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Postby Yamato145 » Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:05 pm

[quote="Technomancer"]While I cannot say how influenced by Christianity the film makers were, I'd say "Now and Then, Here and There". One can certainly take away important messages about faith and hope...and forgiveness. A word of to those who haven't seen it though]
wow its been so long since ive met someone who expirienced this anime. now i was already saved when i saw this anime ... but it ... uhhhh ... rebuffed i guess could be the word ... rebuffed my faith.
also an anime that i have heard of but never seen is "saint tail" which is a shojo that happens in a catholic school i believe.
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
Also I'm not sure how -_-' but somehow I am the Master and Father of Spectro-King according to his signature ... but hey I'm up for having a minion ... so jump stupid ... I'll have him keeeeel you
:evil: Evil child of Fantasy Dreamer and Dark Disturbed Grandchild of Cephas VII
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Ive noticed something interesting, when a place is really amazing people say it must be seen to believed ... but the most amazing place ever must be believed to be seen.
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Postby Yamato145 » Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:12 pm

also i have been wanting to see hellsing although the more i hear about it the more i think "uhhh maybe not"
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
Also I'm not sure how -_-' but somehow I am the Master and Father of Spectro-King according to his signature ... but hey I'm up for having a minion ... so jump stupid ... I'll have him keeeeel you
:evil: Evil child of Fantasy Dreamer and Dark Disturbed Grandchild of Cephas VII
On a quest to adopt Cephas
:dance: WACKY BANANA!!! :rock: ROCKER!!! :hug: glomp of DOOM!!!
Ive noticed something interesting, when a place is really amazing people say it must be seen to believed ... but the most amazing place ever must be believed to be seen.
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