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Computer Graphics/animation

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Computer Graphics/animation

Postby RefractedAhav » Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:07 pm

I'm pretty new to this my self, but I do know a little about CG. The real purpose of this thread is to set up a place where digital artist can help each other learn new techniqes and help those starting to learn.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am kinda new to this and learning my self,but I will help with what I can.

To start of with, I found A good site for modeling a head (possibly a troll?) in Maya. I think you might be able to taylor it to fit other applactions as well.

I have found some good blender sites in the past, but I haven't used blender in a while so I have to find them again.

edit: To avoid dp (double posting), I am just going to add this to my first post.

To help ya'll start off I'm going to list some free and demo/trial 3d software and where to find them.

blender 3d

maya ple

There are more out there and I have not worked with all of I've mentioned before, I'm kinda new to this myself.
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