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Monstory(Working Title)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:27 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
Attempting another RP. Let's hope this one gets more than five pages on it.

*Clears Throat*

It's been more than twenty years since the incident known as the monster wave occurred covering the whole planet. At first it seemed like nothing happened but soon after children's imaginary friends began talking back. Somehow children had gained the power to make monsters. This is when the real trouble started.

With their new absolute powers many children went mad and killed their parents while others were tossed away like freaks and many others just ran away. In the peak of all this places known as 'Monster Kingdoms' were formed where these children went to either escape it all and/or build their own paradise. One such place is 'Terror Haven' but it itself is different than most. Terror Haven is a large place and in such many Monster Kingdoms have popped up here, each waring with each other. This is where our story lives.

-If you want a monster who must be between seven and eighteen. At eighteen their mind matures and the monsters die. It is not known why this happens.
-You can have up to two or three characters but only one monster each. Two on special conditions.
-Monsters can have special abilities like strength, speed, or elemental powers but only one and keep them simple. No ability to create suns or split the earth in half. Simple like: can light on fire, or refracting light.
-There are four different groups you can be apart of.
=Monster Monarchs: The kings and queens of the Monster Kingdoms. There will only be six of them so first come first serve.
=Monarch Servants: Children that couldn't beat the monarchs and thus had to work under them or just simply saw how strong they were and devoted themselves to them.
=Fimom [Fighting Monsters with Other Monsters]: A government trained group of children tasked with defeating and braking up kingdoms or bring them to there side.
=Adult: Plain, boring adult. Mainly just leading the children in Fimom from the base.
-The story only takes place in Terror Haven and a Fimom base near by.
-Monster can not be more than thirty feet away from their child and will never disobey unless they think something in better for them.
-Terror Haven is a large valley floor. Their are some buildings built by past and present Monarchs. Tech is about how it was in the middle ages unless someone can have a monster that can fix that (Does not apply to all kingdoms.)
-Do not use pictures of preexisting characters unless used for reference.

+Character Bios: Human
-group: (M2, MS, Fimom, or Adult)

-relationship with child/how they fight together:

To start:

-Name: Ben Lyte
-age: 13
-gender: male
-group: Monster Monarch
-appearance: normal thirteen year old height and short messy brown hair. Wears a sleeveless black hoodie that happens to be his monster.
-personality: Lone wolf. Powerful but never fights with his full power for some reason.
-background: Once tried out for Fimom but found it more fun to fight by/for himself and left. The only(Maybe) Monarch to not have servants.
-other: Has a twin in Fimom

-name: Brac
-power: Shape-shifting
-appearance: a black mass with white eyes. Normally stays as a hoodie on Ben.
-personality: Just around for the ride
-relationship with child/how they fight together: Ben uses his link with Brac to create weapons or armor. Normally arms because Ben usually doesn't like to use his hands.

-Name: Abner Lyte
-age: 13
-gender: male
-group: Fimom
-appearance: same as Ben but with blond hair and wears the normal Fimom uniform. (A sort of Code Geass school uniform in appearance but white with blue stripes. Unisex.)
-personality: Space Cadet(Or seems to be)
-background: Twin brother of Ben. The two were some of the finest in the league but one day Ben just left.
-other: Maybe later

-name: Rite
-power: Light refraction
-appearance: A small white bird with a long multicolored tail
-personality: Loyal to a T
-relationship with child/how they fight together: Abner uses a capture sword(Nonlethal) while Rite flies around making him invisible or making it look like attacks will hit him when they don't. Only works far away.


I'll be waiting.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:31 am
by Diamond Dragon
: Human
-Name: Maria Candlewood
-age: 13
-gender: female
-group: Monster Monarch
-appearance: has long white hair, dark, slightly yellow eyes, very slim
-personality: Outgoing, sometimes aggresive, loves monsters
-background: Is an Orphan that was thrown out of the adoption system when her monster came to life.
-other: Loves drawing.

-name: Arcadena
-power: Lightning
-appearance: Looks like a white tiger
but has the mane of a male Lion
personality: Fircely loyal to Maria, loves to cuddle with her.
-relationship with child/how they fight together: They each defend the other with thier lives.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:58 am
by Phantom_Sorano
I'm calling the third Monarch!

+Character Bios: Human
-Name: Yuenia (Yue for short)
-age: 9
-gender: female
-group: Monster Monarch
-appearance: small in build, pale skinned, long wavy black hair, green eyes, wears elaborate, 18th century dresses.
-personality: Yue is a very unusual child; she is quiet and observes her surroundings; thought to be mute. She prides class and manners.
-background:Coming from an aristocratic family, Yuenia was shunned after the appearance of her monster. Unphased, the child came to live amongst the monsters and their humans.
-other:Passionate musician; loves to play the pipe organ; sews; kinda spooky...o_O

-power: manipulates darkness
-appearance: looks similiar to a large black panther with small bat-like wings mounted on his back; has purple eyes and wears different adornments made by his master
-personality:Zapheris can be cross and cold towards others, but around Yuenia, he is a complete saint and loving figure. He enjoys to poke fun on occasion, but usually keeps a somber demeanor.
-relationship with child/how they fight together: The two are in their own little world. Zaph and Yue communicate on scyned brain patterns when talking aswell as fighting.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:21 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
@Dragon: Approved but if you could, can you write her appearance. You can keep the photo but I would like to see your idea of how she looks. Thanks.

@Phantom: Approved. Can you describe the manipulation of darkness a little. Thanks.

@Both and anyone else wanting to me a Monarch: Could you describe your kingdom so we know what to expect. Thank you.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:37 pm
by Wind
-gender: female
-group: Fimom
-personality: protective of the people she cares about and quite mysterious
-background:would like to reveal as the RPG gets started
-other: has a large moonstone necklace her mother gave her before she died and a long broadsword her father gave her before he disappeared. Wind is blind but has a extra perception that helps her to fight.

-name: Drake
-power: can breathe fire and create fire out of thin air
-personality: He has a very protective nature and is kinda fatherly towards wind. He thinks of her like a daughter
-relationship with child/how they fight together: Drake uses his fire to defend Wind when she is swordfighting

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:24 pm
by Lil_Ninja
This sounds really cool! I want to join this amazingness!

+Character Bios: Human
-Name: Colette (but she sometimes "changes" it to fit her current costume)
-age: 10
-gender: Female
-group: Monster Monarch
-appearance: She has short brown hair kept in pigtails, radiant blue eyes, a freckled face, and she's on the short side.
Her regular attire is: Short overalls, a pink shirt with a cartoon character on it, colorful stripped knee socks and no shoes. Her clothes change with her mood though.
-personality: She is very imaginative, and always has her head in the clouds. Her entire demeanor is based on her mood of the day. Sometimes she's a warrior from a far away land, or even an elven princess from a medieval era, but no matter what, she is kind and generous, always looking out for others.
-background: She is an orphan, wandering around, never really having a home of her own until she found the Monster Kingdom. She thought of it as an adventure, wandering around aimlessly. Reality was never apart of her little world.
-other: She can speak elvish fluently. (Yeah, I didn't have anything else to put here, haha)

-name: Falcor
-power: His scales can blend in with any background, almost making him invisible. It's almost like a chameleon.
-appearance: He is a silver dragon with armor plating covering his body, an underbite causing his bottom teeth to be seen, blue eyes, prominent cheek bones, two horns coming out of the back of his jaw (facing back), two longer horns coming from the top of his head (facing back), a forked tongue, a long muscled reptilian body with two arms and legs, and two large bat like wings coming from his back which enable flight.
-personality: Though his exterior can come off as powerful and intimidating, he is actually quite funny and nice, and sometimes can be a chatter box. He will act with Colette when she needs his assistance in her valiant adventures, and he sometimes wears accessories to fit with the theme he's acting in. His favorite thus far is Shakespeare.
-relationship with child/how they fight together: He is very loyal to Colette, and never leaves her side no matter what. When fighting, Colette is on his back, giving him orders and acting like a warrior whilst he is in the heat of battle.

(Falcor is similar to the dragon in this picture: ) Image


+Character Bios: Human
-Name: Reese
-age: 12
-gender: Male
-group: Monarch servant.
-appearance: He has short messy auburn hair, silver eyes, a tanned complexion and he's short. He wears warrior attire, things that make him look strong and courageous. He is the ideal body guard.
-personality: He loves being the strong, brave one. He is a leader and a very smart kid.
-background: He ran away from home to find a place where he could fit in. When he found the Monster Kingdom, he decided that he wanted to be a guardian of a monarch, the most suiting position for him.
-other: He is always carrying around a sword.

-name: Raphael (Named after the red Ninja Turtle)
-power: Super strength
-appearance: He is roughly the size of a brown bear with the same muzzle and ears. He has short soft fur, which is a slate gray color with darker splotches all over his fur, he is very muscular, he has several long quills on his back covering his shoulder blades, he has a short tail, long bottom canine teeth that stick out of his mouth, he has red eyes and retractable claws.
-personality: He is very mysterious, and rarely talks, which helps his scary factor. He is loyal and very protective of Reese.
-relationship with child/how they fight together: He is like a loyal bull dog, can put up a front of aggression, but has a soft side to his master. When they fight, Reese is on his back with a sword in hand. They share such a strong bond, their movements are perfectly synchronized. They don't even have to talk to each other, they know one anothers thoughts.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:16 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
@Wind and Ninja: Both intriguing characters. Approved.

@EVERYONE*IMPORTANT NOTE*: Since everyone seems to love the Monarchs, six would be too many so we'll stop with the four we have. Sorry for the inconvenience but any other Monarchs will be denied.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:12 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Cool, thanks!

Hey, I have a question. Do we decide which Monarch we serve, or do you?
Also, what are the kingdoms going to be like? I saw in a previous post that you're letting the Monarch players make their own kingdom, but I was wanting to know the limits of it.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:37 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
@Ninja: You decide. It just be mean of me if you made a certain character serve a certain monarch so it's 100% your choice.

As for the Kingdoms. The actual word 'kingdom' is a little over stated. It's more like a group but there can be those that built mansions and live in luxury. More or less I'm leaving how they are up to you guys because it wouldn't be fun if I went and forced you into things you didn't want.

@Everyone: No more Monarchs but we still need a few more characters before we can start so ask someone that might like this to join or make another character (Max: 3) and we'll have a happy gravy train.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:40 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Okay cool :D Colette's kingdom will be much like a Robin Hood setting.

I might make another character once we get going. I'm not sure though, I have other rpgs that are taking a lot of time soo yeah. :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:41 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Okay. Here's an update to my monster's powers and abilities, the kingdom, and another character.

First, the new character.

+Character Bios: Human
-Name: Matthew Rylock
-age: 32
-group: Adult
-appearance:Matt is very dressy; wears a golden pocket watch with oddly-colored suits; tall and lanky; African decent.
-personality:Matt is a very easy-going guy. He tries to stay out of the business of the child and their monsters, and simply hears them out and assigns FIMOM missions.
-background:Matt used to have a monster, but as he has gotten older, has no memory of one. He works for the FIMOM for the pay; little else is known.
-other: Nothing really....

Okay, to elaborate Zapheris's abilities:

Zaph has the power to both take shadows in an area and on extreme cases, the darkness of people's hearts, and reflect them in orb-like attacks.

And for the kingdom:

It is a small estate in a remote forest on the outskirts of Terror Haven; it is a large Gothic style cathedral that was later made into a castle fortress. The grounds are full of elaborate mazes, secret tunnels, and a calm, grey atmosphere. The lady of the house (Yuenia) refers to it as "Mont Aishen".

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:15 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
@Phantom: Thank for explaining those for future use.

I came up with another character not long ago. This takes all my character tokens.

+Character Bios: Human
-Name:Rein Lyte (Maiden Name)
-age: 28
-gender: female
-group: Adult
-appearance: long brown blond hair, glasses, and a lab coat.
-personality: Tries to act her age but is still a child inside.
-background: The leader of the Fimom unit that watches Terror Haven and mother to Ben and Abner. Had a monster, maybe two but it's been too long since then.
-other: Is 28 with two 13 year old children. She was in the Fimom program only about a month before Ben and Abner were born.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:57 am
by rocklobster
-Name: Jenna Rago
-age: 9
-gender: Female
-group: MS
-appearance: has brown skin and has dreadlocked black hair
-personality: Jenna is a bright-hearted child and would rather not fight, but realizes the situation has no other alternative.
-background: Jenna discovered her monster ability at the normal age. Her monster was her only friend, and they trained together often. She doesn't make friends easily. She was orphanned at an early age.

-name: Cogo
-power: has an icy breath and can also encase others in ice
-appearance: Looks like a polar bear with large, bat-like wings
-personality: Cogo is very quiet and almost the exact opposite of its master
-relationship with child/how they fight together: Cogo is very protective of her master. It's almost like a mother bear and her cub.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:22 am
by Lil_Ninja
I'm going to elaborate on Colette's kingdom.

Her medieval castle is located in the thickest part of the forest. It consists of a mote containing octopuses, a draw bridge, unused cannons on the top of the wall, everything that one would expect from a castle in the medieval era.
Inside of the castle are many different secret passages, chambers, rooms, etc. The walls are adorned with her own flag (a gray snake like dragon coiled around a blue shield with a half black, half white background) along with random weapons, and things from different eras. It also has a dungeon, but it's not used that often.
A wall separates her land (which is a very large area) from the outside world. On her grounds, there are several pheasant looking houses, and areas (or sets) for her and others to act and play. Any story or era she can think of to play in, it's there. The sets are sectioned off on her land so they wont interfere with each other.
She calls her land "les terres de théâtre" or just "terres théâtre" Which translates into "The theater lands"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:47 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
@Rock: Accepted but who do they work for if any?

@Ninja: Very well designed. I like it.

Another servant and a Fimom or two and we should be all set.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:38 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
After nine days I thought we would get at least one more but oh well. We might enough to work with so the invitation for a Mod or Admen goes out today.

P.S.: Sorry for the double post.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:32 am
by Kung_Fu_Master
Sorry, Triple post but RD didn't post a link to the RP thread so you might not have known it started. Here: