He's Always There For Us
"And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
A group of people were standing at a rickety old dock along a river's edge waiting for a big boat to pass. Suddenly a little boy came marching up and walked out on the dock with a red flag. As the steamboat came around the bend in the river the little boy started to wave the flag furiously. A skeptical man said to the boy, "Surely you don't expect a big boat to stop at this place for a little fellow like you?" The boy replied with confidence, "I most certainly do."
Suddenly the big boat slowed down and turned for the shore. As the little fellow walked up the gangplank to board the boat, he stopped, turned to the unbelieving man, and said, "I knew that boat would stop for me; the captain is my daddy."
Sometimes we might think that God may too busy to be there for us in our time of need or pays no mind to us in our darkest hours. But He has assured us that He is available anytime. He is after all, our Heavenly Father. And He's with us till the very end of the age.
Prayer: Thank God for His eternal presence and availability in your life.
"We have ... unbroken fellowship with Him. A father never sends his child away with the thought that he does not care about his child knowing that he loves him. The father longs to have his child believe that he has the light of his father's countenance upon him all the day - that, if he sends the child away to school, or anywhere that necessity compels, it is with a sense of sacrifice of parental feelings. If it be so with an earthly father, what think you of God?"
~Andrew Murray