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Favorite Fantasy Series (Yes, you can vote multiple ones)

A place to discuss your favorite authors and poets, Christian and secular

Postby HisaishiFan » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:04 pm

Weird about the fifth Alvin Maker book - that's also where I stopped reading because that volume went missing from my public library.

Fire and Ice . . . sigh . . . again, a really really good book (as in well plotted, well written) but way too explicit (violence, sex). Had to stop reading them because they just didn't seem to honor God.

Robert Jordan . . . after slogging through four volumes of braid tugging and bottom slapping and rehashed LoTR for what seemed like about 1,000 pages each, I found I just couldn't bear the thought of having to read eight or nine more volumes. So I finally went online and read summaries of all the rest. As I see it, the WOT universe has a lot of potential, but RJ never fully develops its characters or plot beyond fairly predictable fantasy stereotypes.

So . . . drum roll . . . my favorites would be
Chronicles of Narnia
L'Engle's Time Trilogy (I don't really like the fourth book)
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
Harry Potter
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