For security reasons, this site will be shutting down on Monday, February 24 at 10:00 AM Pacific time. Thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years. We may be back in another capacity, but there is no time frame. If you have data you wish to save, you are encouraged to download or save it to your computer before the forums close.



This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!


Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:07 am

PM me if you are interested.
My Co-Gm is Kiba Kun

REasons for no longer Invite only: I have realized how unfair it is to keep someone who is interested in playing. This is CAA, not Cliquesville. I want everyone to know that I apologize for the recent behavior...and I want anyone who wants to join.

however, because of this I am implementing a rule: I want real unity here, everyone. I don't want people to go off on their own unless it's for the story. You can pm me if you would like to do this. I want a real group effort. I don't want romance until a few pages into the game. Lets all build strong friendships here. okay?

Over the Years CAA has seen some pretty awesome RolePlays and many of them have died and withered away, much to the sadness of many. Call it lack of interest, or lack of time, or maybe the story was just too darn complicated! D:

I am not the only one who feels that some rps deserve another look. Another perspective...maybe even a new story line.

But why bother remaking the same RP Story? Why not take one story and mix it with a few others?

Weeel that's exactly what we are going to do.
Disclaimer: NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAMES CHOSEN ARE REQIREd. In fact here are summaries of each role play chosen Please bear with the length! ^^;

Games that we will steal ideas from:
Into the Game: This was a roleplay that I created about 2 years ago, it had a healthy, year-long run but sadly many of the members that created the story line left, or just got too busy to continue it. The story line died...but it had so much more potention. Basically the surmise of this story was that it was a video game. Each player would choose characters that would play a role in protecting the Game's Universe. But...there was a catch. Some of the creators of the game were really corrupt, and wanted to finish the game while many of the players were still participating, this would result in lots of injuries.

There was a secret catch to this game that I didn't reveal to the players until much later. Each character they chose had a mind of their own. They were able to think and react, even if their player wasn't around. (this is what happens when you leave the controllers kids. XD) In fact, the characters could even converse with their players intelligently. But sometimes...the characters were abandoned...and left to fend for themselves, or be deleted by the Admins and Moderators. In a sense it was basically killing. Very sad indeed, which is why a few of them revolted.

So it was up to the characters to save their world! yaaay applause...but this never ended too soon..way too soon. -_-

Another Element we will be adding is from another RP

SPLICE: This rp included the changing of humans into anthros by way of science and experimentation. Imagine you are walking alone getting some ice cream, and all of a sudden, your world goes black. And you wake up with ears, a tail and possibly even wings. you were stuck in a lab with no way out, and you aren't alone. There are others like you. And your new life involves fighting for a corrupt military because you are the new ultimate weapon. Very scary stuff, I assure you. This RP never got very far, unfortunately, the characters were amazing! died out before it reached it's full potential. -_-

Our final addition to this little game is from a cool little school game called
BATTLE SCHOOL: Kiba tells me this was basicaly just a military school that trained students to fight aliens and mutants.

There are your basic summaries ^_^

NOW on to What this is gonna be about.

This is of course a video game Yaay! But like in Into the Game, each character does have a mind of their own (yay I reveal this to you now and not later! Surprise! :D) They can feel emotions and even pain! D: I always wondered if game cahracters felt pain...hmm..

ANYWAYS. The game starts off with our characters just waking up in a very large indoor rainforest. It's really a lab for studying our characters. The problem is that our characters weren't created to look like they do now. They were changed by the dark programmer scientists. And their players were notified that their characters were deleted because of a glitch.

Our characters only have glimpses of their past. Flickers and pieces. They are confused, but they eventually realize that their new home is actually very very wrong.

So it's up to them to find their way out of this Prison...(We can act this out...and be all creative and stuff with it. NO RUSHEs)

They will be helped into a school that will train them to fight back. I will run these characters that help them. They are going to be trained to fight back against the dark programmers that threaten to destory their home.

I will reveal more later... i feel that I have written a book on this already.. I do hope you guys will decide to join though! I promise you that this will be fun. Kiba and I are very passionate about this project and we wont' let ya down.

Character Level:


Character Class before kidnapping: (mage) (Ninja) (Knight) (Pirate) (Healer) (Sword Master)v (rogue) Characters can keep their powers after change...they are infact a little stronger).

Character appearance after change: (animal, human mix)


Extra: (weaponry, weaknesses, strengths.)
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Postby Kiba-kun » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:38 am

Alright y'all! There is one major thing about this rp though. I have seen this so many times in roleplays that it is enough to make someone transfer out of the country! USE NORMAL NAMES! Do NOT use a fake, two second Japanese name that sounds cool or your something you heard from Naruto or what have you. There is a reason your parents want you to have friends! It's so you can steal their name! Use your own name if you have to. Cut and paste your friends first and last names! I don't care! But no Japense names.

Another thing is one liner posts. I am the King of One Liners but I realize how overwelming those can be for our members who see only ten posts a page <change it to fourty a page and it seems like less people!> Try to avoid one liners. Two is better than one in this case. Just remember, what is three lines in the message box could actually be only one line in the thread.

If things get overly crazy with so many people posting at once, CK has agreed that we might use a post restriction of seven a day. We, CK and I, HATE post restrictions but are willing to sacrafice our creativity to make sure you guys stay in this rp.

We spent almost two hours talking about this, going over all the great roleplays over the past two years and we really want to see this one live for more than two hundred posts. It used to be that any rp with less than five hundred posts wasn't really considered a rp, but a rp in the making. Let's try to bring back that greatness! Originality is a look to the past greatness CAA has had in the roleplay forum. Let's make it awesome!

Now for some characters to give y'all an idea of what you need.

Name: Adam Dupree

Character Level: 23

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping: Rouge

Character appearance after change: Calf high leather boots, tight blue jeans, loose long sleeved black tee shirt, shaggy blonde hair, fingerless gloves, large half inch long nails, re-curved teeth, backward kneecap, amber eyes, large pointed dog ears, three piercing in his left ear.

Bio: Adam has spent many hours in the game to raise his level this high and has become quite renown in the game. Before being abducted, he was ready to become a lower class bounty hunter for hire.

Extra: N/A

Name: Laura Morton

Character Level: 16

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: Pirate

Character appearance after change: Knee high black leather boots, skin tight cotton jeans, loose cotton shirt with leather wrist guards holding the loose ends of the sleeves in place, tight leather corset, black floor length jacket with embroidered gold hemming, purple hair that goes to the small of her back, loose bracelets and large ring earrings in both ears, large swooping tigers tail, feet set so the balls of her feet are larger and wider and stand on her toes wither her ankle off the ground, fuzzy tiger ears.

Bio: Laura was just making her mark in the game when she was abducted. Created with a natural gift for pick pocketing, stealing, and of course a cutlass dual.

Extra: N/A

Name: Kaytlynn Anderson

Character Level: 12

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: Mage

Character appearance after change: Flowing light silver robe, vibrant red hair that is usually loosely tied back, startling blue eyes, taloned feet like a hawks, wings growing out of her back and a hawks tail.

Bio: A newb to the game, Kaytlynn was still getting the hang of fighting and navigation when she was abducted.

Extra: N/A

More to come, I'm sure.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:01 am

Hey, can I join? This kind of reminds me of .hack!
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:06 am

This isn't Dot Hack. Sorry. There is already a Role Play about that game. This is totally different.
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:10 am

Well, I'm still interested. Please PM me, I want to join
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
Hit me up on social media!<--Facebook

I'm also on Amino as Radical Edward, and on Reddit as Rocklobster as well.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:11 am

GREAT Characters, KIBs!
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Postby Kiba-kun » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:15 am

Rocklobster, as CK CLEARLY stated, it's an INVITE ONLY! Do NOT ask us to ask you to join because it doesn't work that way. If you get the PM to join, that's great, but if you don't, I'm sorry. We're still looking for players and it's a possibility you'll be one of them but in the mean time, STOP asking.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:44 am

NAme: Kit
Character Level: 20

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: Ninja Pirate
Character appearance after change: She retained her old out fit of a orange yellow tank top, an orange skirt and maroon tights. Added this this wardrobe, however is a pair of fox ears, two tails, clawed hands, golden fox eyes, and fox like feet. Yaayy she is a Fox Character :D

Bio: Kit had a very close relationship with her Player Kaytie. Although she was created not even two months ago, she and Kaytie hung out together as often as they could in the game. Talk abuot surprise when she was kidnapped and told that Kaytie dien't even want her anymore. And she was now a new creature, something she wasn't before.

Extra: Kit has a sword with the shape of a fox on the hilt. It can change it shape and size. She also has a bit of hidden represssion inside her. It only comes out when she is in a lot of trouble or is in mortal danger and is still conscious. She can manipulate fire.

NAme: Allister
Character Level: 9

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping: Pirate

Character appearance after change: Before the Change, Allister was already Canine. He had green fur and cute little droopy ears and little tail that everyone made fun of. After he was kidnapped, the Programmers wanted to see how far they could go. Seeing that what they created was a huge bear of a creature, they decided that the wouldnt go so far again. Allister is still kind hearted, but his appearance is something that could make children run away with fear. His build is very large, but he still retains a childlike air about him. His ears are still droopy but his green fur is now almost grey. He looks like a large foot ball player in build.

Bio: Allister was a happy-go-Lucky character. He enjoyed playing with his creator every day. When he was kidnapped he was one of the first to be turned into a different creature. He is stronger now, but sometimes he has to fight with a feral creature inside of him. He has had to learn self control, if he isn't in total control, he could snap at any moment and totally destory an entire level.

Extra: His weapons are his massive fists, or a large club. His weakness is baby animal NPCs. He keeps a flying fire squirrel as his pet. His name is Pik. Sometimes

NAme: Gren
Character Level: 30

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: (mage) (Healer) (Sword Master)

Character appearance after change: Gren was the very first experimentation. She has gone through many different versions but they finally settles on a more humaneseque frame. She was fused with traits from a griffin. Originally they kept a large portion of the Griffin's Attributes, including a very large size. But disasstisfied with the results. Gren was forced to undergo several more experiments until they finalized her design. She is quick and strong, and her large purple wings are a great advantage. Her feet are bear-like, a trait that was completely an accident, her fingernails are now extremely sharp claws that can retract. Her face is always covered by a mask to keep her true attack inside. She is a peaceful creature, despite her reason for existence.

Bio: Gren was the type of player that only fought to train. She was interested in killing just for fun. Her mind was above all that. Constantly, her player would beg her to have some fun. But she wouldn't have that. Unlike the Others, Gren wasn't kidnapped, Her player actually traded her in. Sealing her fate. Gren met it with resolve. Taking the excruciating pain. She always considered it her punishment for not being the character she was intended to be.

Her life in the Synthetic Forest is quiet and reserved. She doesn't bother the others unless they find her.

Extra: Her physcial traits are quite a few of her natural weapons. She has a very strong Elemnetal power that she will never use unless it is utterly necassary. She wears a band on her leg that she has never been able to take off. The Programmres use this againster her when they want something done.

I have two other Characters that I will bring in later when I feel the time is right to bring them in.
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Postby Tarnish » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:49 pm

Name: Joan Rigby

Character Level: 8

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: Knight

Character appearance after change: Black hair (worn up), brown eyes, snake-like skin, fingers like tentacles, and a forked tongue.

Bio: Ruthless, violent, but not entirely serious. Joan cuts down her enemies (and anyone else) who might get in the way of what she wants.

Extra: Nocturnal, somewhat weakened in bright sunlight.

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Postby Kiba-kun » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:57 pm

Awesome character, Tarnish!
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Nami » Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:10 pm

Woot! This sounds great!! *runs around* I am so happy to be invited!


Name: Blade
Character Level: 26


Character Class before kidnapping: Mage, Pirate, Sword Master.

Character appearance after change: Blade was a normal human before the change, a strong character. When she was taken by the scientists, though she retained human form, something she hides from people is the long tail of a chameleon, and the fact that she can blend into her surroundings. Has long nails that can grip to trees etc. for climbing and jumping. They can be retracked so they don't get in her way.

Bio: Blade is an arrogant, headstrong, independent person. She doesn't come across as a kind person, infact she comes across as the opposite, icy, cold and harsh. But deep inside Blade is kind and hurting. She loved being played by her creator before she was taken. She always wondered if Her creator missed her at all.. She isn't very sociable, but she will protect something with all her heart (if she likes it in the slightest bit) she is also EXTREMELY strong-willed and wont' give up.. no matter what.

Extra: Blade carries around a hand gun (if that's okay), a ninja sword on her back and one at her belt, three small daggers are hidden in her boot (cliche..) She also wears a bone carved necklace that is said to help with her magic (just a rumor..?) Blade would seem to not have any weaknesses.. but she has many she isn't willing to reveal. (XP ) She can manipulate all elements.


Name: Basil Palm

Character Level: 17

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping:Ninja, Healer

Character appearance after change: When Basil was taken by the scientists, they did many experiments on him, trying to make him the "perfect" dragon being. Though, it worked.. but not the way they had hoped. Basil remained with human form, but when he showed emotion, his Blue/gold eyes became slits and narrowed, his tongue became one of a dragons. And his teeth were always sharp. But one of the "Flaws" they saw in him was the fact that he could shift to being in dragon form, and human form. Though he doesn't know how to control it yet, he is learning. (when in dragon form he is black)

Bio: Basil hadn't cared for his creator much, so when he was taken, he saw it more of a miracle than a curse. Though the pain was a lot to deal with, he put up with it. Basil had lived in a desert area before being taken, and therefore has somewhat of a tan. Comes across as an emotionless person.

Extra: Basil has his long sharp fingernails, that grow or retrack like a cats. They are deadly even as normal length nails, Basil's other weapons are a finely made bow with green etching's on it, and a beautifully made quiver that is dark brown with mossy green material designs. It is full of specially made arrows that had green and gold feathers on them. He also conceals a ninja sword on his back, it is tilted so it isn't easily seen under his clothes.

Name: Jea (said like Jay)

Character Level: 38

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping:Mage, Rogueninja(meaning he was once in a Ninja clan but he got kicked out for defiying the master), Healer.

Character appearance after change: Jea's long knee length unnatural red hair made the scientists very interested in him, and the fact that he had so many classes. When the scientists got their hands on him, they did many experiments, they gave him speed, so he could be gone in a flash and back. Though he hasn't mastered it yet. They made his eyes even more green, almost glowing green, to match his attitude, when he wasn't in anyway mad. But pure black for when he was ready to kill. Jea is also unbelievably strong, something they added to him. Jea's only flaw is that he can feel emotion, they tried to rid him of it.. but his conscious wouldn't allow it, so no matter what they tried.. they could rip that last stred of emotion, that is nothing but a small flame waiting to be re-kindled into a fire of emotion.

Bio: Jea was a hunter of sorts, his creator made him to kill others as a bounty hunter. Jea is a fairly pale person, he was created with Fangs before the scientists, but his craving for blood was done after the scientists had him. He is still unsure of how to control it, and tries to keep away from others. Jea almost always stayed in the forests when his creator played him.

Extra: Jea carries a variety of weapons, most of them for different occasions, some of his weapons are mostly visable, such as his long Ninja sword on his back, his boots contain a compartment where he keeps small daggers, spikes and poisons along with cures. Jea is immune to every poison around. His creator made sure of it. And if he isn't, Jea makes himself immune. Jea also carries a bow, but it's a short bow, and is tucked safely in a quiver at his belt with 20 arrows, making the quiver smaller and more manageable. His arrows have deadly sharp silver points. he carries a bag something to the effect of a messenger bag, brown and leather. It contains other such things. Jea can manipulate elements, and other such things with his mage power, also knows a few higher level healing spells

EDITED: hope the changes are okay ^^:; sorry about that, guess I got a bit carried away lol.
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Postby silver_wolf454 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:02 am

Name: Sasha Faust ( gotta love the Germans lol)

Character Level:14

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping: (Healer)

Character appearance after change: Blond hair to his shoulders feathered in layers, Green eyes with silver flecks, Ears are pionted like a horse and are about five inches long

Extra: Uses a a long dagger. It is very useful for cuting rope, plants, necks....(XD)

[SIZE="3"][color="Green"]Banner art by: Shao-Feng-Li[/color][/SIZE]

"I am but mad north-north west. When the wind is southerly....I know a hawk from a handsaw."- Hamlet, Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:04 am

Name: Thrass Safis

Character Level:20

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping: Mage/ Healer.

Character appearance after change: Blue/black hair and blue eyes. Dragon like features include tail, wings, scales and horns. See picture. Image

Bio: Thrass was a happy character who's purpose was healing others without discrimination. He'd run about, just healing and supporting who ever happened to need it at the moment. He loved his work

Extra: He's weak against Ice. Absorbs Fire. The scales on his tail are razor sharp and he'd be learning how to breath fire.
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Postby Kiba-kun » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:07 am

Nami I love the characters but I've got two problems. One is Blade's ability to transfigure into other objects. These experiments followed the idea of Splice so they'd be animal changes. You could change it to say a chameleon and have him blend into any enviroment.
The other is how many classes you put on Jea. At first, I was under the impression that we would only be allowed one class but then CK added more than one so it's okay. But having five . . . I'm gonna have to say to limit it to atleast three.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
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Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:58 pm

(Added my character picture)
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:06 pm

NAme: Tatyana
Character Level: 10


Character Class before kidnapping: Mage (Mage is another word for sorceress.. right?), Healer, and a hidden (meaning, that was her secret identity) Ninja
Character appearance after change: She looks just like my avy-girl but with light blue cat ears (like bluish white), and a tail being the same color.

Bio: Her character had just come into exsistance. She was about to participate in her first battle when suddenly, BAM, she was instantly taken out. She now finds herself in a statis tank surrounded by water. She tries to scream out but is unable to.

Extra: A pari of daggers called Whirl Wind and the usual kunai knifes and shurikans :grin:

Weakness/Strength: She is to kind hearted. She tends to wears her heart on her sleeve.

Is that ok Gm-Sama?
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Postby Nami » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:39 am

Kiba-kun wrote:Nami I love the characters but I've got two problems. One is Blade's ability to transfigure into other objects. These experiments followed the idea of Splice so they'd be animal changes. You could change it to say a chameleon and have him blend into any enviroment.
The other is how many classes you put on Jea. At first, I was under the impression that we would only be allowed one class but then CK added more than one so it's okay. But having five . . . I'm gonna have to say to limit it to atleast three.

XD I understand your concern, I will change them immediately.. ^^;; sorry Kiba-san. :)
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Postby Felix » Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:58 pm

Name: Roxanne

Age(appearance): 14

Level: 2

Gender: Female

Height: 4'8"

Character Class: Knight

Eyes: Deep yellow. (not like a snake yellow)

Hair: Light brown at the roots. Turns to black. It's kind of thick, but straight and goes to about the nape of her neck.

Appearance: She has thick leather boots, leather gloves, and chain mail cut like a skirt with a patterned leather tunic over it. She has a thick brown fur tail with rings of black fur. She has dark rings around her eyes kind of like a raccoon mask. She has brown/black tanuki ears, and somewhat dark skin.

Personality: Serious, but a bit naive. Does everything she can to be the best she can be. Loses her temper rather easily. Has a tendency for dumb heroics.

Extra: Her weapon is a large broadsword that's about a foot taller than she is. She's low level, but is learning to use it pretty well. She keeps it strapped diagonally across her back when she's not using it.

I hope that's all okay. Let me know if I should change something ^^; We're allowed to have multiple characters, right?
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Postby Kiba-kun » Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:12 pm

Looks awesome, Felix! And yeah, you can have multiple characters.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
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Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:22 pm

I am not neglecting you guys!! But I do love you charactesr!! ^_^ I can't wait to get this started. :3

I have been a bit busy with my webmanga... :3 I am just starting it, so I might be a little sparadic here...but I will dedicate myself to the RP no worries!

Kiba, you are doing a great job, buddeh! :3
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Postby GracefulRocker » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:52 pm

This sounds awesome!!! Thanks for the invite! ^.^

Name: Elise

Character Level: 20

Gender: Female

Character Class before kidnapping: Sword Master

Character appearance after change: Basic jeans, black converse, and a denim jacket over a black t-shirt. She wears a wide, loose black belt so that it just sits on her hips, and sags a bit under the weight of the sword she has attatched to it. As for the splicing, she ought to have a set of cat ears protruding from her hair, but she dosn't. Oddly enough, her ears are normal human issue. She has silver cat eyes and a light brown cat tail that matches her shoulder length very wavy hair. Oh, and her finger nails are considerably more clawlike.

Bio: She was definitely working her way up in rank before the abduction, and she could hold her own against most opponents.

Extra: Her new feline reflexes, speed, hearing, and smell come in handy when weilding a sword, especially since you can better predict your opponents next move. She will learn to love her new body fairly quickly.
Yes, I know I've been gone a while. Forgive me, and if it makes you feel better, blame it on college and chickens.

One Day One Room

[SIZE="4"][color="Green"]"Conviction is a luxury of those on the side lines."[/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"][color="SandyBrown"]"...And that's why you need a lightsabre."[/color][/SIZE]

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:21 pm

Great! Accepted! ^_^
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Postby GracefulRocker » Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:17 pm

Yay! Can't wait to start playin'!
Yes, I know I've been gone a while. Forgive me, and if it makes you feel better, blame it on college and chickens.

One Day One Room

[SIZE="4"][color="Green"]"Conviction is a luxury of those on the side lines."[/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"][color="SandyBrown"]"...And that's why you need a lightsabre."[/color][/SIZE]

[color="RoyalBlue"]"God hates Fred Phelps."[/color]
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Postby SnoringFrog » Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:20 pm

Thx again for the invite, and I sincerly hope this RP does very well. It's been too logn since I was in a good RP with a logn life that I felt I had a real part it.

Name: Leon Dunn

Character Level: 14

Gender: Male

Character Class before kidnapping: Mage

Character appearance after change: Sam has blak cargo pants and a black t-shirt. As well as two black wings. Since the change, he sometimes gets the odd desire to consume things that are rotting/decaying.

Bio: Sam had his character for a whle before the abduction, but never really bothered leveling himself up. Instead, he chose to practice a few chioce skills and increase his abilities with them instead. Thus, as long as the situation does not present something that is a weakness for him, he has the ability to fight on equal level with those higher level than he is. Also ((I'm gonna kill myself for this, I always do)) Sam tends to bit stoic and taciturn most of the time, but that doesn't prevent him from giving a speech to someone if he believes it's worth his time to say it.

Extra: Carries a few small knives for various uses, but relies primarily on his mage skills.
UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:36 pm

Ooh ooh ooh, how many people are we needing to get this started :P
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Postby Kiba-kun » Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:18 pm

I sent it to Yumie a few days ago, asking if she wanted to join. I'll tell her to start it when she replys.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby faithfighter » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:04 am

since this is going in I wish to respectably decline the invation and ask that you take my name of the thread.
thank you
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:22 pm

Awww, that's to bad FF :( Whatever you are up to, I hope it goes well :)

Yay, this sounds so fun :banana:
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Postby faithfighter » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:22 pm

I retract my decline. I'll make a character tonight. *hugs* ^_^
thanks guys
[color="Green"][font="Verdana"]There is no one you can't love once you know their story-Mary Lou Lawnacki[/font][/color]
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:19 pm

yaaay thank you, FF-chan! ^_^
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