote:Our license is being challenged now, too. If people take a defensive driving course to cut down the time, they can have their restricted license (can't take passengers) by age 16, and their full license by 16 1/2. (@_@)
CreatureArt wrote:Any tips on what to do in icy conditions, everyone?
Warrior4Christ wrote:Actually, I was meaning that ours is doing the opposite... having the intermediate licences longer.
JasonPratt wrote:The local agéd elder {old g!} adds (to the other good advice already given):....
JasonPratt wrote:Use your gears as your first way to slow down, unless you're in an emergency braking situation. Which, if you stay in 2nd, means you'll only need to downshift to 1st to slow down. This is very similar to what your anti-skid computer will try to do for you (if you have traction control on your vehicle). Try not to use the brake except for the final stop. It sounds weird, but it'll help keep your tires from going into a slide.
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