Can you describe more specifically what you mean by lessons? What kind of lessons are you looking for? (Straight Bible study? Apologetics? Theology?) Do you have a specific goal in mind? Are you looking for a class to take for credit, or just some things to read or listen to? I’m sure there are plenty of sites with daily or weekly devotionals, but I don’t really know of any site that has weekly lessons per se. However, I can suggest some helpful sites for self-study, if that interests you at all.
Bible History Online is a great reference; I have only used its encyclopedia and haven’t looked around the entire site, but there is a wealth of information available there. I will let it describe itself:
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, also known as the ISBE, is an exhaustive Biblical encyclopedia that explains in detail every significant word in the Bible, and also includes historical information from the Apocrypha. It provides detailed information on the language and literature of the Bible world, their cultures and the historical and religious environments of the people of the Bible in articles by nearly 200 scholars.
There are also tons of other resources linked from that site under “study tools.”
Christian Classics Ethereal Library has a wealth of Christian classics and writings by the Church fathers; there is also an online study Bible and all sorts of commentaries. Lots of great stuff here.
Early Christian Writings is exactly what its name implies.
There’s also, which I like for its selection of
historic church documents, but there are also some other things there, like numerous articles on apologetics. Of course, it’s a Reformed site, so many of the resources there will be written from a Calvinist perspective.
Last but certainly not least is
Theology Web, a top-notch site which you can also get to from CAA by clicking on "Theology Discussions." They always have an article posted on their front page, and more can be found by going to the
Editorial Dept. board on their forum. Then there’s, you know, the forum itself.
Like I said, none of those is really a lesson-a-week sort of place, but nevertheless, I hope they are helpful to you.