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Homework giving you a headache? Math gives you a migraine? Can't quite figure out how to do something in photoshop? Never fear, the other members of CAA share their expertise in this forum.


Postby SageRock » Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:00 pm

Does anyone know of some basic tutorials? I don't think I'm being very clear, but maye all your "What the crap? Do you mean..." will help me define my question. I have discovered Dillion's tutorials on, and while I am currently putting in to practice the basic drawing part, have only been able to read the part on using photoshop and paintshop (I don't even have paintshop :/) Anyway, does anyone know of any other lessons or tutorials that i can get a hold of? Thanks!
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:44 pm

I had a link somewhere for a really good tutorial on pixel art which I came across some time ago, but I can't remember what I did with it. If I find it, I'll post it here for you! ^_^
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Postby inkhana » Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:57 pm

I've thought of doing a tutorial on cel-style pics. I guess if I got enough positive feedback concerning it, I could create one when I'm working on my next pic. Would you like techniques like that, or would you prefer something like "how can I make a really cool button in PS" or, "how can I use filters to do such-and-such"?

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SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:12 pm

TheMelodyMaker wrote:I had a link somewhere for a really good tutorial on pixel art which I came across some time ago, but I can't remember what I did with it. If I find it, I'll post it here for you! ^_^

Found it! ^_^
Is this what you had in mind, SageRock?
[color=RoyalBlue]@)}~`,~ [/color]Carry this rose in your signature as thanks to Inkhana, for all she has done for us in the past.Even though she is no longer a moderator, she has done an awful lot for us while she was and she deserves thanks. ^_^
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Postby SageRock » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:32 pm

inkhana wrote:I've thought of doing a tutorial on cel-style pics. I guess if I got enough positive feedback concerning it, I could create one when I'm working on my next pic. Would you like techniques like that, or would you prefer something like "how can I make a really cool button in PS" or, "how can I use filters to do such-and-such"?

Well, all would be nice ], but the most prominent would be cell style, then filters, than buttons and that. I would love to learn all this stuff, so really any little bits of supreme wisdom and mighty knowledge you feel the urge to pass on would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Postby Ashley » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:35 pm has some awesome tutorials, on everything from layouts to banners to PHP. Definately a must-check out. :thumbs:

Also, if it's an option, have you considered going down to the local library and checking out a book on Photoshop? Something like "Photoshop 6 in the classroom" and other titles like it are really excellent; it's what I used in my digital graphics class.
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Postby Retten » Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:57 am

I really recomende they have 1702 listings of tutorials :thumb: I have links to several hundred tut sites my self right now but it would take me forever to get them up here :P

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Postby Thomas J. R. » Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:21 pm

I'm pretty good with computer graphics, so here goes:
First, forget Window's paint program. It really stinks. If you want to learn the basic-basic stuff, use it. I used to draw with it alot, and I'm sure there are a bunch of very talented artist using it. However, there are better programs, like Adobe Photoshop or PaintShop Pro. There are older versions that should cost very little or be free for download.
You can also use 3-d programs for 2-d art. Some professional style programs, like Truespace 3.2, are free for download or can be bought for very little. I use Truespace all the time, so pretty soon I'll make some tutorials for everybody and post em' here.
For some of the best tutorials, check out They had tons of links last time I checked.
I'm planning to make some art mxing 3-d art, 2-d art and some digital video. Have fun!
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Postby SageRock » Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:48 pm

Well, thank you all...Melody, Ashely, White, and T.J.R.. Everything posted will be an enormous push in a right direction! (Now I just need to get my parents to extend my internet time so I can get it all!)


If anyone else has any links or such, i'd still love to take a gander at them!
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