As you all know, long!Rai-hair is long, and Rai, not being much of a cosmetologist, has little knowledge of how to work with long!hair.
Third person is annoying, no? Anyway, I could use some help with ideas for what to do with my hair besides tie it back in a regular ponytail. I've attached a picture of it without any product or anything in it for reference.
A few caveats, though:
1) I don't have any money to spend on lots of product. I have some spray and mousse on hand, but that's about it.
2) I don't really want to cut it; besides, if I did, I'd want to consult my parents (especially my mom, as she's had longer hair than I for most of her life {although mine's longer now})
3) I'm at college in a very small town in Tennessee, so I don't have access to much besides a Wal-Mart. At least it's a Super Wal-Mart.
Thanks for your help!