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Postby Alexander » Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:05 am

Eternity often simply means existing for an infinite, i.e., limitless, amount of time.

-Taken from Wikipedia.

My thoughts for the day and how I would like to share them. Today's thought: Eternity.

It's really been sticking to my mind lately. As Christians, we know that eternity will become a reality for us when we're in Heaven with God. But what I'm wondering is, what will that be like for us?

I'll completely admit that death is one of my greatest fears in life, but I once spoke with someone who said eternity scared them just as much. And as I thought about it, I could understand that. I mean, think about it, what if 2,000 years pass in time and I'm still alive? And that I'll never have a point that ends, it just goes on forever and ever. And there never is one.

Although because I am only human and can't fully understand God's plan, eternity won't have this feeling of uncertainty when I'm with Him. But for now, when I do think of it, it gives me this insurmountable feeling to the extent of trying to measure the universe times ten.

So, I suppose the best way to start this topic, is to ask what eternity makes you feel.
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Postby Momo-P » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:46 am

Honestly, I think ALL humans feel that way. People are brought up learning to live and then die. The idea of living, living, and's too big for our little minds to comprehend.

Thing is though, God is not bound by time. When you're not sitting there counting off the days, months and the years, eternity really doesn't seem so odd anymore. The idea of spending it in a perfect place too--I mean, you'd interact with people every day and stuff...I always just try and picture a perfect earth. Mind you heaven would have differences, but you get what I mean. If I could live on earth forever (but in a young body), it wouldn't bother me at all. The fact heaven will be way better...I say bring it on!

Sure its a bit scary because we can't understand it, but I believe eternity is one of those subjects where we should just say "Ok, not my territory" and back off. There's no way we ever will understand it as human beings, so I feel the best thing is to just forget about it. When it comes, it'll be ok. Until then, forget about it.
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Postby Kura Ookami » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:47 am

For me endless time is a scary prospect and one that i cannot truly fathom. Scientiosts believe that stars last for millions of years, but death has always been part of this universe and death brings new life. If no stars ever died the universe wouldn't support human life so where we are now, death isn't just an event that happens one day, it's something that is absolutely essential for life. Eternity might just feel like life now albiet it would go on for ever. It might feel completely different. It might feel like the silence after a song you hate has just stopped. It might feel completely peaceful. I don't think we can ever know until we experience it.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:27 am

It's enough for me that I'll be chillin' with my Lord and Saviour for a long time! (lol)
But in all seriousness 'eternity' has always been an overwhelming thought - don't sweat it. Just focus on being real with people, serving them and sharing with them God's Word. Everything else will follow from there.
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Postby Ashley » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:07 am

What's to be scared of? Like Momo said, when you're not counting off days/weeks/months/years, eternity won't seem so long or weird. Besides, I'm sure we'll have plenty to occupy our mind: praising God in ways that will never become stale, fellowshipping with all other believers throughout the world and ages, maybe even exploring new places and learning new things. I don't know exactly what heaven will be like, but I'm sure it won't be just sitting around in choir robes singing the same songs forever and ever!

If heaven is truly a perfect place, it will be free from boredom and fear. Now, the really scary thought is if everyone lives forever what will it be like for those that don't go to heaven?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:03 am

I remember as a junior I was reading a book for my school... it was one of thhose times where it was really quiet because everyone had to read.

All of a sudden my mind wandered...and I began to think about eternity. I can remember getting really shakey..and almost sick to my stomach at the thought.

Not because I was scared...not in a fearful sense...but it was a sense of revalation, if you will. My mind can't fathom it. It can't fathom what it will be like. I know it will be really amazing!

But like Ashley said, what is it going to be like for those who don't know Christ? Eternity is exactly that. ETERNITY.

For those who never accept Him, it will be an endless death.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:31 am

Eternity is in fact NOT 'endless time' this is an impossibility since in Eternity time itself does not in fact exist.
With Eternity there is no beginning and no ending there is only Always.When we speak of Eternity Past and Eternity Future,we are using time words to help our finite and limited minds understand one of the basic concepts of God,that he is Timeless.

Now that said what does happen and what we will expierence on death no-one can tell.Remember what we have in the Bible are simply metaphors to help try to explain something that the human mind is unable to grasp on it's own.Certainly we should not think of heaven to be as literally described in the Bible,rather it will be something a lot more and better than what our present understanding allows us
to comprehend.
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Postby termyt » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:46 am

Alexander wrote: I mean, think about it, what if 2,000 years pass in time and I'm still alive?

There's part of your problem. 2000 years pass in time? What's a year in eternity? What's time?

Some people talk about eternity as a line with no beginning and no end, but that still implies a linear existence. Eternity is not linear. It simply is. It's not even correct to say that it has no beginning and no end. That limits the nature of eternity by binding it to ideas used to define time.

If you can't understand that, don't worry. None of us do - it's about as abstract a concept as we, who define everything about ourselves through time, can conceive of. We are beings of time. Our lives are defined by what did you do yesterday, what are you doing now, and what will you do tomorrow. No surprise we have trouble understanding an existence that can not be defined that way.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:36 am

The fact is when you start to talk about Eternity then you open a whole can of theological worms that include:The Soveriegnty of God,Predestination,
Foreknoweledge,etc.All of these flow from just this one concept of Eternity. :thumb:
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Postby AsianBlossom » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:05 pm

Hm...I've tried thinking about eternity and what it'd be like, but then I end up getting a headache. :P

Just as what was said above, God is not bound by time; He is in perpetual presence. So what I think is that eternity will be kind of like one of those long moments where you think "oh, I wish it could just last forever" and you don't bother counting how long you've been doing something or lounging on the hammock or whatever it is you like. Time is just something we humans created as a measurement.

I myself am also scared of death, but mostly for these two reasons: fear of the unknown, and making the ones I leave behind sad. I mean, those who are close to me that have died, I know they can see me and are in the room with me when I think about them; the only thing is that I can't see or hear them. But I know they're not sad at all; I'm only sad because my selfishness wants them here with me instead of where I can't see them (but I'm not saying it's bad to miss them).

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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:20 pm

I think the reason people are scared of death is not that it is eternal but that they are afraid that there might be nothing afterwards.
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Postby Okami » Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:23 am

I'm still trying to grasp the fact that, in fact, there is no time in eternity; what was the saying, exactly? *goes to Biblegateway and looks it up* "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." - 2 Peter 3:8

I mean, wow. Just WOW! It's unfathomable, unexplainable, yet awe-inspiring and awesome.
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