Pruninating the Goof-off forum

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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:51 am

Well, it's more of a journey than a destination, per se, but the disinformation you have received so far is mostly accurate. I am canning goof off threads quite nearly as fast as you can create them. (evil laugh). No, not really. There's a 1-3 month cut off window that's totally arbitrary.

I'll spare everyone the gory details of the math, etc, but yes - we have a limited ammount of data (threads, pictures, etc) that can be transfered to everyone.

Some of you may have noticed that if you are not logged in, the gallery appears to have no graphics, and no posts. That's because a lot of data get's transfered out of the gallery, and it's less of a blow to our bandwidth if we don't let leaches and robots crawl those pages. This is just another way we try to keep everything in place so that we don't have to do something drastic like close down a forum.

Anyway, figuring out how to keep CAA running is MY problem, so please don't worry about it. (I tried to find a different way to say that, but it wouldn't come out any better. Please note that I am not saying "don't suggest things;" on the contrary, I'm saying "please don't worry." If you have suggestions, by all means let me know!) This thread was placed here to keep you informmed, not to cause undue panic. :lol:

Rest assured that we are still researching ways to bring you better, stronger and faster CAA without sacrificing the interaction you have come to know and love.
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Location: You will be baked. And then there will be cake.


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