PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:19 pm
Okay, I know this great series has been mentioned in other threads, but I was surprised to find that no specific Slayers threads existed. So who else is a fan of this (at this point I would call it classic) series?
Who is your favorite character? And which of the three seasons is your favorite?
Slayers will always hold a special place in my heart, as it is the first anime series I liked enough to actually purchase rather than rent. I have many fond memories of eagerly awaiting the next Slayers VHS tape to be released, as I was collecting the series as it was first being released in the US. Slayers played a big part in getting me into anime in the first place, and it remains one of my favorite series to this day.
My favorite characters would have to be Zelgadis and Rezo.
My favorite season is the first. Besides the personal sentimental value it holds for me, it contains both my favorite characters, and despite the animation perhaps not being as good as the second two seasons to me it captures the true essence of "Slayers," fantasy/parody.
Who is your favorite character? And which of the three seasons is your favorite?
Slayers will always hold a special place in my heart, as it is the first anime series I liked enough to actually purchase rather than rent. I have many fond memories of eagerly awaiting the next Slayers VHS tape to be released, as I was collecting the series as it was first being released in the US. Slayers played a big part in getting me into anime in the first place, and it remains one of my favorite series to this day.
My favorite characters would have to be Zelgadis and Rezo.
My favorite season is the first. Besides the personal sentimental value it holds for me, it contains both my favorite characters, and despite the animation perhaps not being as good as the second two seasons to me it captures the true essence of "Slayers," fantasy/parody.