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Super Smash Bros

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:49 am
by goldenspines
GM is Rocklobster.

Have fun and play safe!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:24 am
by rocklobster
As I said in the sign-up thread, I will be controlling any character I need for the story who isn't controlled by someone else. Anyway...
Megaman awoke to find himself in a stadium. "Where am I? I heard Dr. Wily had entered this world, but everything looks so unfamiliar. I see what looks like grass around me. And a happy looking sandbag?"
(he's in the stadium for the home-run contest.)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:59 am
by Twister980

Malon slowly opened her eyes. She quickly shut them. "Ugh, what happened?" She slowly opened them again. She was staring straight up into a bright blue sky. "Where am I?"

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:23 pm
by Wolfsong
Isaac slowly comes to himself, looking about curiously. He was standing in a stadium, and he could see some strange guy in blue facing a sandbag. Originally, he was on his way to Mt. Aleph, but when the Golden Sun occurred, he found himself here.
Well, some mornings just began oddly, and this seemed to be one of those.
With nothing else to do, he walked toward the blue guy. "Hey, could you tell me where I am?"

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:47 pm
by SilverToast
Karp. Karp. Karp. Karp. Karp.
Magikarp thinks to himself as he splashes:
How did I get here? I remember leaping over a mountain for my training. But suddenly everything became dark. When I awoke I found myself on this dirt path with white lines and numbers.
Time to splash in a marathon!

Magikarp continues to slowly move in small jumps and sees a human figure on a platform.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:17 pm
by rocklobster
Megaman sighed. "The name's Megaman. And no, I just got here."
Suddenly, a winged man arrived. He was carrying a bow and arrow. "The name's Pit." the new arrival said. "Welcome to Subspace. We have a new mission."
"Wait. I'm here because Dr. Wily is here." Megaman said, grabbing his arm.
"Well, that'll have to wait. Taboo is here again." Pit said.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:27 pm
by Twister980

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Medli shrieked. She was currently falling through a thick layer of clouds, where wings refused to respond.


As she continued to stare in to the sky, a dot appeared. It was getting closer. "aaaaaaAAAAHHHH!!!" A white bird girl fell on top of her. "Ouch!" It was then she got a good look at the ground. It was obviously not used very often considering the way it looked. There were untouched white lines and numbers, numbering 9000 yards. "Where am I?" The bird girl asked.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:32 pm
by Wolfsong
"Wait, Taboo?" Isaac thought hard, but he couldn't place the name. Funny, but it seemed familiar, somehow. "Who is that?"

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:42 pm
by SilverToast
* A loud crash is heard from behind Magikarp.*
Magikarp thinks to himself:
"What was that!"
* He turns around to see Medli and Malon*
"A trainer and her bird pokemon! I must capitalize on this moment and challenge them to a pokemon duel. Hopefully she will recognize my will power and determination by the great splashes I have perfected. Then she will catch me!"
*Leaps over 8700 yards to land close to Medli and Malon*
"I challenge you to a battle, pokemon I do not know!"

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:46 pm
by Wind
~Zelda/Sheik~ She just sat there not knowing what to do, she had a sword in her hand and sat in the middle of a big open space.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:19 pm
by Twister980
~Medli and Malon~

"Get... Off of me!" Medli looked down. "Oh!" She leapt off of Malon. "Sorry." Malon stood up, scratching the back of her head. "It's all right." She stuck her hand out. "I'm Malon." Medli curtsied. "Medli." Malon laughed. The two stood there for a moment before a plip plop sound made it's way to their ears. "Karp, Karp karp!" Medli turned around. "Awwww~!" She cooed. She quickly scooped up the Magikarp. "You are so adorable!" Malon rolled her eyes.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:57 am
by rocklobster
Wolfsong (post: 1588415) wrote:"Wait, Taboo?" Isaac thought hard, but he couldn't place the name. Funny, but it seemed familiar, somehow. "Who is that?"

"Taboo is an evil being with awesome power." Pit said. "He's almost like a god."
"Sounds bad." said Megaman.
Suddenly, a giant dinosaur appeared. It was Bowser! He breathed fire and called out, "Primids, attack!" Then he saw Zelda and advanced toward her.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:59 am
by Oddood198
Link walked slowly on the grassy ground, he wasn't sure where he was, he just found himself here. He didn't know what this huge area was used for, or if there was anyone else here, but he has awoken at what seemed to be one end, so he had began walking toward the other.
Clink. Clink. Clink. This was the sound his chainmail tunic made as rungs struck against each other, and in a moment like this he was thankful for the thick shirt to wear over it, otherwise he was sure the sounds would dive him mad. His footsteps were soft as his leather boots came down on the short grass, he hadn't seen grass this neatly cut before. Occasionally he heard a louder, more solid thudding as his shield bounced against the sword on his back, there was also a bow slung across his shoulder, and a quiver of arrows with it. His mind was a but fuzzy, but the name of the sword whispered through his mind, Master Sword...

He tried thinking back to how he had gotten here, but found only a strange jumble of half-remembered sights and thoughts...

A dark furred wolf, something rode on it's back as it sprinted over a wide open grassland...

A huge red bird, descending down from the sky, looking at him curiously...

His shadow, leaping up from the ground and floating in front of him, changing to form an entirely different being. It spoke, "What is it, Link?"

Falling, falling down, down, down. Through a layer of clouds, he looked down an saw a huge forest before him.

A tall, slender man, his skin seemed ashen gray, his hair white. He wore a strange looking outfit of designs of black and white. "I am looking for the servant of the goddess." He said...

A tall figure covered entirely in all black robes, a strange, dark monster to either side of him as he swept down what appeared to be a castle throne room.

A beautiful young girl riding on a large blue bird, she seemed to be focusing intently on something, but she also looked terrified. Wind whipped mercilessly around her, and suddenly she was thrown from her bird.

A stranger in the corner, clothed in a black cloak, staring out the window. "Hello, Princess." A voice from beside Link says, but he can't see the speaker. The figure turns, their face is shrouded in shadow by the cloak, but Link could tell it was a woman.

Link shook his head, trying to stop the flow of strange memories. He didn't know what was happening in any of them, or who any of the people he saw where. Zelda...
The name whisped through his mind, and an image of the girl on her bird came to him. So she was Zelda? But who was that, was the real question.
He looked up, and saw, to his surprise, that he seemed to almost reach the end of the field. He saw several people standing around in that area, and one was on a platform of some kind. He started walking toward them, maybe they could tell him something.

OOC: Reading heough this post, I think I accidentally invoked the amnesia card... With Link... I have ruined Link...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:58 am
by SilverToast
"Karp, Karp karp!"
Magiakrp thinks to himself as he tries to get out of Medli's grasp.
"Curses! I am trapped and my moves are made useless. I have no momentum for my tackle and I cannot jump out. Wait a minute. This pokemon can speak human. She must be a human in costume. I guess since I cannot attack I am defeated. Therefore I am her pokemon. Unconventional Success! "
Magikarp calms down and relaxes for his mental training.
"I sense a terrible presence from nearby..."

ooc: @oddood It's alright it's usually a different link incarnation every zelda game save for OOC and MM and the first one and second game to come out. Amnesia won't be very different from having the same link start over in a new world.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:27 pm
by Twister980

The struggling fish settled down in her arms. Then his eyes flashed. "Hm?" She looked over at Malon, who was staring off into the distance. Her mouth unhinged and a slight blush on her face. Medli followed her gaze, her mouth unhinged as well.


W-why? Why him? Why now? Malon stared at the distant green clothed figure. "Is that... Link?" Medli asked. Malon nodded slowly. "He looks... Taller. And his head isn't as big as it should be." Medli began waving her arms. "LIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNKKKKK!!!"

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:32 pm
by Wolfsong
Isaac stared as a bunch of strange creatures, unknown to him, appeared and were coming toward them. A huge lizard-like being was heading toward the woman nearby.
Well, this Taboo would have to wait a bit.
He instantly lept in the creature's way, drawing his Sol Blade.
"I don't know what you are, but its obvious you're up to no good," he said. "Get back, or I will cut you down!"

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:57 pm
by Wind
OOC: could i get some interaction please because i really don't know where to start.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:08 pm
by rocklobster
OOC: I'll send Bowser your way, Wind.
Bowser advanced toward Zelda. "You're not my usual target, but you'll do."

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:19 pm
by Wind
rocklobster (post: 1588595) wrote:OOC: I'll send Bowser your way, Wind.
Bowser advanced toward Zelda. "You're not my usual target, but you'll do."
Zelda momentarily panicked but then she calmed her mind and drew the sword at her hip. " You will not touch me..." She didn't even hesitate when she struck him with her sword.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:16 pm
by Oddood198
OOC: Are you using young Malon or adult Malon? (Also feel I should point out I have not yet finished Wind Waker or even played Ocarina of Time, so I don't know much about these characters...)

Link squinted his eyes and looked ahead as he heard one of the people shouting and waving their arms, he was still not close enough to see any details of their faces. He decided to quicken his pace into a light jog, his arms swinging lightly at his sides as he did so.
When he was close enough, he looked at the two people before him. They both seemed happy to see him, the one with the red hair that had waved looked familiar, but he couldn't quite...

The same girl stands in from of him him, seeming taller now, or perhaps he is shorter. "Ooh... You're a fairy boy from the forest! My name is Malon! My dad owns Lon Lon Ranch!" She says.

Standing on grassy land with the girl again. A horse stands beside her.*"My mother composed this song. Isn't it nice? Let's sing together." His eyes close, the girl begins singing accompanied by an unknown instrument.

Link put a hand over his head, it almost felt like a headache, but not quite. So, the one with red hair was Malon. He looked to the other girl... What on earth? She was covered in feathers and had a beak!

Standing in a cavern carved out of stone, the bird-like girl is in front of him. Once again, she seems taller now. "I'm an attendant to the great sky spirit, Valoo. My name is Medli." She says.

Facing the girl, she now holds a harp, to the left is the Master Sword, stuck into the ground. She begins to play...

Medli. That was who this girl was, a Rito. Rito... How did he know that? It didn't matter at the moment, what did matter was apparently he knew these girls. But it felt like a long time ago... Or maybe a long time in the future...
He shook his head slightly, trying to clear it and not have more of those strange flashes of memory. He smiled at Medli and Malon, waving to them in greeting.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:34 am
by Twister980
OOC: Adult Malon. It's all right if you haven't played OoT yet. I haven't even finished Skyward Sword yet. You did good for not knowing them very well.

She gasped as Link waved at them. She smiled softly. "It's been a long time Fairy Boy!" She shouted. Her smile broke into a grin as she ran towards him.


She watched Malon run off towards Link. Then, while still holding the Magikarp, followed her. Laughing all the way.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:16 am
by SilverToast
He thinks to himself:
"hmm... The first trainer to catch me in a hundred years. This feels good."

While being carried, Magikarp sees off in the distance Bowser fighting against Zelda.

"Another pokemon? Except this one is fighting the human directly. I wonder why. I sense he is connected to the terrible presence I sensed. However, I feel there is a faint trace of a greater evil from afar in this world."

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:04 am
by Oddood198
OOC: Haha, that's only because I skimmed their wiki articles and took a few quotes.

Ok, so it had been a long time since Link and Malon had seen each other, apparently, but he wasn't sure about Medli. He shrugged, he clearly couldn't remember much about them right now, and the harder he tried to think of it the more likely more random flawed of memory would be, and he had the feeling that too many of those may not be so good for his overall mental health.
When Malon and Medli began running to him, he grinned. For some reason, seeing the two of them made him feel very glad, perhaps they had been close friends. He started running to them as well, at the moment, the only question he had that seemed in immediate need of an answer, was, 'Why is Medli carrying a fish?'
However, the closer he got to Medli and Malon, the more and more he could see this wasn't going to be a very happy reunion. For past them, around the rest of he people, he saw... Something. What appeared to be dark purple orbs rolling across the grass and merging together to form... What? It looked humanoid, but far from human. And in the midst of them, there was what looked like a giant turtle attacking a young woman with a sword. Suddenly, anothe series of images hit him like a ton of bricks.

Fighting alongside a green dinosaur, against an angel and a man clad in red and blue...

Fighting against these same creatures, dozens of others at his side...

Huge explosions, expanding orbs of black and purple, and the craters that remained afterward...

A world not of light nor darkness, but only nothing...

A giant gloved hand, fighting against allied forces...

The fallen, defeated, lying everywhere...

Being in such desperation for help that he would seek the assistance of his greatest foe...

Making one final stand with his allies, against... What?

The shroud of mystery covered the last scene, he couldn't see what they were fighting against. When the stream ceased he found himself on his knees, his head held tightly in his hands, and he noticed a throbbing deep in his skull beginning to fade.
He looked back up, past Malod and Medli, at the enemies that began to amass, seeming ready to fight again. Primids, that was what they were, he knew it.
He brought himself back to his feet, still staring at the crowd of enemies, he drew the Master Sword from his back and shrugged his shield around to his forearm. Has he held the blade, the light gleaming off of it, more memories coursed through him, each one an attack or technique to be used against his enemies. He began moving again, starting first at a walk, then a jog, and then running again, his sword raised and ready he charged to the battle.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:26 am
by Twister980
~Malon and Medli~

Link had fallen to the ground. He was currently grasping his head. "What's wrong with him?" Medli asked. Malon continued running. Then Link drew the Master Sword. He raised it above his head and ran towards them. Malon grimaced, then noticed his eyes were on something behind them. A shiver ran up Malon's back. "Medli. Run." Medli blinked. "Huh?"
Malon grabbed her arm. "Run!" Malon dragged Medli on past Link. They slowed to a stop and turned around. "What are those?" Medli asked. Fear evident in her voice. Malon watched as Link began fighting them. "I don't know." She clenched her fists. It's the first time in years I've seen him, and I can't even help him! She shut her eyes. A surge of energy ran through her, making her eyes shoot open. A yellow bow materialized in her hands. D-did I do that?" She closed her eyes again. When they opened, she felt the weight of a quiver of arrows on her back. She grinned. Looks like I'm not so helpless at all. She took aim at the creatures. "Come on Link..." She whispered to herself.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:24 pm
by rocklobster
Pit readied his bow and pointed it at Bowser. "Step away from her, now!"
Bowser didn't comply. Instead, he grabbed Zelda, intending to use her as a human shield.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:54 pm
by Wind
rocklobster (post: 1588699) wrote:Pit readied his bow and pointed it at Bowser. "Step away from her, now!"
Bowser didn't comply. Instead, he grabbed Zelda, intending to use her as a human shield.

She sliced up and cut his chin and she felt herself drop in front of the stranger and she landed on her knees and hands dropping her sword and bruising her shins and cheek. She jumped up quickly and grabbed her sword standing next to the stranger. She made a quick introduction " I am zelda."

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:57 pm
by Wolfsong
Isaac quickly joined them, hearing her saying her name was Zelda. "I'm Isaac."

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:02 am
by rocklobster
At that moment, a giant ball appeared overhead.
Pit said to Isaac, "Let's finish this. We gotta smash that ball as many times as we can.
Megaman loaded up his buster and shot a bunch of Primids in one blast.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:16 am
by Oddood198
Link unleashed a wordless battle cry as he joined the brawl (had to...), his sword coming straight down on a Primid and cleaving it in two, the halves of it fell to either side, and before they hit the ground they had already begun dissolving into the black orbs. Link wasted no time, moving on to cleave through two more with a horizontal slash, then impale another one coming at him from the side. He raised his shield to block an attack from one Primid, then he bashed it it the face with the shield, it fell over, and Link leapt on top of it, swinging and slashing at Primids all around him.
When he had cleared out all the enemies within reach of his sword, Link jumped onto the head of one Primid, and then jumped off of it, over the rest, to land near the platform in the center where all the other people were. Without a word he raised his sword and shield in preparation for the next wave of Primids.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:12 am
by Twister980

She did not take her eyes off of any of the monsters until Link had defeated them all. Before she realized it, there were a few behind them. Medli sliced through two of them with her razor like wings. The other four were right behind her. Without skipping a beat, Malon pulled four arrows out and fired them in rapid succession.